News from the IGS

“Thank You IGS”- from the Suoi Sao Orphanage

Posted on14 Dec 2023
During the Christmas market, our IGS community had the opportunity to welcome some of the girls from the Suoi Sao orphanage. For the first time, the girls visited the city and our school. It is a great honour for us to enjoy their wonderful traditional dancing performance. The girls were very happy to perform in front of the audience....
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Reading Day

Posted on14 Dec 2023
Reading Day Reading day is not just for the little ones! On December 13th, The IGS students had a special task in their Advent calendar – reading aloud to others. Based on International Reading Day, a reading day also takes place at the IGS every year, which appeals to both older and younger people. There are different constellations: for...
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Posted on14 Dec 2023
As an alternative to the scientifically focused IJSO day, students in classes 5 – 9 who were interested in sports had the option of participating in a sports day. Like the big sports day at the end of the last school year, this took place on the grounds of the SSA Sports Center. The approximately 35 participating students were...
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Movie Night

Posted on14 Dec 2023
At the conclusion of the current year 2023, Class 3 spent a shared movie night at school. The Christmas film ‘Klaus’ was watched in a cosy atmosphere in the classroom. Thanks to contributions from home, there was a diverse selection of snacks and finger foods during the movie. In addition, the children could enjoy home-made popcorn eaten from their...
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Pottery at Christmas Time

Posted on12 Dec 2023
On Monday the Pirates (Class 5) went on a trip to the Spin and Gogh pottery. There the children had the opportunity to create small works of art with their own hands. The pottery-making process was accompanied and supported by professional potters. In addition to the tactile experience of pottery, the excursion was also considered a team event. Together,...
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