News from the IGS

Dear parents, dear friends of IGS

Posted on31 Jul 2021
The International German School HCMC (IGS) has developed from a primary school to a recognized German school abroad with middle and upper grades during the past years. This development was accompanied by a quadrupling of the number of students, the achievement of economic stability and an expansion of the campus. Multilingualism, early learning in the natural sciences, side entry...
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Students’ Representative Council

Posted on13 Jul 2021
SV is the German abbreviation for the term Student Council. The SV is made up of the class representatives from all classes. The class representatives are elected by the classes and represent the students. This means that the students pass on concerns, ideas and wishes to their class representatives. If the concerns, ideas and wishes do not only concern...
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Last Day of School

Posted on03 Jul 2021
Together with their classmates and class leaders, the students finished another successful school year at the IGS on Friday. The ceremony was introduced musically at a gathering in Zoom classrooms and this year began with a poignant self-written piano solo by An from class 9, followed by the solemn speech by the Headmaster, Mr. Thormann, which focused on the...
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Kid’s Lab Online

Posted on03 Jul 2021
What fun at the Online Kids Lab with the frog! This time he had brought a lot of paints, water and sugar and wanted to know from the children what you can do with them. At the end of the experiment, they found out together that the different colors in the glass would not mix if they were mixed...
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Getty Awards

Posted on03 Jul 2021
During this final semester, we put out a challenge to our students – who could recreate a famous work of art the best using only materials from their home? The response has been, to say the least, incredible! We’ve seen avocados dressed as Magritte, armies of Mona Lisas, pets with pearl earrings, and statues come to life. Let’s take...
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