News from the IGS

Contest – Humboldt Calendar 2020

Posted on20 Nov 2019
We are very proud to announce that the class 2 community project has been selected for the Humboldt Calendar 2020. Our work will fill one page of this calendar. Every year, the German School, Sao Paulo Colegio Humboldt,  organizes the intercontinental school competition “Cities on the River”. Of course, this year is all about the naturalist Alexander von Humboldt....
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Where one is celebrated as a teacher at a German school

Posted on19 Nov 2019
Being a teacher is more than a job. For many people, this work is a vocation that they fulfill with a lot of passion. For us, it was special to receive such warm, thoughtful gifts from our parents this year.We thank you for working daily with your children and for letting us share in their development. Stress, lack of...
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READING day at the IGS

Posted on15 Nov 2019
Reading aloud promotes creativity and focus. For the annual reading day, many young and old readers could be found at the IGS today reading various books and poems out loud with enthusiasm and excitement. The school campus and classrooms were transformed into small reading oases: at the pool, on the sun terrace or sitting in a circle on the...
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Romeo & Juliet at the Saigon Opera House

Posted on15 Nov 2019
“A plague on both your houses” – Grades 8, 9 and 10 took to the bus to visit Saigon’s grand old Opera House to see a production of Shakespeare’s “Romeo and Juliet”. The play is being studied by Grade 9 at the moment, and Grade 10 studied it last year, so the play is familiar to most of the...
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Professional Development (IB Core Subjects)

Posted on15 Nov 2019
While students enjoyed a long weekend, teachers from School and Kindergarten met on November 11th and 12th to prepare for the rest of the year and to participate in professional development workshops. Teachers of primary and secondary had the opportunity to participate in a workshop presented by Vivek Bammi, an experienced IB teacher. He gave a deeper insight into...
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