News for Parents

A thank you from the little ones

Posted on20 Nov 2023

In keeping with the theme of “Saint Martin”, the daring Explorers wanted to share with others and say a big “thank you” to the people who we sometimes don’t consciously notice in everyday life, but who always help us!
The children invited the IGS team on Monday and handed over packages they had packed themselves with all sorts of goodies.

GIB global news

Posted on18 Nov 2023

GIB Global News: Fourth Edition
As an IB school, we are already graduating the third cohort this year. Of course, we are part of the network of German GIB schools, which extends from Colombia, to Russia, and from Taiwan to Vietnam. Groups of students from GIB schools come together every year and meet monthly to work on a joint magazine. This week a podcast was filmed with the German school in Manila and a school in Berlin. Two students from our Class 9 discussed the topic of artificial intelligence and how it will change our society.
We are excited to see when the cross-media work will be completed and will of course report on it.

IB Project Day

Posted on18 Nov 2023

Traditionally, our International Baccalaureate (IB) project day takes place in the first half of each school year, during which students in classes 7 to 10 are introduced to the IB upper level in classes 11 and 12.
Last Tuesday, students in classes 9 and 10 were given an insight into the format of the IB upper level. The focus was on the IB grading scale, requirements for obtaining the IB diploma and for recognition as a mixed-language IB (GIB), elective and compulsory courses. Particularly noteworthy are the short presentations prepared by the students in classes 11 and 12, which provided a first impression of the new modules “Epistemology (TOK)”, “Comprehensive Essay (EE)” or “CAS”, but also about the options and courses online and offered strategies for sensible time planning for upcoming tasks.
Meanwhile, Classes 7 and 8 received a student-focused and activating introduction to the IB learner profile, which describes the IB student: characteristics which are labelled as questioning, thinking, knowing, communicative, principled, risk-taking, unprejudiced, caring, balanced and reflective.
Classes 7 to 10 then had the opportunity to test out some of these IB learner profile characteristics together in various workshops and games. It was obvious that the students were committed and had fun and we hope that this has aroused their anticipation for the IB upper level.

Small Thinkers: Big Questions

Posted on17 Nov 2023

The fourth grade explores the world of philosophy

The fourth grade students have embarked on an exciting journey into the world of philosophy. Instead of just learning facts from books, they explored deep questions that would make even adults think. “What is friendship?” and “What is time?” were just some of the fascinating questions they asked themselves.
The class not only talked about it, but also dealt with the topics creatively. Each child wrote down their own thoughts on these philosophical questions on colorful paper and then designed these works of art with great attention to detail. The children’s creativity is reflected not only in their colorful works, but also in their imaginative ideas and discussions with each other.
Ms. Menzel and Ms. Noll not only encouraged the children to express their thoughts, but also taught them to listen to each other and respect opposing opinions. The experience not only helped the children understand philosophical concepts, but also to formulate and share their own thoughts with others. These social skills are invaluable not only for their academic development but also for their personal development.
Fourth grade proved that philosophy isn’t just for adults. Through their curiosity and creative approaches, they have shown that children are also capable of asking and thinking about deep questions. IGS is proud to have such an engaged and curious group of students, ready to look at the world with open eyes and tackle life’s big questions.

Walking the Lanterns

Posted on11 Nov 2023

“So many beautiful colors!”
Also this year the gates of the IGS opened for our lantern festival on November 10th, 2023.
And how it shone this year! A colorful parrot in the forum, thousands upon thousands of butterflies that made the schoolyard sparkle, and of course the many self-made lanterns made the IGS campus shine. The lantern festival brought young and old together and so we are very proud that a play was performed by the Class 2 students and that the senior band had the first official performance of the school year.
After the traditional lantern parade, small Martin’s bread buns were passed around, inspired by the sharing and passing on of Saint Martin.
We were able to end Friday evening in a good mood.

Interdisciplinary Science Teaching

Posted on11 Nov 2023

To further develop open learning approaches in primary school, we organise our interdisciplinary lessons in classes 1 and 2 under the guidance of Mrs. Jurischka and Mrs. Polzin. In using this approach, we align ourselves with modern teaching and learning methods.
Together, the children of the Whale and Giraffe classes had the opportunity to work as little researchers. Our first theme was weather and climate. Currently, we are deeply engaged in the topic of wind. Using their own breath, the children were able to make the wind visible and capture it on paper.The older Giraffes took great joy in lending a helping hand to the little Whales and supporting them in their tasks.

Spectacular Victory for “IGS Selection”

Posted on10 Nov 2023

After our school’s internal football team recently suffered two bitter defeats, the team managed a brilliant victory against the Horizon International School selection last Saturday. This consisted partly of teachers, so that this time, as an exception, three teachers in our team supported the IGS Selection around Captain Minh. While the going  was relatively tight in the first half, it became easier in the second half, and, in the end, the score was 12:7. In addition to three strong goals that the guest of honour Mr. Reisdorf, contributed to the victory, Luong, Minh and Mr. Gelinek each scored a brace of goals.
This triumph marks the beginning of what will hopefully be a successful series for our team and underlines the importance of cooperation, team spirit and sporting commitment in our school community. We are proud of our players and congratulate them on this great success.
We are excited about the challenges ahead and are confident that our team will continue to deliver great performances.

Wiebke David, our new administrative manager, introduces herself

Posted on03 Nov 2023

Hello and good day. On November 1, 2023, I began my role as the administrative manager at IGS. I look forward to joining the IGS team and the diverse tasks that lie ahead of us. My family (our daughter is in Class 5 at IGS). I have been in HCMC for over a week, and we have already had a glimpse into daily life and felt the pulse of the city.
Throughout my previous professional life, I have worked in private schools and universities, mostly in managerial positions related to finance and administration. Most recently, I served as the deputy managing director of a non-profit company focused on international academic conferences and project management. In my role at IGS, I bring a wealth of experience in administration/school office management, personnel and finance, controlling, facility management, and marketing. I understand these areas as service providers to support the excellent work of our educational colleagues and to create a stimulating learning environment for our students. Additionally, they help develop the school’s structures and management tools while ensuring a positive and professional perception of our school in the public eye, with the goal of sustainably improving enrollment.Lastly, they contribute to fostering a sense of community among all individuals at IGS – parents, students, teachers, and support staff, helping them see themselves as part of a whole and feel comfortable within the IGS community. 
Communication is the bridge between people. My door is always open to you. Please feel free to send me an email to, and I will respond promptly!

Lantern Crafting by Fathers

Posted on03 Nov 2023

On Wednesday evening, as always, the annual lantern crafting event for fathers took place. Together, while enjoying bratwurst and cold drinks, the fathers crafted lanterns for their children.

Halloween in the U6 Area

Posted on03 Nov 2023

This week, there were several exciting activities in the U6 area. On Tuesday, both houses threw a big Halloween party together. Games, dances, creative activities, and even a haunted house were on the agenda. All the children were dressed up and had a lot of fun together!

Halloween in the library

Posted on03 Nov 2023

Here it comes again! Halloween is back, which falls on October 31 every year.
Get into the Halloween spirit with our library activities on this special holiday.
Our primary students had a fun time making some spooky monster crafts and for our secondary students, Halloween quizzes and scary movies could not be missed!

“The Kahoot game was really good and the films were really good and I really enjoyed them”.
Sehr toll!

Jojo – Klasse 10

“I felt very good about Halloween this year. I liked the quizzes because there were a lot of questions, they were not too hard but super fun. And about the scary movies, I felt they were a little bit short and not scary enough for us. Maybe Halloween next year, I want the movies to be scarier to scare us until we cry and the time period of the movie lasts longer”.

Anna Gia Phúc – Klasse 8

IB Visit from Shenyang

Posted on03 Nov 2023

In the past week, we welcomed a delegation from Hübschmann Zhan School in Shenyang, China, to IGS. The primary purpose of this visit was to deepen our existing collaboration within the framework of the International Baccalaureate (IB) program.
During the visit, we exchanged approaches and perspectives on the implementation of the (G)IB program in our schools to learn from each other.Throughout the visit, we took the opportunity to provide a comprehensive insight into the school life at IGS and encourage interaction with representatives from the secondary level, primary school, and the U6 section.
This initial in-person visit was characterised by open and friendly exchanges of ideas. We look forward to further cooperation.

Studienkolleg Visit

Posted on03 Nov 2023

Being prepared for the future as part of career and college selection, we want to show our IGS students their options at an early stage. We can do this, albeit somewhat limited, in Vietnam: visits to universities, online lectures, and even through firsthand experiences. However, we appreciate it the most when we can welcome actual representatives from German universities to our campus.
Fortunately, we had the opportunity to host representatives from the universities of Mainz, Darmstadt, and Marburg. The information session took place on October 30, 2023, and students from classes 10 and 11 had the opportunity to ask questions to the experts after an intensive introduction to the Studienkollegs.
Studienkollegs provide an opportunity for students who do not achieve the German language level DSD II but still want to study in Germany. Of course, we strongly believe that our students will pass the DSD II exams with flying colors, but it’s important to be aware of alternatives early on. Therefore, we are grateful for this exchange!
This cooperation was supported by the ZfA (Central Agency for German Schools Abroad), and we hope for more exciting projects in the future.

Book showcase for Primary in Bib

Posted on02 Nov 2023

A Great Book Day! 
“Are these our new books that we can take home to read?” – asked by our excited Primary Students.
On friday, Primary Library celebrated our Book Day when we showed our newly arrived books. A book event is an excellent opportunity to build students’ home libraries and promote their reading and comprehension skills. Whether they choose a story that takes them on an adventure or one that tells the story of space, it is their story and their choice. When students choose the books they’d like to read, they are more likely to pick up the book and fall in love with reading. Our readers have different tastes, so we cannot decide which book genre is most popular, from picture books to fantasy, from science fiction to adventure… but the enthusiasm for reading is priceless.
Thank you to everyone who joined in such a fun day! It was lovely to see how much our students enjoy reading and are excited about it.

K5 Fairy Tale Reading for Preschool

Posted on02 Nov 2023

On Monday, our Class 5 students paid a visit to IGS Preschool and spent time reading a fairy tale, ‘Snow White’, to the children.
Storytelling is well-known for its role as an inspiration of imagination, but also its engagement of children’s fantasies. Fairy tales never fail to bring happiness to our children’ faces. This activity helps to tap into children’s imagination, not only for IGS preschoolers but also for Class 5 students, to remember how inspiring it is to read a fairy tale, to go through everyone’s real life emotions in a fantastical setting.
Our childhood seems incomplete without telling and being told fairytales. Let the imagination develop endlessly.

SV reps

Posted on28 Oct 2023

We are delighted to announce our new school SV representatives. Representing our teaching staff we have Ms Hughes and Mr Vidmar. Representing our secondary students we have Ha Mi and Hannah. Representing our primary students we have CiCi and Carsten.
Our SV is an integral part of our school’s ecology and the team involved are always eager to support their fellow students to have their voices heard throughout their time with us at IGS.
Congratulations to all of our new SV representatives, here’s to another exciting school year!

Newly Arrived Books

Posted on28 Oct 2023

Looking for a good book to read? Wondering what’s next to read? Or just spending your leisure time in the library?
We are excited to announce that a great selection of new books have arrived and are now available at our school libraries. The choices of books are very diverse from different genres such as picture books, fairy tales, adventure, graphic novels, nature & science, space, animals, psychology, morality, humour, romance, history, food & health, etc … and some of them are available in German, English and Vietnamese.
If you want to find any books or just browse for ones that catch your interest, we welcome you to drop by our primary and secondary libraries and take some time to browse and read some of them.

Happy Reading!
Your IGS Library

The school nurse presents her work

Posted on28 Oct 2023

This week the children in the U6 area received a visit from our school nurse. She explained her work to the children from both houses in an age-appropriate manner and showed them a first aid kit. Now all children know what to do in an emergency!
Afterwards, the children were allowed to go to our hospital ward and explore what happens there if we get injured. Everyone’s temperature was then taken and the children were treated. Now we know what happens in an emergency and don’t have to be afraid if we have to go to the nurse and need help.

Visit to the Suoi Sao Orphanage

Posted on13 Oct 2023

Last Saturday on the 7th of October, we students from Classes10, 11 and 12 organised a visit to the Suoi Sao orphanage. For many of us, this was a heartwarming return visit, as we had already connected with the children during previous visits in the last year. 
As we entered the orphanage, we received a warm welcome from the sisters and the children. We managed to reconnect with our young friends at ease this time because they know most of us a bit better now. Through activities such as face painting, friendship bracelet making and working on a creative poster, we bonded with our young friends and created memorable moments of joy. 
Once again we would like to thank the IGS community for the generous donations, as they made a great impact on the children’s quality of life, considering that the orphanage had recently moved to a new location which has fewer facilities. We hope that the school as a whole will continue to provide help for the Suoi Sao orphanage. 
We will continue to visit Suoi Sao in the future as part of our International Baccalaureate CAS (Creativity – Activity – Service) project but also to help them out, financially and mentally, as much as we can.

Visit from DAAD

Posted on12 Oct 2023

Living and studying in Germany
Addressing this subject was Simone Götz from the DAAD (German Academic Exchange Service) who visited the IGS on Tuesday, October 10th, 2023. The information event gave Classes 9-11 a brief insight into Germany’s university jungle.
What is a Bachelor’s Degree? What exactly are Engineering Sciences? What are the differences between technical colleges and universities? Where can I even study? All of these questions and more were asked by the students.
The IGS is very grateful that Ms. Götz was able to take the time to visit us. We hope to be able to organise a parents’ evening soon, where interested parents can also exchange ideas.

World Mental Health Day

Posted on12 Oct 2023

Aiming to promote emotional well-being, IGS recently celebrated Mental Health Day. An engaging treasure hunt was held that took students on a journey of self-discovery through the practise of different breathing techniques. By engaging in a playful yet educational game, students learned to harness the power of breathing for stress reduction, increased focus, and improved overall well-being. 
This activity encouraged students to explore practices such as diaphragmatic breathing, square breathing, and mindful breathing. The treasure hunt not only introduced students to breathing techniques but also facilitated mindfulness and self-awareness. Through each breathing station, students were encouraged to be fully present and tune into their physical and emotional sensations. 
This helped foster a deeper understanding of their own thoughts, feelings, and reactions, laying a foundation for improved self-management and emotional regulation.
IGS’ observance of Mental Health Day provided students with a transformative experience, emphasising on the importance of emotional well-being and equipping them with valuable tools to cope with challenges effectively. By embracing activities like the treasure hunt, the school demonstrated its commitment to nurturing resilient individuals and promoting an environment that prioritises positive mental health.

Peer Review & Visit of Mr. Peter Wollenweber

Posted on12 Oct 2023

Modern education, and consequently, a modern school, requires continuous development. Therefore, new teaching approaches should be developed, reviewed, and applied at regular intervals. Only in this way can a school ensure the highest quality of education.
In this context, it is essential to draw upon the experiences and expertise of individuals outside of our own school. Only in this manner can a comprehensive assessment of the overall development of our approaches be made possible.
The IGS team is particularly pleased, therefore, that over the past two weeks, we have had the opportunity to welcome several visitors to exchange ideas on the current state of the school’s development and mutually benefit from shared experiences.
Firstly, Peter Wollenweber, the official process facilitator from the Central Agency for German Schools abroad, shared his perspective on the development of IGS. The visit was marked by an extremely productive atmosphere of discussion and promising insights for the further development of our teaching. We would like to express our heartfelt gratitude to Mr. Wollenweber for this!
In addition to this visit, we also had the privilege of hosting a team of colleagues from selected German schools in the region, referred to as a “Peer Team”. Through numerous classroom visits, interviews, and personal conversations, we received valuable feedback for the ongoing development of our current approaches. As a result, the entire IGS team gained extremely positive insights. At this juncture, we would like to extend our warmest thanks to Markus Brandtner from the Christian German School Chiang Mai, Pascale Mandel from the German International School Jakarta, and Dr. Markus Meyer from the German European School in Singapore.
At IGS, we are looking forward to continuing our work on school development!

Nonsens Poems

Posted on11 Oct 2023

Gadji beri bimba glandridi laula lonni cadori
Gadjama gramma berida bimbala glandri galassassa laulitalomini
Gadji beri bin palea glassala laula lonni cadorsu sassala bim

What does this poem excerpt sound like to you? Do you recognize words or sounds?
This poem excerpt comes from the phonetic poem “Gadji Beri Bimba”. It was first presented in 1916 by its author, Hugo Ball. Class 5 listened to this poetry recital and then tried to read Hugo Ball’s poem themselves – that was pretty crazy and not that easy!
Following Hugo Ball, the children also went in search of new, onomatopoeic neologisms and words from other languages. The children then wrote their own nonsense poems from their word creations and discoveries and recited them in the class – great fun for everyone involved!
Are you wondering why the children deal with this in ethics class?
Playing with the meanings of words and reinterpreting or reinterpreting words is an exciting activity that allows us to experience the familiar as strange – and vice versa. It sharpens our awareness of what we know as well as what is unknown to us and therefore annoys us. This is another contribution to the current philosophical question: Where and what is the stranger?

Relaxation is good

Posted on10 Oct 2023

Every Monday and Tuesday, primary school children have the opportunity to take part in the “Relaxation” lunch program in the seventh period. Together with Fred the sloth, the children make their way to the land of relaxation – first they take a short walk to Villa H, the place of peace.
Once there, the children can make themselves comfortable on a yoga mat and literally “stretch out on all fours.” With calm music and a short story to relax, the children can recover from the morning and gather new strength for lessons in the afternoon.

Soccer Match

Posted on06 Oct 2023

Setback for the IGS Selection
After our school’s soccer team, the IGS Selection, fought for a draw at the start of the season, the second game was against the official team from the Australian International School. At half time, the IGS were down 1:3, but were able to build up pressure immediately after the break and came back close with a goal from defender Leon after a strong corner. 
Unfortunately, after numerous chances, the equalizer was missed. Towards the end the team lost their strength and had to unfortunately concede three more goals. The final score was 6:2 for the opponents.
We win and lose together – and we don’t let defeats get us down, we learn from them! Next Saturday we will go to the Canadian International School for the first away game of the season.

Info Parents’ Evening Screen Time

Posted on03 Oct 2023

As part of the new format “Theme Evening for Parents” a lecture on the topic of screen time took place on Thursday, September 28th, 2023. Interesting insights into the topic of “screen time” stimulated a lively discussion. We would like to thank Mr. Tony Louw from “Learning Strategies” for the stimulating lecture and look forward to further themed evenings.

Drama at IGS!

Posted on03 Oct 2023

Every year the Primary School has the task of presenting the rich cultural traditions of the IGS on the stage; this year, that privilege goes to Class 2. And what a fantastic bunch of students they are for the job!
The first of two plays which will be presented by the Drama AG (Class 2) this semester is the story of a man named Cuội, who is believed to live on the moon. In honor of Cuội’s story, the Vietnamese people celebrate the Mid-Autumn Festival during which children carry colorful lanterns and parade through the villages, and families come together to enjoy mooncakes and admire the full moon, where it’s believed that Cuội resides. 
This year, the story involves An, Phuong Nam who plays the part of Cuội, Jung, SeHyun as the Banyan Tree, and Albani, Lisa Ly as the princess. The rest of the class plays multiple roles in a drama full of exciting movement and passion. There are tigers and there’s spectacular magic! 
It’s really worth watching.
The second drama planned for this semester is the traditional portrayal of the dramatic events in the life of Saint Martin of Tours. The whole class will, again, be involved in the portrayal of those famous events, which will be produced on 10 November this year as part of the school’s celebration of “Martinstag”.
It has been a privilege so far to work with such energetic and creative people. Don’t miss the show.

Moon Festival – 2023

Posted on03 Oct 2023

To understand the culture of a country, we learn about their traditional festivals, make traditional food, sing their songs, and get to know the mythologies behind every festival. Luckily, the Mid Autumn Festival just comes in time for our IGS students to learn more about Vietnam and the traditional festivals that everyone celebrates! 
The whole IGS were packed with our activities to prepare for this festival. What have we done? 
U6 and Secondary students have learned to make and bake mooncakes with Ms Linh: all those tasty mooncakes with different fillings have been produced in our cozy kitchen which everyone is happy to share! 
The Primary school is busy making traditional lanterns with colorful cellophane in different animal shapes. We sang Mid Autumn songs in Vietnamese, read Moon Festival stories for each other and for U6, made comic books about the festival! 
On Friday, 29th of September, IGS organized a Moon Festival event for everyone to join! We surprised our students with an exciting lion dance. This event creates an opportunity for IGS students to experience Vietnamese childhood in the old Mid-Autumn days.

Board games – library

Posted on30 Sep 2023

Our long-awaited orders from Germany have just arrived! What a nice surprise for all students this week! Not only new books, we also got the whole Primary Library equipped with our new board games, from Catan to Uno or even Scrabble!
Board games are always known as great tools to help children to release their stress, increase communication and develop teamwork skills. We are super-excited to unwrap all the board games and learn how to play them. 

Football Match

Posted on28 Sep 2023

IGS Selection Season Opener
Under the pouring Saigon rain, the IGS football team faced their first challenge, their first test match of the 23/24 season. In an exciting encounter, our team faced the Australian International School (AIS) and provided the spectators with a true football spectacle.
In a high-level game, AIS managed to take the lead late in the second half. The IGS Selection then pushed vigorously for the equalizer, leaving AIS no room to breathe, but unfortunately missing numerous opportunities to score. In the last second of the game, team captain Minh scored the longed-for equalizer. The game ultimately ended in a 1-1 draw.
Head coach, Nicolas Gelinek, emphasizes that our young team has improved significantly and is now able to face strong international school opponents. The next game will take place next Sunday, October 1st.