News from the IGS

Making politics come alive

Posted on11 Apr 2020
Interview with Kordula Schulz-Asche, Member of the German Bundestag What do the students of the IGS and the members of the German Bundestag have in common? They “zoom”! While the students in Vietnam have had online classes for nine weeks, the German parliament has to find new ways of communicating with its members. A virtue is made of necessity,...
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Primary Library Logo Competition

Posted on11 Apr 2020
We want to thank everyone who participated in the first round of the Primary Library Logo Competition. Ben Wayman and Quynh Anh were overwhelmed with the variety of unique designs that the students produced – with so many triangles, books, parrots, and a very confused t-rex it was a fantastic brainstorming session! We’d like to invite interested K1-5 students...
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IB World School authorization – Congratulations!

Posted on27 Mar 2020
Dear friends of the IGS, There has been little good news in the past few weeks. However, regardless of the challenging times, there has been some for the IGS community today – a good reason to celebrate. On Wednesday, March 25, 2020 at 1:55 p.m. the International German School HCMC (IGS) received the authorization letter from the IB. The...
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