News from the IGS

2 Feb 2024

Tet Preparations – Year of the Dragon

As soon as the Christmas decorations are wrapped up and safely stowed away, the preparations for the Tet festival begin. The Year of the Dragon is particularly eagerly awaited by everyone, because the dragon promises prosperity, wisdom and luck for the new year.
For this reason, the children from the U6 area made lanterns, dragons and of course Li Xi bags this week, in which a small amount of money, the “Lucky Money”, is traditionally given away. The rooms were carefully decorated and of course the first Tet songs can be heard here and there.
Next week the time will have come: the big Tet celebration is on the program and the children are already eagerly waiting for the lion dance, which, like every year, is the culmination of the first half of the school year and will be performed by secondary school students.