News from the IGS

maths olympiade

Posted on04 Mar 2022
Around 160,000 students are taking part in the 61st Mathematics Olympiad in Germany – and also at international schools – this year. This competition follows the Olympic traditions but, above all, it is about having fun tackling the challenges posed and meeting other math fans. Over several rounds, the participants have had the opportunity to test their knowledge and to...
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International Mother Tongue Day

Posted on26 Feb 2022
There are around 6700 languages ​​worldwide. At IGS, there are also many students enrolled who speak various different languages. February 21st was International Mother Tongue Day, when we celebrate this diversity. To mark the occasion, the students, in cooperation with the library team, created an exhibition that reflects the linguistic diversity of our school community. Learners collected idioms in...
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DSD II results 2022

Posted on25 Feb 2022
IGS would like to proudly announce that all of this year’s DSD II candidates (German Language Diploma level 2) from Grade 11 have achieved their diploma with outstanding results of C1 (CEFR) in all four skills.  A welcome surprise for their teacher was that this year’s cohort received an average of a fantastic 92% for the written communication which...
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Collegial Class Visits

Posted on24 Feb 2022
At the IGS, the KUH (Collegial Class Visits) has been an integral part of the school’s in-service programme for years. KUH stands in German for Collegial Teaching Observation and is a means for the teaching staff to support each other in preparing and implementing lessons. It is a criteria-based observation of a lesson with subsequent feedback from colleagues. The...
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School Readiness Tests in U6

Posted on24 Feb 2022
Children are inquisitive and want to learn. When they reach preschool age, the joy of starting school is immense. But before the time for school cones and backpacks begins, there is still the school aptitude test. This week the preschool of the U6 section started with the tests. The aptitude test for school not only tests the language level,...
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