News from the IGS

Laboratory Practicals in Class 10 as Preparation for IB

Posted on12 May 2022
An important component of the final grade of the GIB are the internal assessments, which must be done in all of the six chosen subjects as well as TOK. The Internal Assessment (IA) is a process in which teachers assess student performance based on their achieved results measured against IB standards. In the natural science subjects Biology, Chemistry and...
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Advisory visit of the ZfA

Posted on06 May 2022
As is already known, the advisory visit of the ZfA (Central Office for German Schools Abroad) took place this week. The advisor responsible for us, Mr. Uwe Hinxlage, had the opportunity to speak to the school management, the teaching staff and administration, student representatives and parents. He also attended classes at all school levels. In this way he was...
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Student support network

Posted on06 May 2022
We’re happy to announce that our Student Support Network project is finally up and running. After a long delay due to online teaching – Classes 4 to 10 voted on a group of teachers whom they decided would provide helpful support in a more pastoral role. We’d like to take a moment to thank Ms Mai, Mr Vale, Mrs...
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Coffee with us

Posted on06 May 2022
With a delicious cup of coffee and freshly scented croissants, the parents of the primary school were able to exchange ideas with the teachers of the primary school in a relaxed atmosphere on Friday morning. We thank you for your time and the nice conversations and look forward to further encounters.

Reading in the U6 area

Posted on29 Apr 2022
There is no activity more important in preparing children for a successful reading experience than reading aloud together. Children learn to love the sound of language before they even notice the printed words on a page. Reading books aloud stimulates children’s imaginations and expands their understanding of the world. It helps them develop their speaking and listening skills and...
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