News for Parents

READING day at the IGS

Posted on15 Nov 2019

Reading aloud promotes creativity and focus. For the annual reading day, many young and old readers could be found at the IGS today reading various books and poems out loud with enthusiasm and excitement. The school campus and classrooms were transformed into small reading oases: at the pool, on the sun terrace or sitting in a circle on the ground, where the boys and girls listened to different stories. “Winter is like this”, class 5/6 students read to the little ones from kindergarten and preschool. “The Little We” was read to class 3 and poems written by class 5/6 were presented to the Pirate Class. A German-Vietnamese fairytale story time in classes 4 and 6 rounded off the day. Do you feel like reading aloud too now? Maybe you have some time on the weekend to read your favorite book to your child!

Vorlesetag an der IGS-HCMC Vorlesetag an der IGS-HCMCVorlesetag an der IGS-HCMCVorlesetag an der IGS-HCMCVorlesetag an der IGS-HCMC

Romeo & Juliet at the Saigon Opera House

Posted on15 Nov 2019

“A plague on both your houses” – Grades 8, 9 and 10 took to the bus to visit Saigon’s grand old Opera House to see a production of Shakespeare’s “Romeo and Juliet”. The play is being studied by Grade 9 at the moment, and Grade 10 studied it last year, so the play is familiar to most of the students. Grade 8 will have the joyful Shakespeare experience next year if all goes well.

The play was brought to life by only five actors who had (naturally) to play all the roles. Expert trimming of the script down to bare minimums and creative staging made for a clear, at times gripping performance. It was unanimously decided by the whole group that the actress portraying the nurse was the best player over all. There was some poignant madrigal singing which rounded off the play and allowed for some highly unique and creative staging.

It was an experience well worth watching and will give students some food for thought as they have been given the task or reviewing the play for themselves.

Romeo und Julia Aufführung im Opernhaus Saigon

Professional Development (IB Core Subjects)

Posted on15 Nov 2019

While students enjoyed a long weekend, teachers from School and Kindergarten met on November 11th and 12th to prepare for the rest of the year and to participate in professional development workshops.
Teachers of primary and secondary had the opportunity to participate in a workshop presented by Vivek Bammi, an experienced IB teacher. He gave a deeper insight into the core subjects: TOK (theory of knowledge) CAS (creativity, activity, service) and the extended essay.
In the early education section, improvements in the language learning process were made, following the Marburg program.

We extend a heartfelt thanks to Mr. Bammi for leading the workshop and initiating all the interesting discussions.

Parents’ Day

Posted on15 Nov 2019

A trusting communication between parents and teachers, which is characterized by mutual respect and recognition is a prerequisite for the productive and sustainable promotion of our students. The joint search for solutions as well as an inspiring exchange of ideas was also the focus of the 1st Parents’ Day of the 2019/2020 school year.

The Lantern Festival

Posted on09 Nov 2019

The Lantern Festival, reminder of the historic Saint Martin, is always a highlight in the school’s calendar in November. The parents of U6 tinker for days in advance on their children’s lanterns.

The St Martin play, the songs and also the parade, everything is practiced beforehand. Douglas Vale’s drama group of students from grades 1 to 5 led the scene in the forum, the musical accompaniment composed by Ruben Viertel and the song, St Martin, sung by grade 5. Then there was the traditional procession with lanterns to Riverside.The guests enjoyed the atmosphere with lantern light, beer and sausages till late in the evening. For many visitors it was perhaps also a piece of European home in the south of Vietnam.

Laternenfest IGS-HCMC 2019 Laternenfest IGS-HCMC 2019
Laternenfest IGS-HCMC 2019 Laternenfest IGS-HCMC 2019

Lantern crafting

Posted on09 Nov 2019

Full of energy, fathers and mothers from the KG section met on Wednesday evening to make lanterns for their children. In addition to imaginative unicorns and flying fish also dinosaurs were created and are now ready for the lantern parade.
We would like to thank all parents for their creative contribution.

Laternenbasteln der Väter der Grundschule


Laternenbasteln der Väter der Grundschule


Presentation day in elementary school

Posted on09 Nov 2019

“We learn from and with each other” – with this motto as a guide, a presentation lesson takes place every six weeks in primary school. Grade 1 to 4 elementary school pupils present their results, present poems and songs, or let other groups share their knowledge of the past few weeks from the various school subjects. On Thursday 7.11.2019 the time finally came round again: Enthusiastic children from class 2 explained and demonstrated the phenomenon of swimming and sinking. The pirate class introduced a self-designed board game and the learners of the dragon class performed an experiment and made protein visible. We are curious to see what we will discover together in our next presentation lesson.

Präsentationsstunde in der Grundschule Präsentationsstunde in der Grundschule

Halloween 2019

Posted on01 Nov 2019

Scary beautiful witches, cats and wizards took over the command in our U6 area yesterday. Exciting activities and a great Halloween party delighted young and old. Even the pirates of the first class have celebrated together with their teachers wild and boisterous.

Halloween an der IGS-HCMC 2019 Halloween an der IGS-HCMC 2019 Halloween an der IGS-HCMC 2019 Halloween an der IGS-HCMC 2019 Halloween an der IGS-HCMC 2019


“Learning with iPad“

Posted on01 Nov 2019

Ms. Schaffer and Mr. Bösinger took part in the “Learning with iPad” training course, in addition to “split screen” and “spoken content”, there were many uses of the iPad for teaching purposes.

iPad Training im Deutschen Haus


Election – School advisory committee 2019

Posted on29 Oct 2019

Horst Geicke was unanimously re-elected by the voting members of the school advisory committee. The school advisory committee serves as an advisory and supporting body for the support of the IGS in strategic issues as well as for promoting contacts in politics, business and culture. We congratulate Horst and look forward to further developing the IGS under his able leadership.

Discovering District II

Posted on25 Oct 2019

Project work challenges students, unlocks their imaginations and encourages independent learning. The interdisciplinary (Kl. 5/6) learning group, German, developed a project for the pirates of class 1. The little pirates could playfully discover District II. A quiz on the noise of our neighborhood as well as a board game on District II designed by the students, inspired the first graders.

Projekt Klasse 5/6 Entdecke District 2 Projekt Klasse 5/6 Entdecke District 2 Projekt Klasse 5/6 Entdecke District 2

Lemonade from the herb garden

Posted on25 Oct 2019

This week, the children had the opportunity to experience nature up close. During their trip to the GaGaCo Garden Center, the children were able to collect flowers for a delicious lemonade, while others either produced environmentally friendly plant pots from paper strips or banana leaves, or plucked herbs in the herb garden. Between rosemary and thyme, peppermint and basil, the children had much fun on this beautiful morning.

Limonade aus dem Kräutergarten- U6 in der Gärtnerei Limonade aus dem Kräutergarten- U6 in der Gärtnerei

Parent Council – Info

Posted on20 Oct 2019

We warmly congratulate Mrs. Hauschild on her election as Chairperson of the Parent Council and Ms. Ong Yu Wen (Grade 3) on her election as Substitute.Our congratulations also to the elected members of the school advisory board who have been nominated by the parent council:

Frau Issariya Hauschild

Frau Thị Vân Anh Trần

Herr Felice Iacobellis

Herr Ewald Andreas Hauschild

Herr Thorsten Janke

Visit of class 12 from Chiang Mai

Posted on19 Oct 2019

After visiting the German School in Chiang Mai last year, IGS received the five students of the graduating class from Chiang Mai on last week on Tuesday.
After taking a small school tour organized by Milan and Yipta, the class 10 IGS students exchanged their experiences of the upper grades with the 12th graders from Chiang Mai.
Afterwards, the guests took part in a double lesson in arts.

 Die Klasse 12 de Deutschen Schule Chiang Mai besucht IGS-HCMC Die Klasse 12 de Deutschen Schule Chiang Mai besucht IGS-HCMC Die Klasse 12 de Deutschen Schule Chiang Mai besucht IGS-HCMC  Die Klasse 12 de Deutschen Schule Chiang Mai besucht IGS-HCMC

Attention bookworms!

Posted on18 Oct 2019

Library opens at the 0th hour!

Some of our young readers can be found quite early in front of the school library. Therefore, we have decided to open the library for our visitors from 7:15 am until further notice. Ms. Quyn Anh is available with a smile to all reading friends every morning from Monday to Friday for support. When the first piano pieces of our young pianists sound, it is usually time to put the books aside and prepare for the first lesson. We wish all of you a lot of fun with our new offer.



Posted on18 Oct 2019

Last Thursday, the parents of this year’s lateral entrant students came to join an informative evening in the new Villa H. The Lateral Entrants’ Programme allows students of non-German mother tongue to enter the classes at the IGS through a special support program. Since close cooperation with parents is essential for successful integration, members of the extended school management, as well as Teachers of German as a Foreign Language and other subject teachers, offered various informational sessions to make the school organization and the Lateral Entrants’ Programme transparent to the visitors.

After some tea and cookies and a brief welcome address, divided into language groups the parents went into the first room which was prepared for them. A gong initiated the change to the next room for the following subject.

During informative discussions, walkabouts, and presentations, the parents received information on topics such as certificates and grades, curricula, the procedure of the Lateral Entrants’ Programme and the pursued school exit certificate, the IB Diploma Programme.

Of course, questions were always welcome, but there was still time at the end of the event for general inquiries and face-to-face discussions.
We thank all attendees for their participation and the lively exchange.

DaF Elternabend ander IGS HCMC

Fire drill

Posted on18 Oct 2019

On October 15, the first fire drill took place this school year. First of all IGS students, teachers and staff leftthe campus via the specified escape routes and met at the assembly stations.Then it was exciting: The Fire Department deputised employees of the Property Department, who made themselves available as “injured”. The artificially placed fire was extinguished by a fire extinguisher by two “property owners”. They had participated last school year in a similar fire brigade training exercise.
After the “extinguishing work” on the artificially placed fire, the Fire Brigade advanced with huge hoses. Huge masses of water poured down on the roofing of the forum. After securing the area, U6 was allowed to visit a fire engine.

Feuerwehrübung an der IGS_HCMC Feuerwehrübung an der IGS_HCMC Feuerwehrübung an der IGS_HCMC Feuerwehrübung an der IGS_HCMC Feuerwehrübung an der IGS_HCMC


Posted on17 Oct 2019

On 8 November, 2019 International German School HCMC (IGS) invites children, parents, and everybody who is interested to the annual Lantern Parade (St. Martin’ Festival). Visitors young and old  are welcome to join in this public event from 17:30 – 20:00. You will experience typical German lantern songs, walk around the nearby premises with colourful, self-made lanterns and taste sausages from the  BBQ and drinks. Entrance for this cultural event is free. We look forward to welcoming you. There is no registration required.


Does the ideal learner exist?

Posted on04 Oct 2019

Secondary school students (grades 6-10) took part in a project day on Friday on the important IB topics “Mission Statement and Learner Profile”. At first the younger ones thought about what constitutes an “ideal learner”. In the subsequent practice-oriented workshops, the students were encouraged to shed light on these aspects in the context of personal and social success in life.Grades 8-10 started with a debate on the relevance of school grades and then dealt with key IB topics, such as epistemological issues, as well as research sources and learning approaches. It is precisely these aspects of the diploma programme that make the students who have completed the IB diploma phase so attractive to universities.The results were then brought together in a podium discussion.

Projekttag an der IGS-HCMC Projekttag an der IGS-HCMC Projekttag an der IGS-HCMC

Creative day of elementary school

Posted on04 Oct 2019

Following the footsteps of Alexander von Humboldt, the students of grades 1-5 went on a treasure hunt today and crossed the jungle. They explored the Temple of Friendship, deciphered secret codes, discovered volcanoes, and invented secret musical instruments that served them well in their search for the treasure.

We thank all the teachers involved, who accompanied the little researchers throughout the day and once again, under the guidance of our art teacher Ben Wayman, who had prepared creative stations with great effort.

Kreativtag der Grundschule der IGS-HCMC Kreativtag der Grundschule der IGS-HCMC Kreativtag der Grundschule der IGS-HCMC Kreativtag der Grundschule der IGS-HCMC Kreativtag der Grundschule der IGS-HCMC Kreativtag der Grundschule der IGS-HCMC Kreativtag der Grundschule der IGS-HCMC Kreativtag der Grundschule der IGS-HCMCKreativtag der Grundschule der IGS-HCMC Kreativtag der Grundschule der IGS-HCMC Kreativtag der Grundschule der IGS-HCMC Kreativtag der Grundschule der IGS-HCMC Kreativtag der Grundschule der IGS-HCMC Kreativtag der Grundschule der IGS-HCMC Kreativtag der Grundschule der IGS-HCMC Kreativtag der Grundschule der IGS-HCMCKreativtag der Grundschule der IGS-HCMCKreativtag der Grundschule der IGS-HCMC


Posted on04 Oct 2019


Historical events generate different narrativs and claims to the interpretation sovereignty. When dealing with historical events one necessarily relies on existing sources and, inevitably, makes a selection of topics and perspectives, which in fact carries the risk of manipulation of the audience.
Therefore, it was very important to us to have as many contemporary witnesses as possible on the Day of German Unity.
The project day on the 3rd of October, in which classes 7-10 took part, was organized by our Consul General Dr. Wallat. The students eagerly listened to the vivid stories and events that they had experienced on this day. Before the opening classes 5 and 6 sang the school anthem accompanied by Ruben Viertel.
Imagine a 16-year-old girl from Cologne and a 16-year-old boy from the GDR who had met in 1987 in Prague. They exchanged their addresses and from then on they wrote letters in which they shared experiences on either side of the border. These fictitious letters with episodes from the lives of the two teenagers were read on the small stage of the library.
During the summer holidays, our teachers had organized an interview with a contemporary witness from the Center for Political Education in Berlin.
Today it was time. The students had prepared themselves in history lessons on the subject. Everyone looked anxiously at the screen. Then something moved and the image of a 60-year-old man who first jokingly entered the conversation, appeared on the screen. Siegbert Schefke – He not only personally experienced the peaceful revolution of 1989, but also grew up in the GDR.
Of course, our students also had questions about his experiences as a teenager and his school days, Students had prepared by watching z.T. also from the movie “The Life of Others”, which was shown the night before.
Peace doves with wishes for the future formed a visible conclusion of the project day.

3. Oktober,Tag der Deutschen Einheit an der IGS HCMC 3. Oktober,Tag der Deutschen Einheit an der IGS HCMC 3. Oktober,Tag der Deutschen Einheit an der IGS HCMC 3. Oktober,Tag der Deutschen Einheit an der IGS HCMC 3. Oktober,Tag der Deutschen Einheit an der IGS HCMC 3. Oktober,Tag der Deutschen Einheit an der IGS HCMC 3. Oktober,Tag der Deutschen Einheit an der IGS HCMC3. Oktober,Tag der Deutschen Einheit an der IGS HCMC










Posted on02 Oct 2019

Qatar Airways and the International German School have signed a four-month
agreement. Employees, students and parents of the IGS are entitled to flight
bookings at special rates on the routes from HCMS to: Berlin, Frankfurt, Munich,
Vienna, Zurich, Rome, Paris, Milan, Athens, Beirut. In addition to a price
reduction on the basic ticket price, 10 kg of luggage can be booked additionally for
free. The agreement initially applies to the booking period from 30 September to
February 2020. The special conditions and further information are available via the
following link.
*IGS assumes no liability for the accuracy of the
information or claims that may arise in connection with this agreement or its use.

Security advisor of the German Embassy

Posted on02 Oct 2019

The security advisor at the German Embassy in Vietnam is in charge of safety measures at the German institutions in Vietnam. In September, he paid one of his regular visits to IGS. Together with our security officer, he conducted a safety and security inspection of the site.The main focus was the new laboratory, which was inaugurated this year.

Dentist visit

Posted on02 Oct 2019

On Monday and Tuesday, the students of the IGS took a trip to the German dentist in the Bitexco Tower. In addition to a check-up and some teaching on the correct way to clean your teeth, the students were allowed to try out the latest dental technology. In two weeks, parents will receive feedback on their children’s dental health.

Besuch an der German Dental Clinic Saigon Besuch an der German Dental Clinic Saigon

Yearbook 2018/19

Posted on20 Sep 2019

The yearbook 2018/2019 has been available since Wednesday in the school office for the price of 400,000 VND per piece with really great photos from the last school year. It’s always a nice reminder of a special school time.

Teacher Training for the IB

Posted on20 Sep 2019

In preparation for the introduction of the IB Diploma Phase, some teachers will take part in the necessary further education / workshops of the IBO.

Class 7 climbs in a team

Posted on20 Sep 2019

Climbing requires coordination, strength, concentration and courage. But trust also plays a major role.
Some difficult steps require verbal cues from the team members looking on. Climbing is therefore very suitable as a team-building activity at an international school, where, of course, the classes change shape every year.

Klasse 7 klettert im Team

Rain protection and light

Posted on20 Sep 2019

On Friday, a transparent rain cover was fixed to the outer wardrobes in Villa D. The wardrobes should now be better protected even in heavy rain.
In Villa G, about 5 m2 window screens at the entrance and the bathroom have been removed. Thus, much more natural light gets into the common room of the rainbow group.
In addition, a new mirror has attached in the bathroom of the flower group.
Garderobe KiGa besser geschützt