News from the IGS

German Academic Exchange Service Visit

Posted on06 Apr 2023
On April 03, 2023, Mr. Viet Do-Minh from the German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD) in Hanoi visited us. With great commitment, he was able to advise our upper secondary school students and teachers on their university selection and applications. Afterwards, some of our upper secondary school teachers and our school principal had the opportunity to exchange ideas with him....
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Advanced training IB

Posted on06 Apr 2023
As part of the International Baccalaureate community, it is the task of the International German School Ho Chi Minh City and its teachers to continue their education regarding the latest pedagogical concepts and new standards in the examination process. Our science teachers and our IB coordinator had the opportunity to do this last weekend in Singapore. In three IB...
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Workshop of the Blue Dragon Children’s Foundation

Posted on06 Apr 2023
One of the diverse range of work groups offered by the IGS gives the students the opportunity to expand their skills in the field of environmental protection every week. In the context of this environmental working group, a two-part workshop of the Blue Dragon Children’s Foundation took place on the last two Mondays. The NGO supports disadvantaged children in...
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Easter Week Preparations

Posted on03 Apr 2023
The days are getting longer, Lent has begun and with it the preparations for Easter. In the kindergartens and after-school care centres in Germany, Easter is prepared for in many ways: by looking at and discussing picture books on the subject of Easter and with lots of creative handicraft ideas. The hunt for the Easter Bunny has also begun...
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DSDI exams

Posted on03 Apr 2023
This week the oral examinations of the German Language Diploma I (DSD I) of the Conference of Ministers of Education took place. As part of the DSD I, it is determined to what extent the students have already developed language skills at level B1 of the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages (CEFR). As part of the oral...
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