News for Parents


Posted on23 Sep 2023

Can you combine poetry and epic poetry in one evening?
On Wednesday, September 20th Two authors from the USA visited us: Kimberly Nguyen and Carolyn Huynh. Both women have Vietnamese roots and decided against the easy path and chose seemingly “unsafe” careers.
But we were taught better.
As independent artists, both have managed to publish their works. Kimberly Nguyen read from her poetry book, Here I am – burn me and Carolyn Huynh from her novel The Fortunes of Jaded Women. The audience loved the relaxed atmosphere and questions were eagerly asked. The students in Classes 9 to 12 were interested in both the creative writing process and the academic career of an author.
We are very pleased that we were able to welcome Ms. Nguyen to the IGS for the second time and hope that we can organize a literary evening again next year.

Parents’ Evening

Posted on23 Sep 2023

The school year is already a few weeks old, new students and teachers have already settled in well and the first parents’ evening of the year finally took place on Thursday, September 21st. In addition to the regular class-specific meetings, this year a small “Parent Cafe” was also held in the IGS Campus forum. The (new) specialist teachers in particular had the chance to introduce themselves to the parents and exchange ideas in a relaxed atmosphere.
The IGS team would like to thank you for your attendance and looks forward to a good collaboration.

First Coffee with Us in the U6 Area

Posted on22 Sep 2023

This week the first “Coffee with Us” took place in a relaxed atmosphere. The parents from both houses had the opportunity to get to know each other better over coffee and talk about how the school year could be shaped from a parenting perspective. Ideas were collected on how the upcoming meetings could be organized.
In addition to the opportunity to exchange ideas, the most important thing was to get a taste of the children’s everyday lives. Ideas and concepts are now being developed to implement this. We are excited!

Open Day at Fulbright University

Posted on20 Sep 2023

Want to get a taste of university life? That’s no problem!
On Sunday, September 17th We had the opportunity to go to the Fulbright University open day in District 7 with classes 10-12 and get to know the campus and the diverse program on site. There were demonstration classes in a wide variety of courses, from literature to art and media design to psychology and engineering – there was a good selection, so that our students were sometimes able to attend two lectures.
It was a very successful Sunday morning and we hope to visit again.

Visit from Leipzig

Posted on16 Sep 2023

On Friday, September 15, 2023, we welcomed Mrs. Rosa Goldfuß and Mrs. Anja Eulitz, who had traveled to Vietnam with a delegation from the City of Leipzig, including representatives from the fields of business, science, politics, healthcare, and administration, to our campus.
During a stimulating discussion with the school leadership, project ideas for further cooperation were developed.

AG Offers at IGS

Posted on16 Sep 2023

On Monday, September 18, 2023, the extracurricular program at IGS will begin again.
The current range of topics includes everything from sporting finesse to musical excellence, and into the world of natural sciences. In the Table Tennis AG (led by Mr. Hirnschal), students can demonstrate their athletic skills. The Community Choir, under the direction of Mr. Vale, invites everyone to sing and make music together. Lastly, all those interested in research can quench their thirst for knowledge in the Astro AG led by Mr. Kehm.
Additionally, starting from September 26, 2023, the Chess AG will commence, and we are pleased to announce that we have partnered with the Chess Plus Academy.
We look forward to our students’active participation.

Internal Assessment (IA) Biology Class 12

Posted on16 Sep 2023

The students in our 12th-grade IB Biology course are currently tasked with researching, designing, conducting, and writing their own research projects in the field of biology. This project is referred to as the “internal assessment” (IA). The students have three weeks to complete this work, which accounts for 20% of their overall IB Biology grade. After the internal assessment is evaluated by the subject teacher, the work will be externally moderated by the IBO.
There is a wide variety of possible investigations available to the students, including:

  • Laboratory work
  • Fieldwork
  • Using a spreadsheet for analysis and modeling
  • Extracting and analyzing data from a database
  • Using a computer simulation

This year, the 12th-grade students have chosen hands-on laboratory work. The topics range from testing the most effective duration of toothbrushing to studying the effects of rock music on seed germination.
We are looking forward to the results.

German Language Diploma – DSDI certificate

Posted on16 Sep 2023

Successful Participation in the DSD I Exam
In the spring of 2023, students from the IGS also participated very successfully in the exams for the German Language Diploma, First Level (DSD I). Twenty participants from classes 7 – 10 passed the exam, which demonstrates proficiency at the B1 level of the German language. The exam is divided into four competency areas: Writing, Reading, Listening, and Oral Communication.
We are very proud of our students!

Parents´evening U6

Posted on11 Sep 2023

Last week the children in the U6 area worked on the topic of “Feelings”. Preparations for the first parents’ evening of the year were underway. 
On Wednesday, the parents of both houses were invited to get to know the work in the U6 area better, to exchange ideas together and to elect this year’s parent representatives. There was a large turnout and everyone present used the evening to make new contacts, ask questions and enjoy the get-together in a relaxed atmosphere. 
The entire team considers the evening a great success and would like to thank the committed parents. We are really looking forward to the coming year and working with the new parent representatives!

DFU Workshop “error correction”

Posted on08 Sep 2023

Workshops for German-speaking subject instruction (DFU) are an integral part of the pedagogical development of the teaching staff at IGS. Therefore, once again, a DFU workshop took place during this year’s preparation week. In this workshop on “Error Correction,” teachers were provided with the opportunity to refine their error correction skills. Teachers gained insights into proven methods and strategies for providing constructive feedback and promoting student motivation. Through active participation, group discussions, and practical exercises, teachers were able to deepen their knowledge and enhance their confidence in the classroom.
DFU workshops are an essential tool for an international school to perfect teaching and provide a better learning environment for students.

Preparation Week for Teachers

Posted on01 Sep 2023

Last week, an extremely successful preparatory week for the teachers took place at our school in order to be optimally prepared for the coming school year. This week of preparation has proven to be an indispensable part of enabling the teaching staff to have a smooth start to the school year, thus ensuring the best possible start for our students.
Joint activities as well as the pedagogical exchange between colleagues promoted an atmosphere of collegial learning and strengthened the cohesion in the teaching team.
Over all, the preparatory week can undoubtedly be considered a success. We set sail together and look forward to another successful school year at the IGS.

First day of school

Posted on31 Aug 2023

Dear students, dear colleagues,
We hope you all had a restful and wonderful holiday season! With great joy, we would like to welcome you to the beginning of the new school year. A warm welcome also goes to our new teaching colleagues who will enrich our team.
We are looking forward to a positive and successful school year.

Enrollment Class 1

Posted on31 Aug 2023

The new first graders started school on Wednesday, August 30, 2023. We warmly welcome our “Little Whales” to the Primary School. In addition to various musical performances, including from the Giraffes (Class 2) and a student from the upper school, the children and parents were welcomed by the school Principal, Ms. Schaffer, and the new class teachers, Ms. Jurischka and Ms. Polzin.
After the traditional handover of the school bags by Mrs. Kiefer, the Little Whales’ first day of school began.
We wish you a good start and a great first year with us!
Wir wünschen ihnen einen guten Start und ein tolles erstes Jahr bei uns!

Internship at the IGS

Posted on31 Aug 2023

We are pleased to introduce a group of dedicated interns who are excited to bring their skills and passions to the International German School (IGS) in Ho Chi Minh City.
In the coming weeks and months, our new interns will have the opportunity to immerse themselves in various departments and projects in order to gain a comprehensive insight into school life.

Start in U6

Posted on30 Aug 2023

Both the Researcher House and the Explorer House had a successful start to the new year. With an enlarged team and new children, the groups got together this week and worked on the topic “That’s me”.
In the Discovery House, the body parts were explored and named. The swimming lessons for the pre-school group could also start on the IGS Campus. After the long weekend, we will deal with the topic “feelings” and welcome the parents to the first parents’ evening of the year.

First Aid

Posted on29 Aug 2023

First aid is important where people come together: at home, on the way to work, at work or at school. In order to be able to start the new school year well prepared, some of our teachers completed a first aid course on 16th August under the expert guidance of Dr. Linh from Family Medical Practice D.2

Visit from the Consulate General

Posted on29 Aug 2023

On August 16, 2023, we welcomed Mr. Christopher David Scholl, Deputy Consul General, and Ms. Hannah Schempf, Economic, Public and Cultural Affairs, to the IGS campus.
We look forward to a lasting cooperation between our school and the office of the General Consulate, and wish you a safe arrival in Ho Chi Minh City.

Enjoy your holidays

Posted on02 Jul 2023

After an action-packed last week of school, we say goodbye to school days. We wish you a pleasant and relaxed summer holiday and look forward to welcoming you back to the IGS campus after the holidays.

The first day of school for the U6 area is Thursday, August 24th, 2023.
Classes 2 – 12 start on Monday, August 28th, 2023.
Class 1 enrollment will take place on Wednesday, August 30th, 2023.

Last day of school

Posted on02 Jul 2023

An exciting school year for our students ended with a festive ceremony on the IGS campus. The special magic of the last day of school lies in looking back together, reviewing experiences, celebrating goodbyes and looking ahead. Here’s to the holidays, but also to the next school year!
The students gathered in the forum to hear the end-of-year speech by Ms. Schaffer and the student representatives before the much-anticipated awards were presented. In addition to awards for creativity, literature and outstanding school achievements, certificates for social commitment and the athlete of the year were awarded. We are very proud of the achievements of our students.
After the ceremony in the forum, the class teacher went back to the classroom, where the students received their certificates.
We wish our students wonderful and eventful summer holidays.

Summer Concert

Posted on02 Jul 2023

The anniversary week came to a successful conclusion on Thursday with an atmospheric concert in a festive atmosphere.
The young artists, Hieu Doanh, Ziyuan, Bình An and Khôi, delighted the guests with a virtuoso program with works by Vivaldi, Beethoven, Paganini, Shostakovich, Erroll Garner, Joseph Kosma, and pieces they had composed themselves. We are particularly pleased that both Ms. Bluhm and Mr. Thormann from the Foundation for Education and Crafts, as well as Mr. Tuyen Nguyen and Ms.Quynh Nguyen from Asia Pacific Philanthropy gGmbH accepted our invitation and enjoyed the enchanting  musical performances of our students.

Identity Day

Posted on02 Jul 2023

The idea of Identity Day at the start of the anniversary week was to make the school’s own identity visible. The students were on the trail of the question of their own ego. The reflections of the students on their identity in the context of everyday school life were particularly exciting.

A day at the sea

Posted on02 Jul 2023

Traditionally, the students spend a day together at the sea in the last week of school. While the primary school students took a trip to the water park this year, which was opened especially for the IGS, the older students from Classes 5 – 11 enjoyed a day at the sea, where this year, stand-up-paddling was a special attraction.

IGS Sports Day 2023

Posted on02 Jul 2023

The annual sports day took place on Tuesday 27 June. And this year was a special one – after all, it’s the 10th anniversary of our school. So, the highlight of the day was a football game between the teachers and a selection of the students. But let’s start at the beginning.
While the children from the U6 area and the elementary school stayed on the IGS campus, the secondary school classes went to an external sports field. The students were divided into eight teams across classes and could compete against each other in six different activities – including dodgeball and fireball. The winning team was not only honored with a specially created trophy, but also with the brand new IGS drinking bottles. 
At the end, the already-mentioned football game “teachers vs. students” was on the program. It was a heated battle in which the team of teachers, despite a hard fight, ultimately had to admit defeat 3:6. The students had reason to celebrate and returned to school satisfied, but also visibly exhausted. An all-round successful sports day came to an end.

Lecture day

Posted on01 Jul 2023

On 06/29 A series of lectures for classes 7 to 11 took place. In addition to lecturers from the Vietnamese-German-University (VGU) and the Fulbright University Vietnam, natural scientists from Germany were invited via Zoom to give lectures on current topics in the natural sciences and humanities.
The students of classes 7 and 8 were able to get a first insight into the program “Midjourney”, which can generate images as artificial intelligence. This allowed the students to let their imagination run wild. Furthermore, the history of the English Language and the influence of the emergence of language on the development of mankind, as well as exciting experiments in chemistry were presented to them.
Current content of genetic and cancer research as well as insights into the “Quantum Revolution” and “free art” complemented the program for Classes 9 – 11.
The aim of this series of lectures was to give the students an insight into exciting topics and to give them a foretaste of a day in a university context.

Jubilee week U6

Posted on01 Jul 2023

The 10th anniversary of the IGS was also celebrated in the U6 area with many great activities. On Monday everything revolved around the topic of identity: who am I and who do I want to be? Imagining which superhero slumbers in you and then designing the matching cape was a lot of fun for the children.
On Tuesday it got sporty, because at the IGS Sportag even the youngest IGS-ers put their sportiness to the test: in a bobby car race, various obstacle courses and a relaxing yoga class, the different skills of the little athletes were tested.
The excursion day on Wednesday was followed by Science Day on Thursday, which activated the Discoverers and Researchers in the children. In exciting body-themed experiments, the children checked their fingerprints, looked at their irises and found out who had the biggest feet of all.
In addition to playing, handicrafts and romping together, to which parents were also invited, a special highlight was the musical performance by the little ones. They presented their song “Uns’re Schule hat kein Segel” (“Our school has no sails”), which was specially adapted for the IGS, which impressed not only parents but also Mrs. Schaffer. The end of the school year was celebrated with delicious snacks and drinks and the children of the new first class said goodbye.
We would like to take this opportunity to thank all parents for their great support and wish all families a relaxing summer holiday.
On Thursday, August 24th, 2023, the U6 area starts the new school year and then welcomes all explorer and explorer children again.

Vernissage FEIER ZEHN

Posted on01 Jul 2023

Pablo Picasso once said: “Everyone is an artist as a child. The difficulty lies in staying one as an adult.”
With this in mind, the true artists of the IGS were allowed to exhibit their artworks in Villa E on the IGS campus last weekend.
This vernissage, which marked the start of the “Celebration Ten” anniversary week, was framed by a wonderful music program that combined the performing arts with the visual arts. The Community Choir of the IGS opened the Vernissage, the small and large school band as well as the band Moonrise City, musically accompanied the numerous visitors through an atmospheric evening.

Grade 2 IT Robots

Posted on01 Jul 2023

The Grade 2 children have been thoroughly enjoying building their own Lego Robots during their ICT lessons. They have learned many new skills working collaboratively in groups of two. Lego education gives an experience of learning through concrete objects. Children select the necessary blocks, place them together, push them tightly not to come apart, while following instructions on their iPad. All of this develops better functions of movement and muscles and increases motor activity. They loved the experience as they learned how to build their robot and then to code their creation to move.  Education is made interactive – and even better when it’s creative and fun! As well as teaching children the basics of programming, Lego Robotics can also help them hone their problem-solving skills. Some of these benefits are found in the usual areas, such as math, spatial activities and early engineering skills. Others are more surprising, especially social skills.

Miniature golf Classes 9/10

Posted on24 Jun 2023

First the pleasure and then the work!
Following this theme, Classes 9 and 10 went to play mini golf together on Friday, June 16th, 2023. Because from this week the seriousness of life begins – the one-week internship in a company of your choice. As a result, while the students are working this week and thinking about their professional future, they were able to go on a class trip together last Friday. There were a total of 18 lanes in mini golf that were played on. Of all the players, Kevin from Class 9 was the most successful; so congratulations on the mini golf victory!
We hope that the students in Classes 9 and 10 will be just as successful in their internship this week and will be able to report on exciting experiences.

Workshop save energy

Posted on21 Jun 2023

As part of the environmental working group, students in Class 5 have been dealing with the topic of energy for a few weeks. For this purpose, the children dedicated themselves to investigating the different forms of renewable energy sources, carried out various experiments and were able to experience practically how energy is produced.
Against this background, Ms. Hartmann, an expert at the North Rhine-Westphalia consumer advice center, offered a workshop on the topic of resource-saving energy use. The consumer advice center NRW provides information and advice on the various questions of everyday consumer life. She is committed to transparent consumer information and the practicable design of consumer rights.
As part of the workshop, the children of the environmental working group became “energy-saving detectives” and learned how to save electricity, and what effects this has on us and our environment. As multipliers, they were then able to pass on the knowledge they had gained to their families and circles of friends.
We would like to thank everyone who supported the workshop directly or indirectly. In particular, we would like to thank Ms. Hartmann for conducting the workshop!

Transition Kindergartenhaus to Vorschulhaus

Posted on18 Jun 2023

What an exciting time for the big “Entdecker”! 
Since last week, all the big “Entdecker” who will be moving to the “Forscherhaus” next school year have been participating in Mrs Christine’s morning circle every Friday and show what they have learned in the “Kindergartenhaus”. Some of the “Entdeckers” were still a bit shy at the beginning, but after the first visit to Mrs Christine’s morning circle it was quite clear: Mrs Julia, next time we will go by ourselves! 
Through these regular visits to the “Vorschulhaus”, the children have the opportunity to get to know the new procedures and routines and to make new friends. This way, the transition to the “Vorschulhaus” is child’s play for them and little “Entdeckers” quickly become big “Forschers”!