News from the IGS

New School Year 2020/2021

Posted on01 Sep 2021
We are happy about a good start into the new school year 2021/22. Grades 2-12 were able to start the first day of school online together and schoolchildren from across the continents of Asia and Europe dialed in to Zoom on time. In the first three lessons, the classes met with their class leader and listened to the piano...
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Posted on01 Sep 2021
First day of school for our First Graders The first day of school is always a special day, because now the “real” school begins, with learning to read and write and math, with music and art, with exploring the environment…and with new teachers and some new children that you may not even know. It’s an exciting day that the...
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Preparing for the new school year

Posted on27 Aug 2021
Kunstbox project ‘21 Mit Schulbeginn nächste Woche ermutigen wir unsere Schüler*innen, eine aktive Rolle bei der Vorbereitung auf das neue Jahr zu übernehmen. Im Fach Kunst bedeutet dies, einige einfache Hilfsmittel zu sammeln und nach Materialien zu suchen, die für anstehende Projekte recycelt werden können! Listen und weitere Details werden mit den Klassenleitern und in unseren Online-Gruppen geteilt –...
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Start U6

Posted on26 Aug 2021
With many “Hellos” on Thursday, the children of the U6 section were welcomed as the first students to start the new school year. Although the reunion could only take place on the screen, everyone was very happy to finally be able to laugh, sing and learn together again. To get started, the U6 team came up with lots of...
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