News from the IGS

1 Jul 2023

Jubilee week U6

The 10th anniversary of the IGS was also celebrated in the U6 area with many great activities. On Monday everything revolved around the topic of identity: who am I and who do I want to be? Imagining which superhero slumbers in you and then designing the matching cape was a lot of fun for the children.
On Tuesday it got sporty, because at the IGS Sportag even the youngest IGS-ers put their sportiness to the test: in a bobby car race, various obstacle courses and a relaxing yoga class, the different skills of the little athletes were tested.
The excursion day on Wednesday was followed by Science Day on Thursday, which activated the Discoverers and Researchers in the children. In exciting body-themed experiments, the children checked their fingerprints, looked at their irises and found out who had the biggest feet of all.
In addition to playing, handicrafts and romping together, to which parents were also invited, a special highlight was the musical performance by the little ones. They presented their song “Uns’re Schule hat kein Segel” (“Our school has no sails”), which was specially adapted for the IGS, which impressed not only parents but also Mrs. Schaffer. The end of the school year was celebrated with delicious snacks and drinks and the children of the new first class said goodbye.
We would like to take this opportunity to thank all parents for their great support and wish all families a relaxing summer holiday.
On Thursday, August 24th, 2023, the U6 area starts the new school year and then welcomes all explorer and explorer children again.