News from the IGS


Posted on15 May 2020
From now on you can watch movie clips from and about IGS on IGS TVIGS TV.  You can select between the channels Campus Life, Music & Concerts, Arts & Craft, Early Science and Vietnamese. Have fun looking at the clips.

Research colloquia

Posted on15 May 2020
The research hours in grades 9 and 10 serve to learn scientific working methods in preparation for the IB diploma phase. They are firmly integrated into the timetable as weekly double lessons and were organized by Ms. Mai this school year. The aim of the research is to gain knowledge that arises from working on a specific question or...
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German Language Certificate

Posted on15 May 2020
As in every year before the exams for the German Language Certificate of the Education Ministers Conference level 1 (DSD 1), the pilot exam took place this week on May 15th, 2020. Due to the recent worldwide school closures, the official dates have been postponed until May. Thus, the written exam will take place on May 26th, 2020 and...
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Finally, the students are back!

Posted on13 May 2020
Classes 4-10 are back on campus. After the temperature controls, the information about the hygiene and the adequate behaviour, all classes were ready for studying on campus. Again, there was real exchange among students and teachers. During the phase of online teaching it became apparent that communication and learning go far beyond the acquisition of facts. Although some of...
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Evaluation of the parent survey – area school

Posted on08 May 2020
The school thanks parents for their participation in the online IGS survey. The school received feedback from 37 parents from different grades. The questions are first evaluated in full before individual aspects are presented. In addition to the fact that there were classes at all, positive aspects of online teaching related primarily to the individual, continuous work as well...
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