News from the IGS

Reading with Antolin

Posted on05 Nov 2021
The development of reading skills is a central concern of a holistic education. Reading promotes cognitive skills, improves vocabulary and the ability to concentrate. We are therefore very pleased to present the Antolin Reading Competition to you. On the Antolin  learning platform, students in grades 2 to 7 can check their knowledge of books they have read with the...
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Autumn poems in class 3

Posted on04 Nov 2021
The autumn is here Autumn is slowly approaching in Germany: it is getting cooler, the leaves are colored and the animals are collecting supplies for the winter, the perfect time for a little creative writing. The pupils of class 3 wrote and recorded various poem forms, such as Rondell or Elfchen about autumnal topics. At the same time, they...
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The IGS Meteorologists

Posted on04 Nov 2021
During the course of their specialist courses, the students in class 3 have not only intensively observed the weather in the past few weeks, built measuring instruments and learned how clouds and thunderstorms arise, but also designed their own weather maps and made appropriate presentations – just the way you want it done on television. “That was a lot...
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Halloween in Villa B

Posted on30 Oct 2021
Things have been getting a little spooky this week in Villa B! Klasse 3 had a masked sing-along with Mr Armes and then joined Klasse 4 to design some sinister snacks for the holidays. After we enjoyed some ghost chocolate, powerful lollipops and x-ray doughnuts klasse 5 took part in an improvised skeleton challenge with materials found around the...
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Class 10 Radio Advertisements

Posted on30 Oct 2021
Chocolate We were given the task in Music class to write the same advert script for an imaginary product in three different languages, namely English, German and Vietnamese. These scripts were then shared within the group and each person recorded themselves in one of the three languages by matching the pace of the background music created by the group....
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