News from the IGS

IJSO – Completion of the first round of the olympiad

Posted on18 Feb 2022
The first round of the International JuniorScienceOlympiad 2022 is now complete. The students of the IGS examined a wide range of questions relating to the topic of hearing. They learned about the differences between noise, sound and tone, constructed a model of the middle ear and made grains of salt jump and dance with their voices. As in previous...
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Campus opening “Back to school at last!”

Posted on17 Feb 2022
It was this exclamation that four second graders shouted as they ran past my office back to their campus and to their class. Everyone should hear it. “Back to school at last!” They expressed their joy at finally being able to go back after 9 long months (since May 10, 2021) to their friends, to their teachers, to their...
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The Start of the U6 Section

Posted on17 Feb 2022
The first week in the U6 section is already over. It was great to see the children storming the schoolyard, waving happily and discovering the houses on the first morning. After all, things have changed there. Then the first week flew by! Everyone was very busy making new friends, rekindling old friendships, deciding on rules for the groups and...
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Peer Presentations

Posted on16 Feb 2022
On Thursday, 10 February 2022 students from Grade 8 gave formal presentations to students from Grade 12. Grades 9 and 10 were spectators. The presentations from the Grade 8 students were based on their study of John Wyndham’s “The Chrysalids” and concerned mainly social issues concerned with genetics or geneology. The Grade 12 students presented a formalized comparison of...
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IGS introduces itself at the TU Dortmund

Posted on16 Feb 2022
As part of the lecture series “Introduction to School Pedagogy” by Prof. Dr. Silvia-Iris Beutel at the TU Dortmund, we received an invitation to present the IGS and to give the students an insight into the structures of a German school abroad. This was preceded by the successful participation of the IGS in the “German School Prize Special” in...
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