News from the IGS

Snow Town Classes 1-2

Posted on07 Dec 2023
We took a trip to Snowtown this week as part of the Whale and Giraffe cross-class knowledge lesson. After the students in classes 1 and 2 dealt extensively with the topic of weather over the last few weeks and also got to know different forms of precipitation such as snow, it was time to combine theory and practice. In...
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pagoda trip

Posted on01 Dec 2023
School Outing:to Dang Minh Quang Buddhist Institute Just a short drive from school, Class 5 has a chance to visit Dang Minh Quang Buddhist Institute – located right in the heart of Ho Chi Minh city. Our school trips offer great chances for the IGS students to be immersed in the local culture in so many ways; this time...
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girls Soccer game

Posted on01 Dec 2023
Save the date Since the boys’ soccer team has been training regularly for the past school year, and playing games against other schools, a girls’ team has also been growing. Now we are proud to announce that the first test match will take place on January 20, 2024.  The opponent will be the girls’ team from Atletico Saigon. The...
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Coding AG

Posted on01 Dec 2023
Coding AG Starting in January 2024 At the start of the new year 2024, we will once again be offering a Coding AG. From January 8th, 2024, students will have the opportunity to take part in various programs to participate. Algorithmics has a specially developed 10-week course especially tailored for our students. Each session includes a group discussion, exploration...
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Day trip to Suoi Tien

Posted on29 Nov 2023
Due to excellent behaviour and eager participation in NaWi lessons, Class 7 earned a trip to the Suoi Tien amusement park. On Thursday, October 23rd, 2023, the entire class spent the morning riding exciting rides, catching fish and admiring real crocodiles. After the initial excitement, we were hungry, so a visit to the Vietnamese restaurant was just the thing....
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