News from the IGS

17 May 2023


On Friday, May 5, 2023, Diploma Program teachers from the Science Group attended a “Jobalike” event at the British International School Hanoi. “Jobalikes” offer teachers in the same subject group the opportunity to exchange scientific information in order to improve the quality of teaching and learning, to compare the evaluation of student work, and to exchange teaching material. At these meetings, teachers from various international schools in Vietnam discussed the various topics that pose challenges to students and teachers, collaboratively planned solutions and assessed school work together.
In addition to this professional development, many new professional relationships were forged from which teachers will benefit long after the jobalike is over.
Delegates at the event agreed that now, after a period of limited travel for educational purposes, such inter-school collaborative events are of the utmost value. The IGS therefore will try in the future to enable its teachers to take part in such events in Germany and abroad.