News from the IGS

Parent Council – Info

Posted on20 Oct 2019
We warmly congratulate Mrs. Hauschild on her election as Chairperson of the Parent Council and Ms. Ong Yu Wen (Grade 3) on her election as Substitute.Our congratulations also to the elected members of the school advisory board who have been nominated by the parent council: Frau Issariya Hauschild Frau Thị Vân Anh Trần Herr Felice Iacobellis Herr Ewald Andreas...
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Visit of class 12 from Chiang Mai

Posted on19 Oct 2019
After visiting the German School in Chiang Mai last year, IGS received the five students of the graduating class from Chiang Mai on last week on Tuesday. After taking a small school tour organized by Milan and Yipta, the class 10 IGS students exchanged their experiences of the upper grades with the 12th graders from Chiang Mai. Afterwards, the...
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Attention bookworms!

Posted on18 Oct 2019
Library opens at the 0th hour! Some of our young readers can be found quite early in front of the school library. Therefore, we have decided to open the library for our visitors from 7:15 am until further notice. Ms. Quyn Anh is available with a smile to all reading friends every morning from Monday to Friday for support....
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Posted on18 Oct 2019
Last Thursday, the parents of this year’s lateral entrant students came to join an informative evening in the new Villa H. The Lateral Entrants’ Programme allows students of non-German mother tongue to enter the classes at the IGS through a special support program. Since close cooperation with parents is essential for successful integration, members of the extended school management,...
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Fire drill

Posted on18 Oct 2019
On October 15, the first fire drill took place this school year. First of all IGS students, teachers and staff leftthe campus via the specified escape routes and met at the assembly stations.Then it was exciting: The Fire Department deputised employees of the Property Department, who made themselves available as “injured”. The artificially placed fire was extinguished by a...
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