News from the IGS


Posted on27 Mar 2021
Clowning Around As part of the IGS Circus project, the group of clowns got to experience an actual clown at work. A local Saigon clown called Nam visited the group and taught them how to make balloon animals and other shapes. The clowns learned a thing or two (with many a burst balloon during the process) and had a...
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IB Jobalike for Language Acquisition Teachers

Posted on20 Mar 2021
On Friday, March 19 2021, IGS invited Diploma Programme language acquisition teachers of the regional IB network Vietnam/Laos/Myanmar/Cambodia (VLMC) to participate in a “jobalike” event. Jobalikes give teachers of the same subject group the opportunity to connect and share expertise to enhance the quality of teaching and learning, improve moderation of student work, and exchange resources. Language B and...
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Maths Day at IGS

Posted on20 Mar 2021
At the IGS, March 18, 2021 was all about mathematics for students in grades 3 to 11. Framed by a musical program presented by the Senior Choir, consisting of students from grades 4 and 5 under the direction of Mr. Armes and Mr. Vale as well as a piano solo by Kevin from class 7. The special importance of...
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“Coffee with us” on Nutrition U6

Posted on20 Mar 2021
This week the usual “Coffee with us” meeting took place in the U6 section. The topic was “Nutrition”. In addition to general information on nutrition in early childhood, the principles for putting together a balanced diet at the IGS were explained. The highlight, however, was clearly the creative competition at the end of the event, where parents could show...
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“Coco has a backache”

Posted on12 Mar 2021
As part of the DaF lessons, the students in class 2 wrote their own picture stories about their class mascot, Coco. Here is a story by student Ha Vy (Grade 2):  “Coco has a Backache” On Sunday, Coco goes to Ms. Quynh Anh. He has severe back pain. Ms. Quynh Anh has an idea. He needs to go to...
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