News from the IGS

Thinking – Project Day

Posted on11 Mar 2022
The idea of ​​the Project Day, Thinking, grew out of the teachers’ desire to convey aspects of thinking to the students that go beyond the curriculum and are particularly important to the teachers. On this day, learners from grades 5 to 11 had the opportunity to choose from a variety of activities in which they were most interested. There...
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Fulbright University Visit

Posted on11 Mar 2022
As part of our career and study counseling for the older students, the admissions team from Fulbright University HCMC visited the IGS on Wednesday afternoon to talk about application strategies and the admission process in general but also especially at Fulbright. They gave an insight into the campus and student life at Fulbright. Our classes 9 to 12 were...
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New Chairman of the School Advisory Board

Posted on04 Mar 2022
Congratulations to Felice Iacobellis On February 17th, after a long break due to Corona, the school advisory board of the IGS was able to meet again. M. Kieren, F. Iacobellis (representatives of the parents’ council), H. Schaffer and M. Schopp (school management) and M. Walde (AHK) met in Villa H on campus. Horst Geicke, the long-time chairman of the...
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Detection of starch in green plants

Posted on04 Mar 2022
In a practical experiment in Biology, Class 9 proved that green plant leaves can produce starch with the help of sunlight. After a long time online, our Science teachers have reinforced theoretical knowledge through experiments, so that a theoretical discussion is followed by practical implementation of those ideas.

Alice, Kl. 8, My School – IGS

Posted on04 Mar 2022
The IGS has been a really great school for me and I really enjoyed studying there for many years. But then I got bored: I wanted to try something new – a bigger school. So I switched to another school, but after a while there I wanted to go back to IGS because I realized that IGS was a...
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