News from the IGS

Alumni Talk – Looking back at the years at IGS

Posted on04 Apr 2019
Our daughter Anna-Mayra had the opportunity to return to her “old” school in Vietnam at the end of February. For one week she was allowed to take lessons in her “old” grade, the current grade 4. After attending grades 1 and 2 at IGS, she moved to a regular primary school in Stuttgart, Germany in grade 3. Anna-Mayra was...
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Federal Minister Peter Altmaier in HCMC

Posted on29 Mar 2019
The official opening ceremony of the German House on 26 March 2019, the Federal Minister Mr. Peter Altmaier conveyed greetings from the German chancellor Mrs. Angela Merkel. The Consul general Siegel and Prof. Nguyen Thien Nhan, party secretary and member of the political office as well as the Federal Minister Mr. Peter Altmaier and Dr. Wansleben (DIHK) praised the...
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Guest lecture Prof. Peter Vale, University of Johannesburg

Posted on28 Mar 2019
Industry 4.0 is a buzzword that employed by many branches of industry and the people behind them. We know revolutions from history books. Sometimes, decades of long periods of time become conflated into single chapters and we lose sight of important details. How can we adequately prepare pupils for changed working and living environments? What values form social consensus...
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IGS InterTech 2019

Posted on27 Mar 2019
In the last 3 years, IGS has been pushing to develop and implement EdTech strategies and instructional design to create engaging lessons, virtual classrooms and online-based programs to enhance the learning experience in and out of school. The IGS InterTech is the venue where students can showcase the EdTech used at IGS. On Thursday, April 11, from 17:00-20:00, we invite you...
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