News from the IGS

Lantern Festival

Posted on12 Nov 2022
The tenth of November burst over the International German School like an explosion of joy and colour. Children were running around in various costumes; lanterns were being handed out; the smell of frying bratwurst filled the nostrils of the hundreds of people thronging every possible open space on the rain-soaked campus of IGS. The official programme began at 5:30...
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Papa lantern crafts in the U6 area

Posted on12 Nov 2022
Making lanterns is “dad’s thing”. Isn’t it? Finally it was time again. The fathers of the U6 area stormed the campus on Monday evening to make lanterns for their children. Colorful tiger lanterns were therefore also included to match the year of the tiger. But not only tigers were conjured up: glitter unicorns and a shark also smuggled themselves...
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Posted on12 Nov 2022
Some books change the world, some books change us, but the best books do both. Wondering what’s next to read? Looking for some favorite reads to fulfill your literary School Year’s resolutions? Here at IGS, for the first time since this school year, we have started a new project “Books of the Month” in the school libraries. This project also...
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Posted on12 Nov 2022
In the last week, Class 5 climbed high: together with the intern, Toni Ehrig, and the class teacher, Matthias Mayr, Class 5 conquered the steep and high walls of the Saigon Climbing Center. Horizontal, vertical or diagonal – they climbed in all directions and the students had a lot of fun. Class 5 has proven that they are a strong team...
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Halloween Activities in the libraries

Posted on04 Nov 2022
Halloween is a holiday celebrated on October 31 in many countries every year. It was believed that on that day, the souls of the dead returned to their homes, so people dressed in costumes and lit bonfires to ward off evil spirits. This day also marked the end of summer and the harvest and the beginning of the dark,...
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