News for Parents

DSD II results 2022

Posted on25 Feb 2022

IGS would like to proudly announce that all of this year’s DSD II candidates (German Language Diploma level 2) from Grade 11 have achieved their diploma with outstanding results of C1 (CEFR) in all four skills. 
A welcome surprise for their teacher was that this year’s cohort received an average of a fantastic 92% for the written communication which is generally the most difficult part of the exam. 
This year, we also managed to increase our points by almost 10%. Well done, everyone!
The standardized test is taken annually by over 80,000 students worldwide.
As an official language certificate from the Conference of Ministers of Education and Cultural Affairs, it is accepted in Germany as proof of language proficiency at levels B2 / C1 for university enrollment.
Our next participants are already in the starting blocks and are preparing for the language diploma in November.

Collegial Class Visits

Posted on24 Feb 2022

At the IGS, the KUH (Collegial Class Visits) has been an integral part of the school’s in-service programme for years. KUH stands in German for Collegial Teaching Observation and is a means for the teaching staff to support each other in preparing and implementing lessons. It is a criteria-based observation of a lesson with subsequent feedback from colleagues. The aim is to improve teaching practice and thus the quality of teaching.
Before each visit, the colleagues agree on specific observation aspects that will be the focus of the lesson. At the subsequent feedback meeting, each colleague can reflect on their own lessons and draw conclusions for future lessons from this reflection.
This week, Mr. Keller, Mr. Kmiecik and Mr. Reisdorf visited Mr Kehm’s Grade 6 Physics lesson. The focus of the observation was on the organization of electrical experiments with student experiment kits, and overcoming language barriers created by formal task instructions.

School Readiness Tests in U6

Posted on24 Feb 2022

Children are inquisitive and want to learn. When they reach preschool age, the joy of starting school is immense. But before the time for school cones and backpacks begins, there is still the school aptitude test. This week the preschool of the U6 section started with the tests. The aptitude test for school not only tests the language level, but also the ability to concentrate and remember, practical skills, body coordination, gross motor skills and cognitive abilities in a playful way based on a story.
The placement test serves to outline an overall picture of the child’s performance level, to identify any deficits and, under certain circumstances, to remedy them by the time the child starts school. Whether the child can already do sums or write is not examined – after all, there is still time for that in Grade 1. Children should have fun learning right from the start and go to school with joy; these are the best prerequisites.

IJSO – Completion of the first round of the olympiad

Posted on18 Feb 2022

The first round of the International JuniorScienceOlympiad 2022 is now complete. The students of the IGS examined a wide range of questions relating to the topic of hearing. They learned about the differences between noise, sound and tone, constructed a model of the middle ear and made grains of salt jump and dance with their voices. As in previous years, not only a knowledge of biology, chemistry and physics was required, but also a great deal of curiosity and the spirit of research.
The experiments could be designed using commonly-used household items, so that the students of the IGS could fully participate in the competition even during the online lessons caused by the pandemic.
As in the previous year, some students managed to reach the second round, which will take place in the form of a quiz. The participants of the second round are:

Kelley Kieu My  (Grade 8)
Mayerhofer, Na Na  (Grade 7) 
Tran Thuong Van  (Grade 7)
Tran Viet Ha Mi  (Grade 8)
Vo Thanh Tien  (Grade 7)
Xu, Ziyuan  (Grade 8)

The quiz will be held in March. By Easter it will be clear who has qualified for the third round.

Campus opening “Back to school at last!”

Posted on17 Feb 2022

It was this exclamation that four second graders shouted as they ran past my office back to their campus and to their class. Everyone should hear it. “Back to school at last!” They expressed their joy at finally being able to go back after 9 long months (since May 10, 2021) to their friends, to their teachers, to their general studies or German lessons, to the school breaks. As much as children look forward to the holidays, they miss their school terribly when they are not allowed to go.
February 14th became a very special Valentine’s Day for our families this year. Finally, the “little ones” were allowed to go back to school: one or two little tears in kindergarten turned quickly to excitement. Many parents told me how relieved and happy they were that morning. We hope that we can experience the next few weeks with as little disruption as possible. Because of course we are aware that the pandemic is not over yet.

Michael Schopp

The Start of the U6 Section

Posted on17 Feb 2022

The first week in the U6 section is already over. It was great to see the children storming the schoolyard, waving happily and discovering the houses on the first morning. After all, things have changed there. Then the first week flew by! Everyone was very busy making new friends, rekindling old friendships, deciding on rules for the groups and learning the daily routines. We are looking forward to the shared weeks on campus.

Peer Presentations

Posted on16 Feb 2022

On Thursday, 10 February 2022 students from Grade 8 gave formal presentations to students from Grade 12. Grades 9 and 10 were spectators.
The presentations from the Grade 8 students were based on their study of John Wyndham’s “The Chrysalids” and concerned mainly social issues concerned with genetics or geneology.
The Grade 12 students presented a formalized comparison of the two Cold War events, the construction of the Berlin Wall and the Bay of Pigs incident, both of which pushed the world to the brink of war.
The students’ work was impressive in its detail and clarity of presentation. IGS can be proud of the hard work which was on display at this interesting event.

IGS introduces itself at the TU Dortmund

Posted on16 Feb 2022

As part of the lecture series “Introduction to School Pedagogy” by Prof. Dr. Silvia-Iris Beutel at the TU Dortmund, we received an invitation to present the IGS and to give the students an insight into the structures of a German school abroad. This was preceded by the successful participation of the IGS in the “German School Prize Special” in the 2020/21 academic year.
We would like to thank the Robert Bosch Foundation for holding the German School Prize competition and those responsible at the TU Dortmund for organizing our virtual lecture.

GIB Course Selection in Grade 10

Posted on11 Feb 2022

The future! For us students in class 10, this is an auspicious word. It harbors uncertainty, but also excitement and curiosity. It is precisely this word that became the main topic at the parents’ evening for the GIB course selection. After 10 years of school, we are now at a point where we have to make decisions that will affect our lives after IGS.
The choice of subjects for the 11th and 12th grade is upon us and at the very end of the journey the GIB degree awaits us.
The mixed-language International Baccalaureate (GIB) is a bilingual form of the International Baccalaureate Diploma, which is recognized almost worldwide as a university entrance qualification. Unlike other countries, Germany’s universities only accept the IB Diploma for admission under certain conditions. A GIB is required to study there immediately after school.
At a parents’ evening, we found out what the GIB is and how subjects are chosen. It requires a perfect balance between the humanities and sciences, which inspires us.
We were even asked on stage as translators for Vietnamese to help our parents understand the intricacies of the subject choice process. One could clearly see that we were nervous, but we contributed to a relaxed atmosphere. The initially planned talk was ultimately turned into a profitable exchange with some humor at times.
In addition, all those present had a wonderful opportunity to exchange ideas afterwards. It was an unforgettable evening that marks the beginning of a new chapter in our lives.

Minh, Khoi, An (Grade 10)

Specific heat capacity of water

Posted on10 Feb 2022

As part of the subject of heat and internal energy, the 8th graders first dealt with the determination of the specific heat capacity of water during physics lessons. To determine this, the students heated a measured amount of water with a heating coil and calculated the specific heat capacity from the temperature increase and heating energy. This calculation was made as the mean of the individual measurements.
As an alternative, the students determined the specific heat capacity from the graphical representation of the measured values ​​and corrected this value by taking into account the heat capacity of the calorimeter used.
In the lesson that followed, they conducted an experiment on the mixing temperature of various amounts of hot and cold water. The origin of the mixing temperature was first explained qualitatively and then an equation was set up for this in an additional task. The comparison between measured and calculated values ​​showed that the heat capacity of the calorimeter used, had to be taken into account here as well, since the measured mixture temperature was always lower than the calculated one.

remote learning assistant

Posted on10 Feb 2022

Dear students, dear parents,
My name is Luca Otten. I’m 23 years old and I’m studying to become a high school teacher at the Goethe University in Frankfurt, specializing in mathematics, physical education and physics.
In the last three months I was able to get to know the German School in Ho Chi Minh City better as part of a digital school assistance. Parallel to my “normal studies”, the online lessons enabled me to sit in on mathematics lessons with Mr. Kehm and Mr. Reisdorf in both the twelfth and tenth grades and to support the two teachers. In addition, I was able to gain my first teaching experience in a weekly practice session and thus gain interesting insights into learning and teaching at the German School in Ho Chi Minh City.
I would like to thank all the students I have met in the past few weeks, and especially Mr. Kehm, Mr. Reisdorf and Mr. Foxius, who welcomed me very kindly and made many exciting experiences “in Vietnam” possible for me! I also found it particularly interesting to work out cultural and school differences between Vietnam and Germany, which was mainly done in joint zoom calls with Mr. Foxius.
All in all, the internship was a great experience “from Germany” and I’m looking forward to being able to visit the German school in Ho Chi Minh City “in person”.

tet celebration on school campus

Posted on29 Jan 2022

Friday 28th January was marked and celebrated in many different ways throughout the IGS family.
This morning, the Primary School enjoyed their ‘virtual’ Tet celebrations with a wide variety of stories and craft activities. They particularly enjoyed listening to Grade 7 who sang a Tet song for the whole Primary school. The celebratory atmosphere closed the day too, thanks to an enjoyable Tet song from the Grade 10 band followed by a very loud and exciting Lion Dance. Thank you to all students for their efforts in making our Tet so special.
While we were celebrating, we also marked the end of our first semester of this academic year.  Mr Schopp summarised the challenging start to the year and noted that we can look forward to a far more positive future. A very special thanks must go to the students who performed classical music during the ceremony.

“This piece I’m going to play is The Earth Prelude by Ludovico Einaundi. Why I chose this piece, firstly because it reflects my playing style, which is simple but beautiful and resonates with my soul.”



Tết in motion

Posted on29 Jan 2022

Over the last few weeks students from klasse 3,4 & 7 have all put their character design skills to the test in a series of animation challenges. Whether it was experimenting with how shape changes a character’s personality or learning the basics of simple frame animation – the students have outdone themselves this year! Both the kunstraum and our online learning space is absolutely full of charismatic big cats!

Chúc mừng năm mới everyone!

A TET ceremony, Ao Dai and dragon dances in the U6 section

Posted on29 Jan 2022

The biggest festival of the year is just around the corner! Tet. On the last day before the holidays, the U6 section organized a big digital festival before all little researchers and discoverers started their vacation. In the morning there was a lot of hustle and bustle. The entire U6 section came together and performed a tea ceremony, where delicious banh tet and tasty banh chung were sampled. All the children proudly presented their Ao Dai, singing and dancing.
Another surprise awaited the children in the afternoon. All researchers and discoverers brought the drums and rattles they had previously made and gave a memorable concert. Colleagues from the U6 section dressed up as dragons and danced the traditional dragon dance to the rhythms and  sounds.
Now the Tet holidays are upon us and the U6 section wishes everyone a Happy New Year!

New Year’s greetings at the end of the semester and at TET

Posted on29 Jan 2022

by Head of School Georg Michael Schopp

A special first half of the year has come to an end today. Our students have only recently returned to campus. The younger ones from kindergarten to 6th grade are not allowed to come until February 14th.
Up to 8 months of online lessons is and that has been a very exhausting and hard time for all of us! A whole semester; no personal contact, a new timetable, 8 or 9 hours in front of the computer, classwork online, experiments just to watch, attending lessons in America, Germany, Russia, South Africa or China, often enough at night.
I was all the more surprised when I went through the special events of the last 6 months. Here are just a few examples:
– The first day of school for class 1 with a worthy celebration for the children
– The debate project for grades 9 and 10
– The weather report and the presentation of professions in Class 3
– The Mathematical Olympiad
– The exams for the German Language Diploma II on 24.11. and 15.12.
– Origami in class 4
– The active advent calendar in the U6 area and lots of Christmas baking
– St. Martin and St. Nicholas in kindergarten and elementary school
– GIB information day and presentation for parents and students
– The computer science beaver competition
– The writer Pham Minh Khue as a guest at the IGS
– The International Junior Science Olympiad
It’s an incomplete but nonetheless impressive list of our activities. Our German school, our IGS HCMC, has successfully fought against the Corona frustration! I would like to thank you and all of you for this; Our students! Our teachers and all employees!
I am especially grateful to you, our parents! We couldn’t have done it without your support at home, the encouragement of your children, your suggestions.
I am also particularly grateful to the colleagues from the school management. In difficult times you kept our IGS ship on course, encouraged and comforted, tried new things with a lot of imagination, kept the tried and tested. Together we are actively waiting for the light at the end of the Corona Tunnel.
After the TET holidays we continue, with everyone from kindergarten to high school. The old and the new challenges are waiting for us. Our first graduates will take the GIB exams from the end of April. We are proud of you, you are the first. And you are particularly courageous, because nobody has come this far before you! All the best to you and your teachers for the final stretch in preparation and for the exam days.
I wish you and all of you a relaxing holiday week and a good, happy and prosperous New Year of the Tiger. We could
all use the strength and courage of a tiger in the coming months. See you again in February!


Pinhole Camera

Posted on27 Jan 2022

As part of the Physics lessons this week, the students in Grades 7 and 9 were taught how to build a pinhole camera by themselves. A pinhole camera functions on simple basic rules of optics and thus makes it possible to experience principles that, for example, contribute to the functioning of the camera’s found on our smartphones. Students in Grade 7 were surprised by the fascinating images provided by the pinhole camera and were then able to use the principles of optics they had learned to explain how they are created. Students in class 9, on the other hand, were able to use equations they had learned in Mathematics and Physics classes to predict properties of the images, which were then confirmed by experiments with the pinhole camera.

Preparations for Tet

Posted on21 Jan 2022

There has been bustle with dragon costume and drum for weeks, and a tinkling on piano that sounds vaguely like Tet songs. IGS is back on track to celebrate Tet. Grade 8 and 9 boys are busy practicing their dragon dances; classmates improvise drum tattoos; lush ao dai are taken down, shaken and ironed out for the big day.
The school grounds are hung with congratulatory bunting; flowers, yellow and pink, bloom overnight. The Buffalo is dead – long live the year of the Tiger!
At 14:40, 28 February 2022, the day will arrive. And then the dance will start, the people will rejoice, and the new year will begin.


Oscillations in Mechanics

Posted on21 Jan 2022

This week, the subject of oscillations was introduced in Class 10 Physics lessons. In order to make the topic more accessible, the students carried out an experiment on the coil spring pendulum. With the help of this experiment, they should have been able to recognize the variables on which the period of oscillation of a coil spring pendulum depends and how the relationship can be expressed in terms of proportionality. The aim of evaluating the experiment was to set up an oscillation equation for the pendulum.
With the help of such teaching units, students are prepared for the GIB Diploma Program, as it introduces and practices the necessary experimental skills in earlier grades.

Tet Celebrations at the U6

Posted on21 Jan 2022

Christmas is barely over and the next big celebration is just around the corner: Tet.
The festival is an occasion for families, friends and relatives to meet again. Since this is currently only possible virtually, the U6 section has come up with something special and will organise a joint Tet activity every day, where all little “researchers” and “discoverers” come together and, full of anticipation for the festival, do handicrafts, sing and read.
The week kicked off with a story about the mythological race that created the Vietnamese Zodiac. The highlight, however, was the joint fruit carving, in which the sweetest variations of the Vietnamese Zodiac signs were designed.n addition, the children’s rooms were decorated with home-made Hoa Mai flowers and Li Xi was folded for the festival. More exciting highlights are also on the agenda for the coming week to usher in the Year of the Tiger full of happiness, prosperity and goodness.

The Big U 6 Christmas Bake-off and Party

Posted on18 Dec 2021

The theme of this week in the U6 section was Christmas and Advent. Christmas is the time for contemplation, lights, family and of course the numerous sweet, tempting delicacies. But what is more convivial than feasting in happy company? The answer is baking in company. For this reason, the colleagues from the U6 area met on Tuesday and Wednesday for a joint online Christmas bakery with the parents to get everyone  in the mood for the holidays by baking delicious cookies.

The result was the sweetest variations of various traditional Christmas treats and a home made punch. The next highlight was not long in coming. The year 2021 ended with a colorful program in the U6 area. On Thursday the whole U6 area came together again and celebrated a digital Christmas party with lots of special moments and surprises, puzzles and Christmas carol that made colleagues smile. And of course the delicious punch and the homemade cookies were a must.

Back to School campus

Posted on18 Dec 2021

After a good 6 months of school closure, there was a real win-win situation on Monday, 13th of December: students, parents and teachers were happy about the reopening of the IGS. Even while the Covid-19 pandemic continues to develop in a complicated way, the reopening of schools for the 9th and 12th grades in Ho Chi Minh City on Monday was a good decision for all of us.
The pupils in Grade 12 were particularly satisfied that they were able to study and work with their teachers on campus again in order to be able to prepare as effectively and effectively as possible for the GIB exams due in May 2022.
Like the other schools, we had developed our own safety procedures, including tests for everyone involved in the days before. We passed our probationary period very well. We hope to get the green light for the general opening after the holidays.
The current decree provides for a definitive decision which will be made in the first week of January. Of course we will keep you up to date.
Many thanks to everyone who helped prepare and design these 2 weeks of offline lessons.


Virtual Presentation Lesson class 3

Posted on17 Dec 2021

The presentation lesson has been a fixed ritual in primary school for years. On the last day of school, the students from class 3 invited the Koalas from class 1 to a virtual presentation lesson to show them what they had learned in the last few weeks.
First, the students showed a choreographed dance to the song “When the sun comes down”, which they had rehearsed during their sport lessons. In addition to a lot of exercise, nutrition is also particularly important in order to stay fit. That is why Jocelyn and Khanh Ngoc clearly presented the food pyramid and the digestive process – both current topics from the specialist class.
In the end, the Koalas’ skill was still required, because under the guidance of the students in Class 3, snowflakes were made to celebrate Christmas. “I am happy that we were able to show what we have learned in such an exciting way in our specialist knowledge class. Class 1 was really interested and did a great job, ”enthused Khanh Ngoc at the end of the presentation lesson. Class 3 was already making plans to teach the koalas the dance that was performed when the school opens. We are looking forward to it!

Christmas Bakery at IGS

Posted on10 Dec 2021

“In der Weihnachtsbäckerei
Gibt es manche Leckerei
Zwischen Mehl und Milch
Macht so mancher Knilch
Eine riesengroße Kleckerei”

No matter how old or young,  everyone in Germany knows the first lines of the song “In der Weihnachtsbäckerei” by Rolf Zuckowski, a famous German musician and composer. The lyrics were translated into deeds when the students of class 3 met their class teacher, Ms. Schmidt, for an online baking afternoon in which cookies were baked together.

At the end of the class, the cookies were eaten with the whole family.
“I baked angel eyes cookies for the very first time. Now I also know how important it is to pay attention to the exact amount of ingredients.
“That was a lot of fun and they were super delicious, ”said Jocelyn happily at the end.

An afternoon in search of identity

Posted on09 Dec 2021

On December 3, 2021, the 10th and 11th grade students of the IGS got the unique opportunity to experience the moving story written by the author Phạm Minh Khuê.
The author discussed her book “Wo auch immer ihr seid” (Wherever you are), in which  the well-known scenario of Vietnamese immigrants to Germany searching for a better education is described from the perspective of a Vietnamese family. The chapters that the author presented in her reading were very emotional for many of those present with a similar past.
We were impressed by the author’s deep knowledge of both cultures, her understanding of cultural misunderstandings and, in some cases, discrimination. We can only recommend this book, which is likely to become a standard work for the IGS.

written by Grade 10

IJSO project day at the IGS

Posted on09 Dec 2021

IJSO is the abbreviation for International Junior Science Olympiad. It is a competition for students who are 15 years of age or younger and who are interested in biology, chemistry and physics. It took place for the first time in 2004 in Jakarta, Indonesia. Around 50 nations are currently taking part in the Science Olympiad on a regular basis. The IGS is participating in the IJSO for the third year now.
The first round of this competition is the task round: these are experiments that can be worked on at home or at school. This year, the IGS organized two project days for grades 6, 7 and 8, on which the students could carry out the experiments and write their observations and evaluations.
The theme of this year’s IJSO is “Hör mal!!” (Listen up!). In 4 experiments, the students investigated the phenomenon of hearing and the nature of sounds and noises. Special about this year was that the project days took place online. The students organized the required materials independently and experimented under the guidance of the teachers.
Big compliments go out to our students and thanks to you, dear parents, for the preparation and support before and during the experiment. The students had a lot of fun experimenting with their friends and learning why glasses sing, grains of salt dance and grains of corn jump.
Those who have successfully completed the first round can enter the second IJSO Quiz round and then the exam round. The fourth and final round will take place at an international venue.

Nicholas visits U6

Posted on09 Dec 2021

Another highlight has been set for the children of the U6 section this week. Previously, they had learned a lot about St. Nicholas, practiced songs and poems about him and even followed the tradition of cleaning their shoes. The efforts of the children were well worth it, because on Monday there was a huge surprise for everyone.
In House D, Santa Claus suddenly came through the door during the preschool session. The children were in awe; exceedingly happy they presented some things they had crafted. St. Nicholas knew something about every single child because he had his great book with him: of course, it was mostly good deeds.
Then he also visited the children in House G, where he was greeted by amazed children. At the end of the day, the children from House G sang a song before saying goodbye to him until next year.

Computer Science Biber Contest Winner

Posted on03 Dec 2021

Who can make it to the hidden treasure? Who can still win the sports tournament after the first matches have been played? Where do businesses need to be built to optimally supply a rural community? In the Informatik-Biber, schoolchildren deal with age-appropriate IT issues in a playful and natural way.
For the first time this year, the students in Grades 3 to 10 of the IGS were prepared for the tasks in their mathematics lessons and then took part in the competition. Even though they took part for the first time, many students were able to achieve very good results – despite the online lessons. Tim from Class 4 and Kevin from Class 8 were particularly successful.

U6 Advent Activities

Posted on03 Dec 2021

The first candle on the traditional Advent wreath was lit on Sunday. This also launched the U6 section into the pre-Christmas season. Before Santa Claus finally squeezes through the much too narrow chimney on December 24th, however, there are still so many activities, traditions and customs to celebrate around this, the best time of the year. This of course also includes a properly-packed advent calendar.
At the end of November, the U6 section created its very own Advent calendar and filled it with plenty of exciting Christmas activities. There is singing, handicrafts, baking, and theater. There is dancing, reading, and poetry. There is a little door every day, and, at the very end, out pops Santa Claus.

IB Project Day

Posted on03 Dec 2021

For the 4th time, the IGS secondary teachers prepared an exciting project day to further familiarize students with the IB learner profile and the special features, such as the Core programme, that sets the diploma programme apart. Mixed groups of grade 7 and 8 students participated in six hands-on and practical activities and used their experiential learning to reflect on the attributes that constitute a successful learner. Mr. Vale confirmed that the activities were a resounding success: “There was a level of excitement that I haven’t seen during online teaching. The students were buzzing.”
The older students of grades 9 and 10 who are on the way to starting the GIB programme have practiced important skills such as academic writing which is integral for the Extended Essay or critical thinking during the Theory of Knowledge (TOK) workshop.
Finally, they learned about the Creativity, Activity, Service component and worked on their reflection skills during group work organized by our senior students. Mr. Steier commented: “I really enjoyed how seriously the students were taking the workshops.”
We hope that the students can extensively apply what they have learned, and are looking forward to the project day next year!