News from the IGS

Crafting of the preschool / elementary school

Posted on22 Jan 2020
In line with the traditional Têt Festival, which bridges the gap between the old and the new year, the joint handicraft project of our preschool and 1st class was held this week. Linking the new with the old and growing gently as a new community was a complete success and lets us start a new year with confidence and...
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Lego Day

Posted on17 Jan 2020
Ideas arise in the mind; but to implement the mind’s creative thoughts you need tools. One of these tools is LEGO. Therefore, IGS has invited David Drake, founder of Creation Station, to show his kids his LEGO world. In addition to an exhibition of great models, classes 4-10 also have the opportunity to live out their creativity at small...
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new Vietnamese reading books

Posted on17 Jan 2020
Our library is super excited to be expanding our Vietnamese language collection. With stories, poems and classic tales from renowned Vietnamese authors the students are already showing great excitement with their new treasure!

Coffee with us

Posted on17 Jan 2020
For the fifth time this academic year, the event Coffee with Us took place on Wednesday, January 15th, 2020. On these occasions, various sections of the IGS invite parents for thematic conversations between parents and teachers in an informal setting. After the U6 section started the year off, and the elementary school and secondary school then presented their topics...
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New tree house

Posted on15 Jan 2020
After extensive renovation work, our tree house shines in new splendor, and we can play and rest on it to our hearts’ content. The world looks very different from up here. Completely different games are possible here and new fantasy worlds are opened. Children love this climbing opportunity. Thank you for the rebuild!