News for Parents

A2 exams in German

Posted on25 Jun 2021

At the beginning of June, the Internationale schulische Vergleichsarbeit 2 (international school comparative tests 2) of the Central Office for German Schools Abroad took place for the students of Grade 5 at language level A2 (CEFR). Despite being conducted online, listening, reading and written communication skills could be tested.
The students have also already prepared their presentations for the orals, but the speaking exam can only be held at the beginning of the next school year due to campus closures. We are pleased that all of our examinees were able to convince us of their skills, despite having to complete the exams digitally.
The Internationale schulische Vergleichsarbeit 2 tests are subtitled “On the way to the DSD” and serve to prepare students for the official German language diploma DSD at levels I and II, which the students will encounter a little bit later into their school career, and serve as language certificates for German preparatory colleges and universities.


Spoons and salads

Posted on25 Jun 2021
Our Primary students have risen to some great art challenges over the last few weeks. Together students from K 3,4,5 & 6 have taken part in online draw-a-longs, spoon portraits (inspired by the iconic MC Escher self-portrait) and competed in a fruit salad challenge.
We wanted to take a moment to share some of the fantastic work from the students here – good job gang.

A2 exams in German

Posted on18 Jun 2021

At the beginning of June, the Internationale schulische Vergleichsarbeit 2 (international school comparative tests 2) of the Central Office for German Schools Abroad took place for the students of Grade 5 at language level A2 (CEFR). Despite being conducted online, listening, reading and written communication skills could be tested.
The students have also already prepared their presentations for the orals, but the speaking exam can only be held at the beginning of the next school year due to campus closures. We are pleased that all of our examinees were able to convince us of their skills, despite having to complete the exams digitally.
The Internationale schulische Vergleichsarbeit 2 tests are subtitled “On the way to the DSD” and serve to prepare students for the official German language diploma DSD at levels I and II, which the students will encounter a little bit later into their school career, and serve as language certificates for German preparatory colleges and universities.


Posted on16 Jun 2021

As an IB World School with a particularly strong German profile, the IGS offers the Gemischtsprachige International Baccalaureate (GIB) as a school leaving certificate, which entitles after successful completion to university entrance in Germany and most countries around the world.
At already 36 German schools abroad worldwide, students complete the IB Diploma Programme with the GIB, in which in grades 11 and 12, German, History, and Biology or Chemistry have to be taught and assessed in the German language.
As a globally-minded school, the IGS has been an active part of the GIB SCHOOLS GLOBAL NETWORK initiative since its inception. Under the guiding principles of “Creating Learning Opportunities” and “Making Learning Visible”, its focus is on international cooperation to enable supraregional learning experiences for students.
This school year, for example, the IGS formed a newspaper editorial team under the direction of Ms. Barnickel, who participated in global Zoom meetings in order to launch the newspaper GIB GLOBAL NEWS in collaboration with students on different continents.
Get to know the IB and the global contexts better and read what moves our students on the subject of the very first newspaper edition “Heimat”. Click here. (German language)

Bridge builder wanted!

Posted on29 May 2021

In the last two weeks, Class 2 has worked intensively on planning, designing and building bridges. The pirates not only learned what the materials and functions of bridges are, and what types of bridges exist, but also about their inventors and what makes bridges load-bearing in the first place.
This knowledge helped the pirates build their own sturdy bridge models. 14 great bridges have been created in their own children’s rooms. And since bridges also connect and we want to choose the best bridge builder, we will get help from class 1. Next week, the penguins will vote on the best bridge!

3rd IJSO round

Posted on29 May 2021

On May 21st, 2021 the students Lisa (Grade 9), Viet (Grade 7), Michael (Grade 6) and Dana (Grade 6) wrote the exam of the 3rd IJSO round. Due to the special circumstances caused by Covid-19, the exam was written at home under the online supervision of the Science teachers.
The students received the exams in sealed envelopes and were only allowed to open them under the “camera eyes” of the teachers.
We expect the results in the next few weeks. Regardless of the result, we are very proud that some of our students have made it this far in the international competition.

Englisch Epistemology – TOK / IB Programme

Posted on21 May 2021

This week, the 11th graders gave their Theory of Knowledge (TOK) presentations before the school administration, numerous teachers, and students from grades 7-10 who were attentive guests at the Zoom meeting.
The TOK course is all about strengthening the learners’ critical thinking skills. In contrast to other subjects, the focus is not primarily on acquiring new knowledge, but rather questioning existing knowledge and thinking about the nature of knowledge.
The IB students’ presentations dealt with topics such as “Can new knowledge change established values or beliefs?”, “What counts as good evidence for a claim?” And “How might the context in which knowledge is presented influence whether it is accepted or rejected?”
The lectures were of particular importance for grade 10, as they had the opportunity to gain initial insights into this interdisciplinary IB course, which they will also take from the next school year.

Research Lessons – Colloquium

Posted on21 May 2021

The research lesson (Forschungsstunde) is a preparatory course for learning academic writing which is integrated into the timetable and is intended to prepare ninth and tenth graders for the Extended Essay component of the IB Diploma Programme, as well as for the first research papers in their tertiary education.
This year, the students chose a topic from either the humanities or natural sciences and were provided with a teacher as a mentor.
The students’ first viva voce presentations on their research took place over the last two weeks. The viva voce is a scientific discussion among experts.
The first presentations consisted of an exciting mix of linguistic, biological, social, and technical topics, such as Vietnamese music, enzymes in fruit juices, sports programmes, and suffering in art.
In a 10-minute presentation, the students reported on the theoretical basics, their methodological approach and their results, to the examination members. Interesting and challenging discussions followed.
We are very excited about the upcoming viva voce next week.

Studying in Germany -Meeting DAAD

Posted on15 May 2021

On Friday, the students in Grades 9 to 11 received a virtual visit from Dr. Berndt Tilp, the Head of the DAAD Information Centre in Ho Chi Minh City and his colleague, Tran The Binh. The German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD) is the direct contact in Vietnam for all questions related to studying in Germany.
In a 45-minute lecture, the students were able to gain an insight into the German Higher Education System, studying in Germany, and possible job and career opportunities in Germany. They then showed their great interest for a further period by asking far-reaching questions on the topics mentioned.
Questions raised by students could be clarified, e.g. whether it is better to study a certain course at the university or technical college, how much time is needed for procuring a student visa, and whether there are exchange programs with other European universities.
The exchange with the DAAD was a profitable opportunity for the older students of the IGS to find out about the educational opportunities available after the completion of the IB Diploma Phase.

IGS supports students with special potential

Posted on08 May 2021

Vo Thanh Tien (Michael), a pupil from the 6th grade, has shown a special interest in mathematical facts from his earliest years at IGS. This interest has been encouraged further  in the context of the school’s differentiated teaching policy.
With his particular talent, he independently solves mathematical problems in class that are usually only dealt with in higher grades. Together with his math teacher, Dirk Kehm, Michael even designs learning tasks for his classmates.
In addition to his mathematical skills, he has also developed skills in fields such as changing perspectives and communication. A particular fascination of Michael’s seems to be the topic of “sequences and rows”, which he worked on during the TET vacation together with Mr. Reisdorf which he then discussed with the 11th grade students.
In addition, Michael regularly and successfully takes part in extra-curricular math competitions. Recently, he has been recognized for his performance in the American Mathematics Olympiad. The IGS congratulates Michael on this success and looks forward to his further development with confidence.

‘The apple doesn’t fall far from the tree’

Posted on08 May 2021

(Meaning: Like father, like son)

On Tuesday, Class 1 received a visit from the Pirate Class. The Second Class had prepared eight stations on the theme of ‘The Apple’. Just like its shape, the mini presentations went well. For example, the Penguins learned what parts the apple is made of, how it tastes, and what enemies it has.
The Pirates led the Penguins through the stations with hand-made materials and real apples, so that the Penguins not only had something to look at, but also to taste. Hmmm, yummy!
With the help of Mr. Wayman, they built backdrops for an ‘apple sport game’. Many thanks for the support!
Jade from Class 2 said at the end: “I really enjoyed the presentation lesson. I was able to show what I already know and the Penguins were so interested. ”


Posted on08 May 2021

Last week, Klasse 8 were lucky enough to take part in an analogue photo walk around Thảo Điền market with the help of our friends from Noirfoto Darkrooms and the school’s master photographer, Herr Wiesen. Together students explored the market and learnt about the various perspectives and points of view while experiencing new insights to their usual surroundings.

Good job klasse 8!

Magical Museum Vietnam

Posted on08 May 2021

Klasse 7 this week brought a little magic to campus with their pop-up exhibition the ‘IGS Magical Museum of Vietnam’ – an imagining of what the Harry Potter universe would look like when extended to South East Asia.


Posted on08 May 2021

This week we were lucky to host a fantastic art class for klasse 4 collaborating with Bay library, a local art collective specialising in zines and cultural events.
Together with guest artists Maria and Linh, students had a chance to explore the library’s awesome collection of books while creating their own surreal zines which will go on to join the ‘dream library’ project.



Philosophy course

Posted on30 Apr 2021

Big questions for young people!
Children can ask complicated questions to which adults often don’t always know the answer. In general, it’s not about how we answer these questions, but how we teach our children to ask questions and look for answers.
Philosophizing helps train independent thinking and creativity, and foster problem-solving skills that we rely on as adults.
We are therefore particularly pleased that an online philosophy course for students in Grades 4-6 was able to start this week.

Philosophiekurs an der IGS HCMC Philosophiekurs an der IGS HCMC

Start of the side entry program 2021/2022

Posted on30 Apr 2021

This week our entrance exam preparation courses for new German as a Foreign Language students started.
As in previous years, a new cohort of German as a Foreign Language students will join IGS Primary and Secondary School in the upcoming academic year. In order to be well prepared for inclusion into our multilingual community which uses German and English as languages of instruction, we are already working closely with new families and tutors.
Prospective students have to sit an entrance exam in August to provide the necessary language proof to take part in the school’s German as a Foreign Language programme. The required levels according to the CEFR are:

A1(+) for grades 2-6
A2(+) for grades 7/8
B1     for grade 9

The school is organizing exam preparation courses for new students who have already applied for the upcoming school year. If you are a new family wishing to join IGS, please contact the school office at +84 (0) 28 37 44 63 44 or via email at to inquire for a place in the entrance exam preparation courses.

Environmental project U6

Posted on30 Apr 2021

Environmental protection is everyone’s business! For this reason, the children of the preschool and flower group dedicated themselves for three days to the three big Rs: Reduce, Reuse, Recycling.
At a workshop with Amy from GoGreen Vietnam, the children were able to turn a used plastic bottle into a feeding place for birds. Together with Ms. Schoechert, the children thought about how to avoid or reduce waste in another workshop. On Monday, April 26th, the flower group went to GaGaCo, the recycling experts, where the children could experience the process of collecting and separating rubbish until it is reused.
In the end, everyone agreed that garbage cannot be completely avoided, but with the right awareness it can certainly be reduced.

Umweltprojekt U6_Abfallvermeidung IGS HCMC Umweltprojekt U6_Abfallvermeidung IGS HCMC Umweltprojekt U6_Abfallvermeidung IGS HCMC Umweltprojekt U6_Abfallvermeidung IGS HCMC Umweltprojekt U6_Abfallvermeidung IGS HCMC Umweltprojekt U6_Abfallvermeidung IGS HCMC Umweltprojekt U6_Abfallvermeidung IGS HCMC Umweltprojekt U6_Abfallvermeidung IGS HCMC

Balance, coordination and balance

Posted on30 Apr 2021

This school year there is a multi-year-group circus project in the elementary school. You have already met the clowns and acrobats through our newsletter. It is time to see the students balancing.
To train balance and body coordination, the balancing group took a trip to Gym Kraft, a gymnastics club for children. In a 90-minute workshop, various elements for the balance beam were tried out and exercises for body coordination and balance exercises were carried out.
At the end of the workshop, Sandra, Grade 4, stated: “I was able to work on my posture and various steps on the beam. The tips on how to breathe properly will also help me with my further practice. It was a great trip!”

Gleichgewicht, Koordination und Balance IGS HCMC Gleichgewicht, Koordination und Balance IGS HCMC Gleichgewicht, Koordination und Balance IGS HCMC

This is how I brush my teeth properly

Posted on30 Apr 2021

In preschool  Monday, 25 April was a special day. The students in Class 1 visited the preschool children. In a playful way, they led a discussion about  which food is healthy or unhealthy for the teeth. With the help of their lapbooks, the experts in Class 1 explained how to brush teeth properly, why you actually lose your milk teeth and what role the Tooth Fairy plays.
Now nothing can ever go wrong again in dental hygiene,  right?

Zahnpflege U6 IGS HCMC so putze ich Zaehne

Coffee with us U6

Posted on24 Apr 2021

On Tuesday, April 20th, 2021 the U6 area invited parents to another “Coffee With Us” in Villa H. The desired topic of “leisure activities” attracted some parents who, after a short round of introductions, took the opportunity to exchange ideas about their children’s various leisure activities over a cup of coffee.
In the lively discussion that followed, it became clear how much importance our parents attach to the subject. It also became clear how difficult it can be to find the right leisure activity. Finally, the parents received a collection of possible activities for their children, as well as places where these activities can be found.

Saigon String Quartett

Posted on24 Apr 2021

On the eve of King Hung Day, the Saigon String Quartet played for the staff and guests in the IB Library of the IGS. Works by Haydn, Grieg, Mendelssohn, Schubert, and even Gardel, were played.
As part of foreign cultural and educational policy, it is a task of German schools abroad to promote opportunities for cultural encounters.
We would like to make the concert recording available to you. We hope you enjoy listening to it. Go to the concert here.

Saigon String Quartet at IGS HCMC

Dissection of Fish

Posted on24 Apr 2021

Grade 5 is currently studying the vertebrate fish in Biology. This week they learned about the internal structure of the fish. As practical activity, the students had the opportunity to participate in the dissection of a freshwater fish.
After an external inspection of the fish, they cut into the fish and looked at the internal organs. The students were fascinated by the movement of the gill filaments in the water. They found all the organs they were looking for, but agreed that they are not as beautifully colored as those in the textbook.

IJSO – qualification 3rd round

Posted on23 Apr 2021

The IGS Science-Team is proud to announce that 4 of 10 students who qualified for the 2nd round of the International Junior Science Olympiad have successfully passed!
The 2nd round consisted of 24 tricky multiple-choice questions that cover a wide range of knowledge from the natural sciences.
Congratulations to Lisa Koeppinger (Grade 9), Nguyen Hoang Nam Viet (Grade 7), Vo Thanh Tien (Grade 6) and Na Na Mayerhofer (Grade 6). These students will participate in the 3rd round in May which will be a written exam.
The IGS-Science-Team

Factory Contemporary Art Centre

Posted on23 Apr 2021
Last Friday grades 9 – 11 joined an art field trip visiting 3 art shows at the Factory Contemporary Art Centre.
The shows highlight a range of Vietnamese talent, from the university graduate show ‘Same Same but Different’ to the excellent WITHIN/BENEATH/BETWEEN/UPON. The students were challenged to consider how the materials and curation of each show changed our perception of it. We highly recommend any curious parents/students go check out the shows.

little gardeners

Posted on17 Apr 2021

Our little gardeners from the U6 area sowed seeds this week and in the coming weeks they will discover what the life cycle of a plant looks like. This is such an exciting opportunity to understand nature clearly and to take responsibility for your own little plant. We are eagerly waiting to see the first seedlings.


Open Day U6

Posted on17 Apr 2021

On Friday April 9th, interested parents, together with their children, were invited to get to know the IGS’ U6 section (for students aged 6 and younger) and to exchange ideas with the competent educators.
The sun came out just in time for the start of the Open Day and the kindergarten’s playground could be used for extensive play time. Over a cup of coffee, interested families found out about the educational offerings in the U6 area, while the children baked sand cakes in the sandpit or found the last Easter nests.
Face painting was particularly popular, where the children had fabulous unicorns, butterflies or the famous Spiderman painted on their faces.

Fabulous Fabergé

Posted on02 Apr 2021

This year Klasse 2 has celebrated Easter with a twist. While bunny ears and chickens might be cute, we went all out with some over-the-top shiny Fabergé eggs. Students used colourful paper, spray paint and foil to make their own delicate creation, inspired by the iconic treasure from Russia.

The Easter bunny is coming!

Posted on02 Apr 2021

With Easter around the corner, we took the Penguins back to the Preschool for some Easter crafting fun! Many of the children started reminiscing about the time they were in the Preschool – hello to Herr. Probst and our old friends!
Each penguin was buddied-up with a Preschooler, and helped their new friend with our crafting activity. The activity involved a bit of magic – something the children were sure they could do! Each child got a sketching piece of paper, and traced out the shape of a large Easter egg. After that, they used ‘magic’ (light) colour crayons to make their own Easter egg designs. Once their ‘invisible’ designs were drawn, they painted over them using watercolour paint – Ta Da! – Magic Easter eggs. Both the Class 1 and Preschool children had loads of fun and enjoyed this fun change. We hope that you all have a happy Easter.

Class 2 Chemistry

Posted on01 Apr 2021

Why is an apple juicy? Why is an apple sour?
Class 2 were helped in seeking answers to these questions by Class 7 under the guidance of Dr. Kmiecik. They prepared various experiments for Class 2 as part of their own chemistry class. For the first time in the history of the school’s laboratory, Class 2 was familiarized with the rules in the laboratory. The Pirates first had to pound the apple pieces with a mortar to extract the apple juice. After the work was done, the pirates were able to see why the apple is juicy and sour with the help of Ph test strips and copper sulfate.
“I enjoyed the experiments. It was great to see how the apple juice suddenly turned red. The red color clearly showed that apples have acidity ”, Jade (Class 2) explained in conclusion.