News from the IGS

Care Week U6

Posted on09 Oct 2021
For the autumn break, there will be a special program for the U6 section. The schedule takes into account the various language levels of the children, is individually designed for each group and serves to promote linguistic development. The two preschool groups have developed many exciting activities on the subjects of “fairy tales” and “our 5 senses”

Results of German Unity Day

Posted on09 Oct 2021
This last week before the autumn break, the students of the IGS secondary level have been examining and exploring the significance of German reunification during their History classes. In this context they have been investigating to what extent the former division of Germany still influences the way people think today. Grades 5-7 have increasingly occupied themselves with a creative...
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Virtual Presentation Hour

Posted on09 Oct 2021
On Friday, the students of Grade 4 invited Grade 1 to 3 to our first-ever virtual presentation hour. Everyone was very excited to see the other students and teachers again. Moderated by individual students of the Zebra Class, all classes presented something that they had already learned in the first few weeks. Grade 4 initially took the children on...
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Kid’s Lab

Posted on08 Oct 2021
Sometimes it hisses and pops really well in the Kid’s Lab. During the many experiments on the subject of “water”, the pot bubbled and hissed and cold ice cubes turned into hot water in no time at all. But why does the pot lid suddenly look so strange? Why is it full of water droplets? The children were able...
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New Developments in the U6 Section

Posted on01 Oct 2021
The U6 Section was able to introduce some positive developments this week. We would like to give you a brief overview here: The online lessons in the U6 Section got off to a very successful start and all children have been able to get involved in the support units and activities on offer in the past few weeks. It...
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