News from the IGS

Preparations for the Day of German Unity

Posted on01 Oct 2021
Each year on the third of October, Germans celebrate “German Unity Day”, which is fast approaching. Unfortunately, IGS will not be able to organise an actual event on the school’s campus this year as we are still affected by the ongoing Covid restrictions. Consequently, the History Department has compiled a digital learning programme for grades 5 to 10 in...
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Packages from IGS

Posted on01 Oct 2021
We are very happy to announce that, on Wednesday, September 29th 2021, we sent out the school books and other materials packages via delivery and post service to our IGS students who currently reside in Ho Chi Minh City and other provinces in Vietnam. The packages will be delivered directly to your confirmed home address and for your own...
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Moon Festival

Posted on25 Sep 2021
The Moon Festival, originally a harvest festival, celebrates the beauty of the moon, which is largest and brightest at this time of the year. It is a family festival where families get together, exchange gifts and eat traditional dishes. As a German School in Vietnam, the IGS would like to celebrate the moon festival with the students and also...
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Webinars for parents (U6)

Posted on25 Sep 2021
From 20.09. – 23.09.2021 the parents’ evenings took place in the U6 section in the form of a webinar series on various topics. This enabled a lively exchange with the participating parents, who directed many interesting questions to the educators. There were also further ideas and suggestions for the ongoing course of home-based learning. Both our new Head of...
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Parents’ evening

Posted on25 Sep 2021
The first parents’ evening of the school year took place on Thursday, September 23rd. The parents of grades 1-12 came to meet with the class teachers via Zoom. In addition to general information about the course of the school year, the focus was on igs_online 4.0. We would like to take this opportunity to thank you very much for...
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