News from the IGS

3 Nov 2023

Studienkolleg Visit

Being prepared for the future as part of career and college selection, we want to show our IGS students their options at an early stage. We can do this, albeit somewhat limited, in Vietnam: visits to universities, online lectures, and even through firsthand experiences. However, we appreciate it the most when we can welcome actual representatives from German universities to our campus.
Fortunately, we had the opportunity to host representatives from the universities of Mainz, Darmstadt, and Marburg. The information session took place on October 30, 2023, and students from classes 10 and 11 had the opportunity to ask questions to the experts after an intensive introduction to the Studienkollegs.
Studienkollegs provide an opportunity for students who do not achieve the German language level DSD II but still want to study in Germany. Of course, we strongly believe that our students will pass the DSD II exams with flying colors, but it’s important to be aware of alternatives early on. Therefore, we are grateful for this exchange!
This cooperation was supported by the ZfA (Central Agency for German Schools Abroad), and we hope for more exciting projects in the future.