News from the IGS

Researchers meet Teachers

Posted on29 Sep 2022
This year, the science teachers will participate in the online training provided by the Max Delbrück Center in Berlin ‘Laboratory meets teacher’. The series of lectures, prepared by MDC scientists with many years of experience in their fields, introduces the teachers to the most current point of view of research in the field of biomedicine. During the training, teachers not...
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Animation with Class 2

Posted on29 Sep 2022
We’ve been exploring all things cartoon in the Kunstraum with the Class 2 students! From Lego to Pop Art there are so many topics for us to explore. Last week we worked together to create our own short animation, using 4 photo frames per student. We each pulled our best happy, silly, angry and scary faces, then decorated our...
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The Little “We” at School

Posted on28 Sep 2022
The little giraffes have been going to school for three weeks now and have learned a lot of new things. In our science lessons, we dealt with the topic of community using the picture book Das kleine WIR in der Schule (The little US in school) by Daniela Kunkel. The little US is a small, fuzzy green monster that...
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Piñata Surprise Celebration

Posted on23 Sep 2022
Over the past week Classes 3 & 9 have worked with the Art Department on a special top-secret project;  together, we created a celebration Piñata to be enjoyed by the whole school. What is a Piñata? A Piñata is a container, most often made of papier-mâché, pottery, or cloth, that is decorated, filled with candy, and then broken as...
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On the trail of mystery: What was school like 100 years ago?

Posted on23 Sep 2022
Were there punishments and why were there punishments? How did the children get to school? Did the children have school materials? Were there school uniforms? What did classrooms look like in the past? Were they different in the past than they are today? These were the questions the Class 4 children explored over the past few weeks. They researched...
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