News from the IGS

students impressions

Posted on23 Sep 2022
My first impressions of the IGS are wonderful! I was very nervous on the first day at school, but my classmates and teachers were very nice and welcoming. The food here is unique and there are many breaks. The way my teachers teach me here is different from my old school: it’s more fun! There are also some new...
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SV Election

Posted on23 Sep 2022
The class representatives of all classes of the IGS came together and carried out the election of this year’s SV teachers in a first meeting of the student council. This year’s liaison teachers are: Rebecca Joy Hughes Tobias Steier As a next step and with their support, the student representatives will be elected to the Student Council.

Class 9 – STEM Box Competition

Posted on23 Sep 2022
Class 9 entered for the first time a science competition organized by the Australian National University (ANU). The ANU has provided our students with the necessary materials in the form of STEM BOXES. The students of Class 9 have selected two experiments that have matched the currently discussed topics in chemistry and biology classes. They tested various water samples...
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Finally, there is a weekly cool-down again!

Posted on21 Sep 2022
Since this school year, the students of the IGS can finally enjoy the cool water again as part of their swimming lessons. After a long dry spell, crawl, breaststroke and backstroke are back on the curriculum. Until now, only the pre-school children have had the great privilege of having their first encounters with the water in the school’s own...
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The Antolin Reading Competition

Posted on17 Sep 2022
The Antolin Reading Competition is back! Another school year and another journey around the sun is just about to begin. Antolin is a website for the kids to access reading books online and answering quizzes about what they have read. There are lots of German books and stories that are available for the kids to choose and read through...
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