News from the IGS

Girls’ soccer match

Posted on08 May 2024
Germany Against France – a true classic! A match that we may be able to marvel at in our own country in a few weeks at the European Football Championships took place last Saturday between the students of our IGS and those of the Lycée Français International Marguerite Duras. Both teams were highly motivated and were cheered on by...
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Bookface Challenge-Projekt

Posted on08 May 2024
On the occasion of World Book Day which is celebrated on April 23rd every year.Our students from class 6 to 11 had completed a project “Bookface Challenge” during their library hours. Here is how to take this challenge: The library is a great place to start! The student will align their face or body so that it matches up...
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From marine engineers and other professions

Posted on07 May 2024
The U6 pupils are currently exploring the topic of “careers” which is being worked on in all groups. The children learn what a career is and what their parents actually do all day when they are “at work”. We also find out what one can do when one grows up. While the children in House G are researching different...
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Announcement of the Federal Inspection

Posted on07 May 2024
The IGS is pleased to announce the upcoming Federal Inspection (BLI) from May 20th to 24th. As a school actively dedicated to the development and enhancement of quality, we welcome not only the expertise of our team but also the external support from the team at the Central Agency for Schools Abroad (ZfA). This inspection will provide us with...
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Excursion to the Cat Café

Posted on27 Apr 2024
Last Friday 19th April, the Grade 6 students accompanied by Ms Hughes and Ms Pienaar, went on an outing to the Kin Neko Cat Café in Thảo Điền. They have been studying the Cat Poems by TS Eliot in their English lessons and the outing was to add a richness to their experience of the poems. We enthusiastically set...
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