News from the IGS

SV reps

Posted on28 Oct 2023
We are delighted to announce our new school SV representatives. Representing our teaching staff we have Ms Hughes and Mr Vidmar. Representing our secondary students we have Ha Mi and Hannah. Representing our primary students we have CiCi and Carsten. Our SV is an integral part of our school’s ecology and the team involved are always eager to support...
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Newly Arrived Books

Posted on28 Oct 2023
Looking for a good book to read? Wondering what’s next to read? Or just spending your leisure time in the library? We are excited to announce that a great selection of new books have arrived and are now available at our school libraries. The choices of books are very diverse from different genres such as picture books, fairy tales,...
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The school nurse presents her work

Posted on28 Oct 2023
This week the children in the U6 area received a visit from our school nurse. She explained her work to the children from both houses in an age-appropriate manner and showed them a first aid kit. Now all children know what to do in an emergency! Afterwards, the children were allowed to go to our hospital ward and explore...
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Visit to the Suoi Sao Orphanage

Posted on13 Oct 2023
Last Saturday on the 7th of October, we students from Classes10, 11 and 12 organised a visit to the Suoi Sao orphanage. For many of us, this was a heartwarming return visit, as we had already connected with the children during previous visits in the last year.  As we entered the orphanage, we received a warm welcome from the...
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Visit from DAAD

Posted on12 Oct 2023
Living and studying in Germany Addressing this subject was Simone Götz from the DAAD (German Academic Exchange Service) who visited the IGS on Tuesday, October 10th, 2023. The information event gave Classes 9-11 a brief insight into Germany’s university jungle. What is a Bachelor’s Degree? What exactly are Engineering Sciences? What are the differences between technical colleges and universities?...
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