News from the IGS

Introductory Event Business Games Project

Posted on29 Apr 2022
In co-operation with the German-Swiss International School in Hong Kong and the Christian-German School in Chiang Mai, our Grades 9 and 10 students will participate in an online simulation game on the subject of “Our Changing Climate” in the coming weeks. The approximately 50 students will take on the role of different interest groups and, similar to the United...
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IB final exams

Posted on28 Apr 2022
As an official IB World School, IGS is holding their very first IB exams this year. Our grade 12 students have been well prepared by our teachers in the past months to take the centralised final exams which commence this week. We wish all of our seniors the best of luck and the opportunity to show the skills and...
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Student Council Projects

Posted on23 Apr 2022
The SV has 4 main projects this academic year. We’ve invited each team leader to give a short update on their progress: ‘The Mensa Team has been looking to improve student satisfaction with our school catering. We’ve set up a feedback system for each class and are working on satisfying every belly by the end of the year.’ –...
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Robotics ASA

Posted on22 Apr 2022
Students of Grade 3 have been designing various kinds of robots over the past six weeks with the help of Lego Wedo Kits and the accompanying iPad programming app during their Tuesday ASA class. Building Legos is a great way to improve motor skills in early years, while coding facilitates problem-solving, computational and analytical skills of the students in...
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Posted on08 Apr 2022
Spring is a very popular season for children, especially our little ones, as Easter is just around the corner. What does that mean in kindergarten? In addition to all the great Easter traditions, the Easter bunny also makes an appearance! In the U6 section, eggs have been diligently decorated and various handicrafts for room decoration have been made all...
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