News from the IGS

A TET ceremony, Ao Dai and dragon dances in the U6 section

Posted on29 Jan 2022
The biggest festival of the year is just around the corner! Tet. On the last day before the holidays, the U6 section organized a big digital festival before all little researchers and discoverers started their vacation. In the morning there was a lot of hustle and bustle. The entire U6 section came together and performed a tea ceremony, where...
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New Year’s greetings at the end of the semester and at TET

Posted on29 Jan 2022
by Head of School Georg Michael Schopp A special first half of the year has come to an end today. Our students have only recently returned to campus. The younger ones from kindergarten to 6th grade are not allowed to come until February 14th. Up to 8 months of online lessons is and that has been a very exhausting...
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Pinhole Camera

Posted on27 Jan 2022
As part of the Physics lessons this week, the students in Grades 7 and 9 were taught how to build a pinhole camera by themselves. A pinhole camera functions on simple basic rules of optics and thus makes it possible to experience principles that, for example, contribute to the functioning of the camera’s found on our smartphones. Students in...
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Preparations for Tet

Posted on21 Jan 2022
There has been bustle with dragon costume and drum for weeks, and a tinkling on piano that sounds vaguely like Tet songs. IGS is back on track to celebrate Tet. Grade 8 and 9 boys are busy practicing their dragon dances; classmates improvise drum tattoos; lush ao dai are taken down, shaken and ironed out for the big day....
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Oscillations in Mechanics

Posted on21 Jan 2022
This week, the subject of oscillations was introduced in Class 10 Physics lessons. In order to make the topic more accessible, the students carried out an experiment on the coil spring pendulum. With the help of this experiment, they should have been able to recognize the variables on which the period of oscillation of a coil spring pendulum depends...
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