News for Parents

Christmas Project

Posted on09 Dec 2022

Christmas is around the corner! It is a religious holiday celebrating the birth of Jesus as well as cultural and commercial events all across the world, it also reminds all of us of the importance of sharing and giving gifts to family and friends.
By taking this occasion, our secondary students had an opportunity to work through the “Christmas Project” to learn more about its history, culture and common activities of Christmas during their library hours. The project started off with research, then presentations, Christmas quizzes, and finally students got together to make beautiful decorations which now decorate the senior library.
Merry Christmas Everyone!

Visit to IGS of our Process Facilitator

Posted on09 Dec 2022

At the end of November, our process facilitator, Mr. Clauspeter Wollenweber, visited us for three days and got an overview of our school development processes. To this end, he took part in numerous meetings of the various committees, for example the extended school management meeting, the steering group, the IB meeting, the meeting of the U6 area, the DaF meeting, the environmental group and the large team meeting of the teachers of all classes, held several one-on-one talks with colleagues and functionaries, and also sat in on classes with some colleagues.
At the end of his visit, he discussed his assessments intensively with our coordinator for foreign school quality management, with the members of the steering group and with the school management. His inputs will flow into the further planning and implementation of all school development processes and concepts.
Over all, we received very positive feedback from him! Above all, Mr. Wollenweber really liked the constructive cooperation and the atmosphere in the team as well as the organization of our processes and our comprehensive pedagogical concepts.
Of course we are very happy about this great report and therefore we will remain highly motivated and pull together as a team!
The process facilitators from the Central Office for Schools Abroad advise and support the German schools abroad with regard to their school development and the related processes and procedures. For this reason, they visit the schools in their region every six months and are in constant contact with the responsible officers for quality management for schools abroad and the school principals.

7 Continents

Posted on02 Dec 2022

Report on the visit of a “globetrotter”

On Friday, November 18th, 2022, Class 8 was able to start a new life and discover work perspective with the visit of Mr. N. Bücher.
Mr. Bücher is running an exciting project ( which is about asking as many students as possible around the world about their wishes, fears and future views. He collects these in order to present them at the end of his trip at the UNO in New York and to draw attention to the real concerns of children and young people throughout the world.
The special thing about his trip is not just the fact that he is well known for his surveys, (he has traveled across 7 continents), but also covered his route by running all the way. His route through Europe alone covered 7,000 kilometers, which he covered on foot.
It was great to hear about his experiences and that Mr. Bücher also answered the students’ questions very honestly in a special Q&A session.
We would like to take this opportunity to thank Mr. Bücher for his visit and all the organizers for their efforts!

Caution – We are experimenting with fire!

Posted on02 Dec 2022

Over the past few weeks, the children in classes 3 and 4 have been exploring the topic of fire. In addition to the history of fire, the tasks of the Fire Department, and a test fire alarm, fire was also examined up-close in the laboratory. For this purpose, the children slipped into the role of little researchers.
First, our little researchers demonstrated that they can use a match properly and received their match driver’s license. They then conducted experiments to find out what things a fire needs to burn.
Thanks to an impressive demonstration by Mr. Kmiecik, our little researchers now also know that metal – in certain states – can burn.

Visiting Ben Thanh Market

Posted on02 Dec 2022

Last week Friday, bright and early the excited Class 4 had the chance to visit one of the most iconic symbols of Hồ Chi Minh city – Bến Thành market (chợ Bến Thành). Together we discovered the beauty; the bustle and the unique architectural design of the market. Despite the fast developments of the city, Bến Thành market has always been the special symbol of Saigon culture, where you can find all the specialities of southern Vietnam.
Students had fun experiencing buying souvenirs with friends, talking to the locals, trying fresh smoothies or fruit juice. We had a general look at the whole market and the four main gates, flowers stalls and fruit shops. All the children shared their experiences. Juha said, “It was fun to shop.”; Bernd said, “ I wish I bought the balancing dragonfly!”;Vici said, “I loved the shopping and my hair pin!” and Jojo said, “I enjoyed the mango smoothie that Vici bought for me.
It was such a lovely day with the most amazing local experience. We appreciated how nice everyone was to us and how welcoming and friendly all the vendors were. 

IB Project Day

Posted on01 Dec 2022

The IB Project Day is now an integral part of the annual planning at the IGS. The aim is to prepare the students for the IB program in Classes 11 and 12.
On the one hand, this is done specifically for the learners in Classes 9 and 10 by being informed by the IB coordinator, Mr. Reisdorf, about the IB degree and possible course choices at the IGS: on the other hand, the IB students in Classes 11 and 12 present aspects of the IB that they consider particularly important and are available for questions. In this way, our future IB learners can benefit from the experiences of current IB students.
Furthermore, students in Classes 7 to 10 were able to work on the characteristics of IB learners in six workshops based on the qualities of the IB Student Profile; questioning, knowing, thinking, communicative, principled, non-judgmental, caring, risk-taking, balanced and reflective. The IB learner profile is an integral part of everyday teaching at the IGS on this day, but is particularly emphasized because it is of particular importance for achieving the IB diploma.
Our IB students also used the day to complete their work on the IB project in science. As part of this project, the students developed and built a Rube Goldberg machine together and presented it to their classmates at the end of the IB day.
The students summed up the day as hard work and instructive, but also as interesting and stimulating. We are already looking forward to the next IB Project Day and new high school students in the coming school year!

Reading Kimberly Nguyen

Posted on30 Nov 2022

Reading “Here I am – Burn me” by Kimberly Nguyen

Contemporary poetry isn’t for everyone, especially on a Friday night. So it’s all the nicer that so many interested people turned up for Kimberly Nguyen’s reading on November 25th, 2022. There was a good mix of students, interns, teachers and parents.
What Ms. Nguyen reported about her life was also impressive: born as a Vietnamese in Nebraska, she grew up as the only Asian in an all-American environment.
In her poems she deals with her family history, being a stranger between two cultures, but also her lovesickness.
Those present could listen to both her poetic sentences and her anecdotes. Ms. Nguyen reported very authentically and was able to inspire the audience. During the subsequent joint exchange, the questions hardly seemed to end.
We hope Ms. Nguyen will visit us again for a second reading!

Christmas Market, 2022!

Posted on30 Nov 2022

On Saturday, December 10, 2022, the time will come again: from 4:30 p.m. the IGS will open its doors for the traditional German Christmas Market. In addition to a large Christmas tree, a glass blower and a carousel, there will again be numerous stands with typical Christmas accessories and activities for our big and small visitors.
The Christmas Market will be opened at 5:00 p.m. sharp by our little ones with the play, “The Lonely Christmas Tree”. There will then be various musical performances throughout the evening, such as our primary school choirs and our IGS Community Choir. Our school band will be heard again: fans can look forward to the new Christmas specials. Our little school band from classes 7 to 9 will have their first public performance that evening and we all hope for an appreciative audience.
You too, dear parents, are welcome to participate musically in the “Singalong at the Christmas Tree”. We look forward to enjoying the evening with you!

Primary School Olympiade

Posted on26 Nov 2022

Under the direction of our movement and nature pedagogue as well as internal teacher Lukas Langer and the primary school team, a large game and sports Olympics of the primary school took place on Monday. This sporty and creative morning encouraged and challenged our Giraffes, Koalas, Penguins and Pirates in many different ways: the children were able to show their linguistic, mathematical, athletic and creative skills combined with teamwork and knowledge from science lessons in 10 different workshops. The children also learned what it means to learn and play in a team and across grade levels.
It was an all-round successful event, which ended with a ceremonial award ceremony and culminated in many smiling children’s faces. We are looking forward to repeating this great day; that’s what the children wished for, too, before they rushed to lunch, hungry – and perhaps a little exhausted – after so much sport and an eventful morning.

Student Representatives

Posted on26 Nov 2022

A school lives through its students. They are the lynchpin of every educational institution. And that’s exactly why the learners of the IGS deserve to have a say and to be heard!
Therefore, the SV team is pleased to announce that the new school representatives for the school year 2022/23 have been elected and are now fixed! What is new this year is that the IGS now has an official contact person for the needs of the younger learning groups in addition to the classic dual leadership. As a result, there is now a team for years 7 to 12 and a substitute for years 1 to 6. Therefore, the SV team and also the entire college wish Minh (Class 11) and Michael (Class. 8) congratulations on being elected as school spokespersons for the older years, and Eva (Class 7) on being elected as speaker for classes 1 to 6. 
We look forward to working with you!

Visit to the Waterworks

Posted on26 Nov 2022

On 11/15 Classes 5 and 7 visited the water treatment plant “Thu Duc III”. Mr. Lemac, a parent of three of our students, worked as a design engineer on the construction of the waterworks in 2016 and gave IGS the opportunity to visit.
At 1:00 p.m., two buses with the students and three teachers drove to the waterworks. After a friendly welcome from the employees and the manager of the waterworks, there was a short presentation about the history and structure of the waterworks.
The students of Classes 5 and 7 got an insight into the industrial process of water treatment. Large containers filled with chemicals, different pools with water in different stages of cleaning, filter systems and massive pumps were demonstrated to the students. Step by step, the students became aware of how the polluted river water is treated and made drinkable for consumption. In response to an interesting question from a student as to whether the tap water in Ho Chi Minh City was drinkable from the tap, Mr. Lemac indicated that the freshly treated water from the waterworks was quite drinkable.
After a two-hour tour of the waterworks, interesting questions from the students and teachers and an inspection of the individual treatment steps, the visit to the waterworks was over. Supplemented by the school’s internal preparation and follow-up, the participating students could be optimally shown where tap water comes from.

Reading Aloud Day

Posted on19 Nov 2022

The third Friday in November of each year is dedicated to reading aloud. Under the motto “Unique together”, the Germany-wide reading day was also celebrated again this year at the IGS. Interest in reading books can be increased in a playful way and literary skills can be further developed.
Pupils of all ages and grades had prepared interesting reading activities in different languages, which were implemented  across classes. Among other things, pupils in classes 5 – 7 presented picture books in kindergarten; others gave lectures with a suitable ambience of specially selected adventure stories; there was a scavenger hunt, role-playing games and many other great contributions.
The library team would like to thank all the students who helped organize this day and the colleagues who supported the children in the preparation and implementation. Thanks for the great posts!

Coffee with the IB Coordinator

Posted on18 Nov 2022

On Monday, November 14th, 2022, the new IB coordinator, Mr. Reisdorf, invited interested parents and students to Coffee With Us. In the shade of the trees behind Villa E, you could get to know the special features of the IB diploma program in a relaxed atmosphere over coffee and hearty snacks in conversation with teachers.
Topics that were of particular interest to the parents and students present were the IB philosophy, the best possible preparation for universities,  the choice of subjects, as well as the status of the IB diploma for entry into universities in Germany.
Many thanks to all the parents and students who contributed to a lively exchange with their specific questions and the sharing of experiences.

Maths Olympiad

Posted on18 Nov 2022

The Mathematics Olympiad is a nationwide competition in which around 200,000 students take part every year. It is carried out in Germany and at German schools abroad.
The Olympics are all about having fun with the set challenges and meeting other math fans, in line with the Olympic motto “Together for a Shared Future”.
The Mathematics Olympiad happens over several rounds, with the difficulty increasing from round to round. The national round is the highlight for the best math fans from Class 8. For Classes 3 to 7, the competition ends with the national round and a big award ceremony, organized by the individual federal states.

13 students from the IGS already completed the 2nd round on November 9th. Now we are excited to see how far our math fans can go. Maybe someone will make it to the federal round, which will take place in Germany (Berlin) in June 2023. We’re all keeping our fingers crossed!

Reading Aloud with the U6

Posted on18 Nov 2022

Reading aloud is part of the daily routine in almost all day-care centers. But reading aloud is not only fun: it also supports children on their educational path. In addition, listening to the little ones will become an important factor in learning to read in a few years.
On the occasion of the nationwide reading day 2022, the students of classes 6 and 7 visited the U6 area on Friday to take the Researchers and Discoverers into a world full of stories. Whether young or old, analogue or digital, for the duration of the stories, the readers and listeners experienced a common adventure and shared funny, sad and exciting moments.
While the researchers were abducted into magical winter worlds, the explorers got to know Frederick the field mouse and heard a story about different animals that shared the stable on a rainy night.
A special highlight was the self-recorded audiobook recorded by the Class 7 students which they presented to the Discovery House in the morning.


Lantern Festival

Posted on12 Nov 2022

The tenth of November burst over the International German School like an explosion of joy and colour. Children were running around in various costumes; lanterns were being handed out; the smell of frying bratwurst filled the nostrils of the hundreds of people thronging every possible open space on the rain-soaked campus of IGS.

The official programme began at 5:30 with songs, plays and poetry. The school band waited impatiently to set up for their amazing repertoire, both covers and original performances.
At 6:10 pm, the long lantern lauf began, ably assisted by Class 9 and 10 students who made very able stewards prodding and guiding students, parents and teachers to the two meeting spots at Riverside. There, students and parents loudly sang traditional lantern songs.
The walk back led people to a very relaxed evening where folks caught up and chatted amiably, accompanied by the IGS band. All in all, a good time was had by all.

Papa lantern crafts in the U6 area

Posted on12 Nov 2022

Making lanterns is “dad’s thing”. Isn’t it? Finally it was time again. The fathers of the U6 area stormed the campus on Monday evening to make lanterns for their children. Colorful tiger lanterns were therefore also included to match the year of the tiger. But not only tigers were conjured up: glitter unicorns and a shark also smuggled themselves amongst the masterpieces. The teachers had prepared scissors, construction paper and glitter pens and so we got started with a lot of energy. Together we cut, glued, tinkered and painted , until the lanterns were ready.
After the work was done, everyone first strengthened themselves with delicious sausages from the grill and a cool drink. It’s always nice to see that so many fathers still take the time to participate in crafting papa lanterns for their children. Of course, creativity and commitment did not go unrewarded. When the children saw the masterpieces at the annual lantern parade on Thursday, their eyes shone like the tiger lanterns. The children have been looking forward to the beautiful event for days and the well-known lantern songs have been heard from every group throughout the week!

Posted on12 Nov 2022

Some books change the world, some books change us, but the best books do both. Wondering what’s next to read? Looking for some favorite reads to fulfill your literary School Year’s resolutions?
Here at IGS, for the first time since this school year, we have started a new project “Books of the Month” in the school libraries. This project also gives avid readers a way to stay up to date with new authors and books in different languages such as German, English and Vietnamese.
The books will be recommended by our teachers and students each month. They also take this opportunity to write about their book reviews as well as design their own unique and creative posters.
“I always kept two books in my pocket, one to read, one to write in.” – Robert Louis Stevenson


Posted on12 Nov 2022

In the last week, Class 5 climbed high: together with the intern, Toni Ehrig, and the class teacher, Matthias Mayr, Class 5 conquered the steep and high walls of the Saigon Climbing Center. Horizontal, vertical or diagonal – they climbed in all directions and the students had a lot of fun. Class 5 has proven that they are a strong team and are already looking forward to the next trip!

Halloween Activities in the libraries

Posted on04 Nov 2022

Halloween is a holiday celebrated on October 31 in many countries every year. It was believed that on that day, the souls of the dead returned to their homes, so people dressed in costumes and lit bonfires to ward off evil spirits. This day also marked the end of summer and the harvest and the beginning of the dark, cold winter, a time of year that was often associated with human death.
To celebrate this occasion, the students of classes 5-10 had started off their spooky Halloween project during the library lessons in October. They did a variety of activities such as doing research and presentations about Halloween, and making tons of creepy Halloween decorations all around the school libraries. On the 31st of October, they got together with primary students to do some face painting and watch scary movies afterwards.

Happy Halloween!

Halloween in the U6 area

Posted on03 Nov 2022

There’s only one night when you can express your creepy side and get away with it. Correct guess! Halloween! On Monday, the U6 pupils celebrated the day of scares, entertainment, thrills and madness all rolled into one. Transforming into witches, monsters, mummies, evil fairies and a terrifying pumpkin, the Researchers and Explorers all looked BOO-tiful! Whether it was spiders made out of Oreo cookies, ghosts made out of bananas, scary pumpkin face carvings or a costume parade in the Forum, the day had a lot to offer. Of course, a “trick or treating” tour could not go amiss.

Goethe Institut

Posted on03 Nov 2022

A visit rarely comes alone
After our teachers Ms. Mai and Ms. Bui visited the Goethe-Institut in Ho Chi Minh City in October, the IGS welcomed the participants of the B2 conversation course this week. A 20-person “Speak-Dating” session was organized together with our IB students. At this meeting, everyone was able to get to know each other in a comfortable setting and talk about their future in Germany, because what all participants have in common is their upcoming trip to Germany.
Topics that were discussed at the “Speak-Dating” were the choice of study/profession, desired activities in Germany, clichés of Vietnamese and Germans, but also xenophobia.
We hope that this will not be the last exchange with the Goethe-Institut and we are happy to have created an open space for interactions between learners of German.

Primary Science AG

Posted on28 Oct 2022

Campus Soil and Water Survey

A survey of microscopic life in soil and water on the IGS campus is currently underway.
Students from Classes 1, 2, 3 and 4 have been collecting soil and water samples as part of their science AG.
The first results have been promising. Mr Anton Widmar and his Class 7 students have inspected the soil samples and have found them teeming with single- and multicellular organisms. The results are filmed and then viewed enthusiastically by the budding scientists from the primary section.
Some comments coming from the students were: “Wow! It’s so big!” and, “Yuck! Gross!”, but everyone agrees it’s worth digging around in the dirt to get such amazing results.

U6 and Class 1 Market Trip

Posted on28 Oct 2022

They say that love goes through the stomach. But the horror too? The pre-school, together with Class 1, decided to put this to the test. As one of the activities of the 3-part Halloween programme, the two groups teamed up to cook pumpkin soup. All 29 children made a shopping list together in advance and got the ingredients at the nearest market on Wednesday.
The sellers were amazed when the bus arrived and the Giraffes and Researchers stormed the market full of energy. All the ingredients were found quickly and there was still time to examine more closely which vegetables, fruit and other things were displayed at the colorful stands of the vendors.
The children talked a lot about healthy eating. When there was no corner left unexplored, no stand and no more fruit unexamined, everyone let off steam again on the neighboring playground before going back to school.
The next step was to cook the pumpkin soup. That’s what the 29 children from preschool and first grade did on Friday.
What do you think happened after everyone had finished cooking? It was a real feast! Not even a crumb was left!

Climbing Trip

Posted on28 Oct 2022

Class 10 were climbing higher and higher on Thursday afternoon during their visit to the Saigon Climbing Centre.  The instructors were very impressed with our students – some of whom were attempting to climb in this way for the first time.  We hope to go there again in the near future to build upon what was learned this week.


Posted on25 Oct 2022

November 10, 2022, 5:30 pm – 8:00 pm
Finally back at the IGS after two years!
Save the date!

U6 – Week of Fairy Tales

Posted on21 Oct 2022

Whether as a short section in the morning circle, or as a shared experience in the reading corner, reading or telling fairy tales as well as immersing yourself in fantastic worlds was part of everyday life for the U6 area this week. Existential questions of living together in society were addressed as well as many fantastic characters and places that initially have little or nothing to do with reality.
With the help of storybooks, hand puppets and the Kamishibai, the teachers took the children into a new world teeming with princesses and princes, queens and kings, witches, dwarfs and magicians.
The children took the opportunity to slip into some fairy tale costumes themselves in order to experience these magical stories for themselves. The highlight of this week was a tempting-looking gingerbread house, just like the witch in Hansel and Gretel owned.

Bulletin board in the library

Posted on21 Oct 2022

Over the past two weeks, the students in classes 7 and 8 have had some fun and creative time to design their own bulletin board which is usually attached to a wall in order to post their messages and display notices giving information about what they are currently interested in such as some popular slogans, favorite quotes or even some hilarious trendy memes that are circulating on social media.
A bulletin board is also a great way to motivate budding authors to show off their super drawing skills as well as use their creative ideas and beautiful artwork.
Well done!

The fight against (MICRO) plastic

Posted on20 Oct 2022

Did you know that microplastics are everywhere?
Against this devil, even the mother’s precious love and infinite care is powerless to protect what is most precious.
Scientists have demonstrated in numerous studies that microplastics are even present in the placenta, which nourishes the unborn child. Even before it is born, plastic pollution endangers the health and life of future generations. Now , scientists have discovered that microplastics are also found in the breast milk that feeds our loved ones. We don’t know exactly what the consequences will be, but we can imagine the worst.
Microplastics are so light and ubiquitous that they are in the air we breathe, the water we drink and the food we eat.
This is a danger to humanity and all life on earth.
The  HRK-GROUP has taken up the fight against plastic pollution and aims to leave a clean and unpolluted earth to our children and descendants. As part of the Environment Day, Mr. Jonathan SOURINTHA  of the HRK Group was a guest at the IGS and gave an exciting lecture about the dangers of plastic and explained valuable strategies on how to use environmentally friendly products and packaging from the HRK Group.
The children and teachers were enthusiastic about the lecture.

Conversation Course at the Goethe-Institut HCMC

Posted on20 Oct 2022

What is it like growing up in Germany as a Vietnamese? What experiences, both positive and negative, do you recollect? How strong is the Vietnamese community abroad?
On October 18, 2022, two of our teachers, Ms. Mai and Ms. Bui, attended the conversation course at the Goethe-Institut in District 3. There was a relaxed exchange between the two German-Vietnamese teachers and the participants at the Goethe-Institut.
Since the participants will soon be leaving Vietnam and some are stepping onto German soil for the first time, they have many questions about life in Germany. Ms Mai and Ms Bui had the idea of taking away the initial fears and talking about clichés  to facilitate the transition between life in Vietnam and life in Germany for these participants. Having grown up abroad as people with a Vietnamese background had shaped the two teachers and they chatted about German food (yes, Germans really love bread!), about studying at universities and the dual training system, but also about xenophobia.
The first exchange between our IGS and the Goethe-Institut was very positive, so that it was universally agreed that another meeting was desired. Of course, we would like to intensify this cooperation in the future.