Advisory visit of the ZfA
As is already known, the advisory visit of the ZfA (Central Office for German Schools Abroad) took place this week. The advisor responsible for us, Mr. Uwe Hinxlage, had the opportunity to speak to the school management, the teaching staff and administration, student representatives and parents. He also attended classes at all school levels. In this way he was able to assess the quality of teaching, in particular of the consistently very good use of German as the language of instruction at the school.
Of course, how the ZfA will position itself in the upcoming process of looking for a new campus with a new partner also played an important role in most of the discussions. In particular, the parents and the school management attached great importance to maintaining the status of the IGS as a German School Abroad (DAS). This is not only of great importance in view of the school leaving certificate, the GIB/IB diploma, and the associated general access to universities in Germany, Switzerland and Austria, but these perspectives are also expressly linked to the special approval of the Conference of Ministers of Education (KMK) for the GIB Diploma at German schools abroad. The IGS status as DAS is and remains important for all families who only live in Vietnam for a few years and who need to easily transfer into the education systems of German-speaking countries. The “DAS brand” is valued by an increasing number of Vietnamese and international families, and is therefore of particular importance for school development in Vietnam.
Mr. Hinxlage agreed to be a positive supporter of this process in the interests of the school community. But, of course, it is also clear that the final agreements between the Foundation for Education and Crafts and the Khai Sang Corporation as a new partner must be concluded before this process can be initiated.
After completion of the visit, we are very confident that we will meet all the requirements for continued status as an official German school abroad; we will continue to belong to the global network of 140 DAS as a full member. We will be able to develop the quality of our education even better on a new and excellently equipped campus.
Michael Schopp