News from the IGS

Trip to Suoi Sao Orphanage

Posted on15 Dec 2022
Finding honest words to describe sadness while showing courage and offering support. Our IB student Phu described all of this in his article on the orphanage visit dated December 3rd, 2022. Attached to the CAS subject of the IB, the students visited the children in Bien Hoa with small gifts. You can read in the following article how they...
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A Visit from Hong Kong

Posted on15 Dec 2022
This week, students who are completing German dual vocational training in the commercial sector in Hong Kong visited our IB students. The program included an information event for our guests on the opportunities and challenges of dual vocational training, as well as a joint lesson in epistemology (TOK) on the subject of Christmas. Part of the visit was also...
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Community Choir

Posted on15 Dec 2022
The IGS Community Choir was started in order to provide more nuanced music for the IGS community in traditional celebrations and formal occasions. It has recently been working on Christmas music for the IGS community. It consists of students mainly from Classes 5, 6 and 7, with a smattering of older students – hopefully we will have more after...
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gallery visit k7

Posted on14 Dec 2022
Last week the K7 students were invited to meet with the curator of Galerie Quynh for a private tour of their current exhibition ‘Lachrimae’ from the artist Hoang Duong Cam. We have recently been discussing gallery layouts and curation as part of our lessons, so we were all very excited to visit a professional gallery together. We created special...
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Christmastide at the IGS

Posted on10 Dec 2022
As the Christmas holidays approach in December, there is always a lot to celebrate and organize in this short period of time. And of course there was no exception in the U6 area this year either. As usual, there was a parent games afternoon, the Advent calendar, the Christmas celebrations and extensive preparations for the Christmas market. On Monday,...
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