News from the IGS

The International Junior Science Olympiad

Posted on12 Mar 2021
The International Junior Science Olympiad is a competition for students under the age of 15 who are studying Biology, Chemistry and Physics (Natural Sciences). First carried out in Jakarta in 2004, the IJSO now promotes the development of scientific skills across borders and countries. As an encounter school, IGS supports the idea of an ​​international exchange between the currently...
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DSD I Show Exams

Posted on12 Mar 2021
Since last December, the candidates who qualified for the DSD I, the Deutsche Sprachdiplom Stufe 1 (Engl.: German Language Certificate of the Education Ministers Conference Level 1) had been preparing for one important day! On Wednesday, the time had finally come to prove their German skills. Students from grades 7-10 sat for three papers: listening comprehension, reading comprehension as...
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International Women’s Day

Posted on05 Mar 2021
It was a great success when, on February 28, 1909, the first, then national, Women’s Day was launched in the USA. Inspired by this idea, Clara Zetkin suggested the introduction of an international women’s day at the second International Socialist Women’s Conference in 1910. While at first one of the main demands was the right to vote for women,...
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Who is more athletic? The students or the teachers?

Posted on05 Mar 2021
Grades  9/10 are currently attempting to break fitness records – as a whole group. Who else could do 725 pull-ups in one hour? There are 10 existing records to break. Why shouldn’t the IGS staff be able to master this challenge as well! Let’s go! The results will be announced at a later date.

Day and night in class 2

Posted on05 Mar 2021
Class 2 learned about day and night and learned more about our sun, moon and earth in their General Science class. At the end they tracked their learning experiences of the day in art presentations.