News for Parents

Tet Celebration

Posted on24 Jan 2020

->Press in Vietnamese

The time has come: we say goodbye to the Year of the Pig and welcome in the Year of the Rat. Incidentally, this is the first sign of the zodiac sign (followed by: buffalo, tiger, cat (in Chinese: hare), dragon, snake, horse, goat, monkey, rooster, dog and pig). With the traditional New Year’s songs: “Xúc Xác, Xúc Xẻ” and “Tết Tết Tết Tết đến rồii”, the students in grades 1-6 sang in the most important time of the year for the Vietnamese people.But what is a festival without food? In the play “The Story of Watermelon”, staged by grade 6 and Leonard from grade 4, the discovery of the refreshingly sweet fruit is told and how it became a cultural tet-snack. With “Shape of You”, an instrumental piece played on boomwhackers, grades 7 and 8 ensured enthusiasm and a good mood. The highlight of the annual IGS Tet celebration was the lion dance: with acrobatic talent and loud, rhythmic drums, not only children, but parents and teachers were amazed, and of course, the evil spirits were driven away too.

The IGS wishes everyone a happy new year full of happiness, health and success.

Trường Quốc Tế Đức chúc gia đình tất cả học sinh năm mới vui vẻ, hạnh phúc, may mắn và thành công.

Tet Feier 2020 IGS HCMC
Tet Feier 2020 IGS HCMC Tet Feier 2020 IGS HCMC Tet Feier 2020 IGS HCMC Tet Feier 2020 IGS HCMC Tet Feier 2020 IGS HCMC Tet Feier 2020 IGS HCMC Tet Feier 2020 IGS HCMC Tet Feier 2020 IGS HCMC Tet Feier 2020 IGS HCMC Tet Feier 2020 IGS HCMC Tet Feier 2020 IGS HCMC

Certificate ceremony & bicycle party

Posted on24 Jan 2020

The celebration of the half-year certificates also coincided with the Vietnamese New Year. Shortly before the turn of the year, it is common to express good wishes, advice or thanks. This year, our teachers also followed this tradition. In the school history in class one about 5 months ago there was talk of a little pirate captain who found a huge library while in search of a pirate treasure. Like the little captain, our pirate class has learned to read. Reading is an essential key to the world of knowledge, a teacher once emphasised. In contrast to film, when reading it is necessary to imagine people, clothing, voices and movement: while reading, everyone creates their own film, in a way.

Another IGS teacher emphasized the importance of scientific thinking for orientation, especially in a time of fake news and information overload. Checking statements for their truthfulness and coming to conclusions in the process of finding the truth, which sometimes contradict one’s own expectations or contradict the general social consensus, are the basis for science.

The speech also recognized the ecological contribution of our older pupils who come to school by bike or on foot. Our headmaster made them the offer to organize a bicycle party on campus, on condition that guests come to school by bike.

Zeugnisfeier IGS HCMC 2020

Tết Tết Tết Tết đến rồi!

Posted on24 Jan 2020

Today was a very special day for the U6 area of ​​the IGS HCMC!

After learning a lot about the Vietnamese New Year Tết and its origins, we had a lot of fun watching an exciting lion dance today! Then we all got together to celebrate with our families over traditional Vietnamese dishes and to make Lì xì. What fun.

We wish everyone a happy new year of the rat!

U6 Tet Feier an der IGS HCMC U6 Tet Feier an der IGS HCMC U6 Tet Feier an der IGS HCMC

Abrakadabra, simsalabim!

Posted on23 Jan 2020

Magic tricks astonish, fascinate and surprise. The students in the study group “DaM 5/6” (German as mother tongue in grade 5/6) have learned with everyone in the past few weeks that magic tricks can also be the subject of a successful process description. They worked out one, structuring the process, describing it in a detailed manner, found a suitable heading that formulated the right salutation and, of course, performed lots of magic tricks. The idea of a magic show for our godfather class, the pirates, was quickly put into practice andour tricks amazed and delighted the children and teachers of class 1 today!
Zaubertricks in Klasse 1 Zaubertricks in Klasse 1 Zaubertricks in Klasse 1

Geography field trip

Posted on22 Jan 2020

After a theoretical lesson about ‚Globalistation’ and ‚Production’ in classes 7 and 9, our students had the opportunity to visit a outdoor factory last Friday in HCMC. They interacted and explored first-hand with the guide on how a production chain works. At the end of our tour in the factory, the students were able to fundamentaly understand production and distribution measures.

Exkursion in Erdkunde Exkursion in Erdkunde

Crafting of the preschool / elementary school

Posted on22 Jan 2020

In line with the traditional Têt Festival, which bridges the gap between the old and the new year, the joint handicraft project of our preschool and 1st class was held this week. Linking the new with the old and growing gently as a new community was a complete success and lets us start a new year with confidence and being aware of anticipation. We are very proud of the beautiful material and immanent fruits of this handicraft project.

Bastelaktion der Vorschule/ Grundschule Bastelaktion der Vorschule/ Grundschule

Lego Day

Posted on17 Jan 2020

Ideas arise in the mind; but to implement the mind’s creative thoughts you need tools. One of these tools is LEGO. Therefore, IGS has invited David Drake, founder of Creation Station, to show his kids his LEGO world. In addition to an exhibition of great models, classes 4-10 also have the opportunity to live out their creativity at small LEGO workshops. This event is designed to give our students a taste of what to expect in a weekly LEGO activity. The start of the activity will be on Friday, February 14th. You will receive more information and registration forms after the holidays.

Lego Tag an der IGS-HCMC Lego Tag an der IGS-HCMC Lego Tag an der IGS-HCMC Lego Tag an der IGS-HCMC


new Vietnamese reading books

Posted on17 Jan 2020
Our library is super excited to be expanding our Vietnamese language collection. With stories, poems and classic tales from renowned Vietnamese authors the students
are already showing great excitement with their new treasure!

Coffee with us

Posted on17 Jan 2020

For the fifth time this academic year, the event Coffee with Us took place on Wednesday, January 15th, 2020. On these occasions, various sections of the IGS invite parents for thematic conversations between parents and teachers in an informal setting.
After the U6 section started the year off, and the elementary school and secondary school then presented their topics for informal discussions, the IB coordinator, Ms. Barnickel next invited parents to an informative discussion.
In the shade of the trees in front of Villa E, we met up for coffee and cookies to learn about the special features of the IB diploma programme. The diploma programme comprises grades 11 and 12 and, after successful completion, leads to the awarding of the IB Diploma, an internationally recognized university entrance qualification awarded by the Geneva-based, non-profit International Baccalaureate Organization.
Topics that particularly interested the parents present were the IB philosophy, the optimal preparation for universities through the IB Core Programme, as well as the choice of subjects, and the recognition of the degree in Germany, but also in other countries. It was exciting to learn that the diploma programme focuses on the individual learners and that the course selection reflects the future career aspirations of the students. The IB’s strength was also noted in adapting to local conditions and in meeting the needs of the school community.
Many thanks to all parents who contributed to a lively exchange with their specific questions.
The IGS intends to introduce the IB diploma programme from the 2020/21 school year.

New tree house

Posted on15 Jan 2020

After extensive renovation work, our tree house shines in new splendor, and we can play and rest on it to our hearts’ content.
The world looks very different from up here. Completely different games are possible here and new fantasy worlds are opened. Children love this climbing opportunity.
Thank you for the rebuild!

Preparations for the TET festival

Posted on11 Jan 2020

Klasse 4 and the AG ‘Eco Class’ are working hard on their paper-mache rodents for this years TET festival. With a bit of luck you should be able to spot a whole swarm of mice and rats as they chase watermelons and lucky money (created by AG group ’45’ ) in this years display. Good luck everyone!
Preparations for the Tet festival
Klasse 6 have been working hard on the development of the script for the TET play. This year the play portrays the story of Mai An Tiem, the foolish king, Vua Hung, and the first watermelons.
The scriptwriters are Ha Mi and Michelle.
Preparations for the Tet festival
Since TET is such a traditional time, the music is often the same as last year. This year we’re singing TET Que Em and Xuc Xac, Xuc Xe. We’re collaborating with the xylophone group on a secret Spring song and hoping for a lovely TET solo by one of our singers. Watch this space.

Ice skating

Posted on14 Dec 2019

When we think about winter in Germany, Christmas markets, baking cookies, cozy evenings at the fireside, darkness, as well as frostiness and ice come to mind. Grades 2 to 7 encountered some of these on Friday, 13 December, during the yearly ice skating outing.Wrapped in warm clothes, the children went in two groups onto the ice. Those who were experienced ventured out immediately and went alone or in small groups onto the ice. All the others slowly learned how to ice skate with the help of a “penguin”.
The children as well as the teachers had a lot of fun and it was a very nice conclusion to a long, hard school term.

Schlittschuhlaufen Schlittschuhlaufen Schlittschuhlaufen Schlittschuhlaufen Schlittschuhlaufen SchlittschuhlaufenSchlittschuhlaufenSchlittschuhlaufen

Christmas at the Primary

Posted on14 Dec 2019

We had our very own ‘Christmas Day’ at the IGS where the primary school pupils prepared for the Christmas holidays. Under the guidance of our interns, there were baking stations in the Christmas bakery, where the children discovered many fun baking items. They kneaded, rolled, cut out and of course decorated the cookies! The ‘Christmas Day’ ended off in the last hour with the pupils in the 3rd class reading fairy tales and Christmas stories with Christmas cheer. 


Classes 5-7 visiting the Mekong Delta

Posted on14 Dec 2019

For classes 5 to 7, a lot is on the agenda on the second day of their exploration. They became discoverers and observers. First, the students visit the floating markets and are given insights into social life on and along the Mekong River. They find out how stuff is made, such as rice paper, coconut candy, rice waffles and pasta.
Then there are observations of the flora and fauna on the land, on and at the river. The pupils solve various tasks during a treasure hunt. Pupils also calculate the volume of the pool’s water. They leave with happy memories of an adventurous trip to the Mekong Delta. Everything is super exciting!

mekong-tour-tag-2  mekong-tour-tag-2 mekong-tour-tag-2 mekong-tour-tag-2 mekong-tour-tag-2   mekong-tour-tag-2  mekong-tour-tag-2 mekong-tour-tag-2 mekong-tour-tag-2 mekong-tour-tag-2 mekong-tour-tag-2 mekong-tour-tag-2  mekong-tour-tag-2  mekong-tour-tag-2 mekong-tour-tag-2

mekong-tour-tag-3 mekong-tour-tag-3


mekong-tour-tag-3 mekong-tour-tag-3


Das Mekong Delta

Ach wie schön ist das Mekong Delta,
Über die Nacht wird es viel viel kälter.

Im Mekong ist die Natur überall,
und einige Häuser stehen kurz vor dem Zerfall.

Der schwimmende Markt ist auf dem Fluss,
sie verkaufen Fisch, Gemüse und Kokosnuss.

Die Augen am Boot,
helfen den Kapitänen in der Not.

Auf dem Mekong hast du eine schöne Sicht,

ihn zu besuchen ist deine Pflicht.

(Lasse, Viet and Jack class 6)







IGS Research Vessel Day 3 and 4

Posted on12 Dec 2019

The provincial town of Sa Dec and its river port were visited in the morning. The students also received information about the Cao Dai temple. Back on the ship it was more about water analysis, questions of climate change, kinematics and dynamics. The ship anchored on the third day in Cai Be, where the evening ended with its own school band on board.
The last excursion after breakfast was a boat trip in Cai Be.

Cinematic impressions day 3

IGS Research Vessel Day 2

Posted on12 Dec 2019

After sunrise and breakfast on the river, the island of Ong Ho was explored. Today was about physical aspects of movement. Local water markets and their peculiarities were observed on several tours in our small dinghies. The islandof birth of the second President of the Vietnamese Republic was explored on bicycles. In addition, the students switched from the lower to the upper arm of the Mekong with the research ship. What this has to do with the movement ofthe ship and why it floats was examined in the subsequent physics workshop. The day was then closed by the in-house student ship band.

IGS Forschungsschiff Mekong Tag 2 IGS Forschungsschiff Mekong Tag 2 IGS Forschungsschiff Mekong Tag 2 IGS Forschungsschiff Mekong Tag 2  IGS Forschungsschiff Mekong Tag 2  IGS Forschungsschiff Mekong Tag 2 IGS Forschungsschiff Mekong Tag 2 IGS Forschungsschiff Mekong Tag 2  IGS Forschungsschiff Mekong Tag 2 IGS Forschungsschiff Mekong Tag 2 IGS Forschungsschiff Mekong Tag 2 IGS Forschungsschiff Mekong Tag 2 IGS Forschungsschiff Mekong Tag 2

Cinematic impressions

IGS research vessel and excursion to the Mekong Delta

Posted on11 Dec 2019

To protect our environment, one must understand the interdependence between climate, soil, water, man and nature.
Alexander von Humboldt is one of the most important German naturalists of his time. This year he would have celebrated his 250th birthday. With Humboldt as our role model, we have embarked on our own journey in discovering nature.Our students will be in the Mekong for several days, with the IGS research vessel.

The trip is commencing with the support of the German and Swiss consulates general in HCMC, and was organized together with the tour operator TerraVerde.
On board are the grade 8-10 students (who are from 4 different nations) as well as the teachers, who are specialists in the fields of biology, physics, history, and music.

Humboldt’s spirit marked the first day of the IGS research ship. After class 8 gave the others a brief glimpse into the life of the great explorer, a heated discussion ensued about the fusion of research and business. In his travel report, Milan (class 10) deals with the question of how Humboldt’s motives differed from those of other “discoverers”, such as Marco Polo or Columbus, and how the spirit of the Enlightenment furthers the views of the naturalist Humboldt affected.

In the Age of Enlightenment, it was about questioning doctrines and finding scientific answers. To make observations, to form an opinion without bias, is also the goal of this journey.

IGS-Forschungsschiff ins Mekong-Delta

Exkursion ins Mekong-Delta IGS-HCMC

IGS-Forschungsschiff ins Mekong-Delta

The own research gene could then be tested in the afternoon by visiting a local coconut plantation and the  workshops prepared for biology and physics.

After the captain dropped anchor at sunset, the day ended with star observations.

The International German School HCMC (IGS) is a German school with a bilingual (German-English) program. Children from 18 nations learn at our school.

Multilingualism and the promotion of scientific thinking, is an important focus for our international school.Many of our students who have acquired German in the lateral entrance program at IGS, are looking forward to studying further in Germany.

Who knows, maybe some of them will one day, as researchers, contribute to the effective protection of our environment.

IGS-Forschungsschiff ins Mekong-Delta

IGS-Forschungsschiff ins Mekong-Delta

IGS-Forschungsschiff ins Mekong-Delta

Exkursion ins Mekong-Delta IGS-HCMC
Impressions by Ole Suhr

Sport isn’t only for boys – it’s for everyone!

Posted on10 Dec 2019

On December 9 our year 6 to 8 girls took part in an exclusive football session. As a part of a school project, their coach Su Bin Lee, a student from the EISHCMC, wants to raise awareness of gender inequality in sports and give girls the opportunity to enjoy empowering sportive experiences.
The session was a big success. Our girls gave Birgit Prinz a run for her money. They were dribbling, playing and – possibly most importantly – had fun together. In an environment that was not, as it often is, dominated by boys they were able to find and unfold their potential proving that girls can enjoy football as much as boys can. We want to say thank you to Su Bin Lee for this great opportunity and we are very proud that our girls open-mindedly took part in this session and gave their all.

Mädchenfussball an der IGS HCMC

Mädchenfussball an der IGS HCMC

Mädchenfussball an der IGS HCMC

Christmas market at the International German School HCMC (IGS) in Vietnam

Posted on09 Dec 2019

Interview with Head of School of the IGS


Press in Vietnamese

Mr. Thormann, can you tell us more about the Christmas market at your school? What’s new compared to last year?
The IGS Christmas market is a traditional German Christmas market. It’s about preserving traditions and giving students the opportunity to experience an atmosphere that later becomes the childhood memories they will have, and that we all share. So, while there are new songs in the children’s program, the school band will play and some new standards, but the overall ensemble will remain. This year there is also a glassblower, there is a carousel, cotton candy, sausages with mustard from Bautzen, Christmas duck, cookies and much more. Kathrin Schmidt, the organiser of the Christmas market, together with the preparation team, has created a great atmosphere here.

The Christmas market of the German School is now so well-known in Ho Chi Minh City that people from all city districts, sometimes even from abroad, arrive. Were the students involved in the preparations?
The students are involved at all levels: they baked cookies. The music program together with Ruben Viertel, Douglas Vale and Matthias Mayer practiced and also organized some booths. They rotate as a contact for the approximately 2000 guests visiting this year. All of the school’s teachers and property management team have been were busy preparing for days and weeks. The parents of our school have also organized a great stand with candied almonds.

What brings a German school in Vietnam to organize for the fifth time now a Christmas market on this beautiful villa campus?
We want to be part of the Vietnamese community and make a cultural contribution. Every year many guests visit our Christmas market with their children and enjoy this contribution by the German School in Vietnam. For others, the Christmas market represents a piece of home in foreign climes. Of course, the Christmas market is also part of our culture. Where else do our children experience an authentic Christmas market?

How do you see the development of the IGS in recent years?
The IGS is a German school with a bilingual program. Students from 18 nations study with us. Many of them came to us as newcomers without any knowledge of German and are studying German here or have studied in Germany before. The number of students has risen very steadily in recent years. Against the background of Vietnam’s dynamic development, the location is becoming increasingly important.

We would like to thank the over 2000 guests at the IGS Christmas market. With your visit, you have contributed to this Christmas atmosphere.

We wish you, your families and the IGS team a peaceful Christmas time.

Weihnachtsmarkt 2019 IGS-HCMC Weihnachtsmarkt 2019 IGS-HCMC Weihnachtsmarkt 2019 IGS-HCMC Weihnachtsmarkt 2019 IGS-HCMC Weihnachtsmarkt 2019 IGS-HCMC Weihnachtsmarkt 2019 IGS-HCMC Weihnachtsmarkt 2019 IGS-HCMC Weihnachtsmarkt 2019 IGS-HCMC Weihnachtsmarkt 2019 IGS-HCMC Weihnachtsmarkt 2019 IGS-HCMC Weihnachtsmarkt 2019 IGS-HCMC Weihnachtsmarkt 2019 IGS-HCMC Weihnachtsmarkt 2019 IGS-HCMC Weihnachtsmarkt 2019 IGS-HCMC


Posted on06 Dec 2019

Warum stellen wir am Nikolaus eigentlich unsere Schuhe raus? Wer war nochmal der Nikolaus? Wieso feiern wir Nikolaus überhaupt?
All diese Fragen und noch mehr konnten unsere Kinder im Kindergarten und in der Vorschule, sowie unsere Schülerinnen und Schüler der Klassen 1-4 am Freitag stellen, denn wer die Augen offen gehalten hat, konnte einen ganz besonderen Gast auf dem Schulgelände der IGS entdecken.
Beim persönlichen Besuch lernten die Kinder den Nikolaus von Myra kennen, erfuhren von der Geschichte vom Nikolaus und den drei armen Töchtern, die eines morgens Gold in ihren Schuhen fanden. Außerdem sprachen sie über die Bedeutung des Teilens, denn das Nikolausfest dreht sich nicht nur um Süßigkeiten…
… Fehlen durften diese natürlich aber trotzdem nicht.

Nikolaus 2019 IGS HCMC

Nikolaus 2019 IGS HCMC

Nikolaus 2019 IGS HCMC

Nikolaus 2019 IGS HCMC

Nikolaus 2019 IGS HCMC

Junior Science Olympiade 2020

Posted on06 Dec 2019

“Alles Tinte“ is the theme of the International Junior Science Olympics 2020. Grade 5 – 7 were given the opportunity to participate in this event. At five different and interdisciplinary stations, students were able to explore the natural sciences by themselves. With fun and educational activities like that, IGS helps in forming curious minds in our kids.

Junior Science Olympiade 2020

Junior Science Olympiade 2020

Junior Science Olympiade 2020

Junior Science Olympiade 2020

Junior Science Olympiade 2020

Junior Science Olympiade 2020

Junior Science Olympiade 2020

Junior Science Olympiade 2020

Ice Castles

Posted on06 Dec 2019

In keeping with the winter season, preschool children built an ice castle with ice cubes. What is the secret ingredient that sticks the ice cubes together?

Eisschlösser bauen IGS HCMC

Building Ice castles

Eisschlösser bauen IGS HCMC

Building Ice castles


Goal! Soccer Training for Girls

Posted on29 Nov 2019
Sport isn’t only for boys – it’s for everyone! On December 9, in period 5, a football session for our girls from year 6-8 will be held to explore this point. They will be coached by Su Bin Lee, a student from the EISHCMC. The session is part of her personal project to raise awareness of gender inequality in sports. Our students are very happy to participate in this session – maybe the next Birgit Prinz is among them.

christmas baking

Posted on29 Nov 2019

It smells like Christmas time! Many hands were busy last Wednesday afternoon baking Christmas cookies. First the dough was rolled on the table, then cut out in different shapes and put on the baking tray. Now it was time to wait, wait and wait. Waiting is really hard, when you smell the scent of Christmas cookies and you just want to try!
After being baked, the cookies were ready to get a colourful decoration. With red, yellow, green and blue sugar icing, the children created wonderful Christmas cookies, truly works of art and almost too wonderful to eat.
The children who weren’t busy with their parents in the kitchen, created wonderful Christmas cookies out of playdough. By the way, this activity is good exercise for the development of the fine motor skills and the muscles of children’s hands.
Thank you to all parents for their patience in baking the cookies with us. We are looking forward to nibbling them during our upcoming Christmas celebrations.

BLAschA representative at the IGS

Posted on25 Nov 2019

The Hessian representative of the Federation-Länder Commission for Schools Abroad (BLASchA), Rolf Knieling,  is currently on a visit to partner schools (Pasch programme) in Da Nang and Hanoi.
We were pleased that he also took the time to visit the IGS in Ho Chi Minh City, in addition to the visits required by the official programme.

Gardening at IGS

Posted on22 Nov 2019

Under the rallying cry “edible schoolyard”, the young gardeners of the IGS, directed by Alexander Schlee (gagacovn), began sowing and planting last week. We are already looking forward to the first harvest and are curious as to what the young gardeners will surprise us with next.


Coffee with us

Posted on22 Nov 2019

For the fourth time this school year, Coffee with Us took place on Thursday, 21.11.2019. As with the U6-group and the primary school, the secondary school invited an exchange between parents and teachers in the beautiful seating area in front of the villa E. As a topic, science at the IGS was discussed.

Discussions also centered around the upcoming research expedition to the Mekong-Delta, and the Christmas in Vietnam programme – probably because the Christmas tree in the schoolyard was festooned with red balls.

Many thanks to the parents for their visit and the interesting exchange.Finally, we visited the new laboratory together, where class 7, under the guidance of Mrs. Le, had just determined the pH-level of water. It’s great that the secondary school students now have the opportunity to carry out biology, physics and chemistry experiments and to explore scientific phenomena in a new laboratory.

coffee-with-us-austausch-zwischen-eltern-und-lehrkräften coffee-with-us-austausch-zwischen-eltern-und-lehrkräften coffee-with-us-austausch-zwischen-eltern-und-lehrkräften

Contest – Humboldt Calendar 2020

Posted on20 Nov 2019

We are very proud to announce that the class 2 community project has been selected for the Humboldt Calendar 2020. Our work will fill one page of this calendar.

Every year, the German School, Sao Paulo Colegio Humboldt,  organizes the intercontinental school competition “Cities on the River”. Of course, this year is all about the naturalist Alexander von Humboldt.

Pupils from all over the world were challenged to grapple artistically with the scientific work of Humboldt – this included classes 2 to 7 of the IGS in art lessons with the amazing Mr. Ben Wayman.

Twenty-five works of art out of one hundred and fourteen submissions from 18 schools in 14 countries were selected for the pages of the Humboldt Calendar. One of these 25 artworks is the Collage by Humboldt done by Class 2.

Congratulations Class 2! Well done.

Workshop ueber Alexander von Humboldt an der IGS HCMC Workshop ueber Alexander von Humboldt an der IGS HCMC

Where one is celebrated as a teacher at a German school

Posted on19 Nov 2019

Being a teacher is more than a job. For many people, this work is a vocation that they fulfill with a lot of passion.

For us, it was special to receive such warm, thoughtful gifts from our parents this year.
We thank you for working daily with your children and for letting us share in their development.

Teachers Day 2019 IGS-HCMC
Teachers Day 2019 IGS-HCMC
Stress, lack of esteem, disrespect and ‘helicopter parents’ are buzzwords that are often associated with the teaching profession today, at least in the daily press.
If you were a guest at the International German School HCMC (IGS) in Vietnam last week, you must have felt like you were in a parallel universe. Teaching is traditionally one of the most respected professions in Vietnam; Education enjoys a very high priority.
Teachers Day at IGS HCMC, Eltern beschenken das Lehrerkollegium

Teacher’s Day is celebrated in the Socialist Republic on 20 November. Many students come to school on this day with bouquets for their teachers. Parents, too, often express their personal gratitude for the educational work that teachers have done.

The teachers at the IGS were also surprised by the representatives of the parents’ council. They had prepared small packages with a healthy snack before the weekly teachers’ meeting, which they lovingly presented. “Never before have I received such appreciation as a teacher,” says Ms. M., who decided to go to Vietnam after completing her degree and gaining professional experience.
Teachers Day 2019 IGS-HCMC Teachers Day 2019 IGS-HCMC Teachers Day 2019 IGS-HCMC
On the evening of the official Vietnamese Teachers’ Day, Consul General Dr. Josefine Wallat, and husband Chris Moore, invited all educators of the German educational institutions in Ho Chi Minh City to a stylishly-prepared reception. The Consul General thanked the teachers of the German School, the Goethe Institute, the Vietnamese-German University, the German Department of the National University and the Pasch Institiute for their hard work, and took a lot of time to personally talk to all guests at the function.
Unlike the production of products in a factory, the results of education are often only visible years later. This is in the nature of things. Often, in the case of education, things are only noticeable as written between the lines, but which have a lasting effect on the lives of students.
Numerous graduates of German schools abroad hold important positions in their homeland after studying in Germany and build cultural and economic bridges between the countries in which they have studied and lived.
Vietnam and Germany have a long-standing friendly relationship, which is currently gaining momentum due to the economic boom in Vietnam.

For many colleagues at the International German School HCMC in Vietnam, it is a very exciting experience to witness this rapid development in such a diverse country.