Visit to IGS of our Process Facilitator
At the end of November, our process facilitator, Mr. Clauspeter Wollenweber, visited us for three days and got an overview of our school development processes. To this end, he took part in numerous meetings of the various committees, for example the extended school management meeting, the steering group, the IB meeting, the meeting of the U6 area, the DaF meeting, the environmental group and the large team meeting of the teachers of all classes, held several one-on-one talks with colleagues and functionaries, and also sat in on classes with some colleagues.
At the end of his visit, he discussed his assessments intensively with our coordinator for foreign school quality management, with the members of the steering group and with the school management. His inputs will flow into the further planning and implementation of all school development processes and concepts.
Over all, we received very positive feedback from him! Above all, Mr. Wollenweber really liked the constructive cooperation and the atmosphere in the team as well as the organization of our processes and our comprehensive pedagogical concepts.
Of course we are very happy about this great report and therefore we will remain highly motivated and pull together as a team!
The process facilitators from the Central Office for Schools Abroad advise and support the German schools abroad with regard to their school development and the related processes and procedures. For this reason, they visit the schools in their region every six months and are in constant contact with the responsible officers for quality management for schools abroad and the school principals.