News from the IGS

Christmas Bakery at IGS

Posted on10 Dec 2021
“In der Weihnachtsbäckerei Gibt es manche Leckerei Zwischen Mehl und Milch Macht so mancher Knilch Eine riesengroße Kleckerei” No matter how old or young,  everyone in Germany knows the first lines of the song “In der Weihnachtsbäckerei” by Rolf Zuckowski, a famous German musician and composer. The lyrics were translated into deeds when the students of class 3 met...
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An afternoon in search of identity

Posted on09 Dec 2021
On December 3, 2021, the 10th and 11th grade students of the IGS got the unique opportunity to experience the moving story written by the author Phạm Minh Khuê. The author discussed her book “Wo auch immer ihr seid” (Wherever you are), in which  the well-known scenario of Vietnamese immigrants to Germany searching for a better education is described...
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IJSO project day at the IGS

Posted on09 Dec 2021
IJSO is the abbreviation for International Junior Science Olympiad. It is a competition for students who are 15 years of age or younger and who are interested in biology, chemistry and physics. It took place for the first time in 2004 in Jakarta, Indonesia. Around 50 nations are currently taking part in the Science Olympiad on a regular basis....
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Nicholas visits U6

Posted on09 Dec 2021
Another highlight has been set for the children of the U6 section this week. Previously, they had learned a lot about St. Nicholas, practiced songs and poems about him and even followed the tradition of cleaning their shoes. The efforts of the children were well worth it, because on Monday there was a huge surprise for everyone. In House...
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Computer Science Biber Contest Winner

Posted on03 Dec 2021
Who can make it to the hidden treasure? Who can still win the sports tournament after the first matches have been played? Where do businesses need to be built to optimally supply a rural community? In the Informatik-Biber, schoolchildren deal with age-appropriate IT issues in a playful and natural way. For the first time this year, the students in...
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