News from the IGS

Of Butterflies and Animal Poems

Posted on29 May 2020
– Presentations in primary school At regular intervals the pupils of the elementary and secondary level present their results from the lessons they have learned to classmates from the other grades. Today there were two presentations and great amazement among the audience.In the first hour, the students of class 3/4 (DaF) shared what they had learned about the butterflies...
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DSD 1: Successful speaking exams at the IGS

Posted on29 May 2020
Once again this year, students from grades 7, 8, and 9 had to demonstrate their language skills at the German Language Diploma DSD 1. On Tuesday, the learners have already been tested in the skills of listening, reading, and writing and on Thursday they took their speaking exams in front of a panel of examiners. Once again, the IGS...
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The preschool started the week with a bang!

Posted on21 May 2020
After many long weeks of no school, the preschoolers can finally play together, do handicrafts, discover their environments, and of course – continue with their preparation for their transition into the first grade. The teachers have developed a tailor-made preschool course that will help the children over the next few weeks to acquire the skills needed for the first...
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Posted on20 May 2020
This year, the grade 2 class successfully participated in the Mini-Känguru competition for the first time. This internal maths competition is the preparation the international Känguru competition in which the older classes participate.The children had a lot of fun on the intensive thinking required to solve the problems and were very proud of their medals. The most successful candidates...
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Vorschule startete mit viel Kraft

Posted on20 May 2020
Nach den langen Wochen können die Kinder der Vorschule wieder gemeinsam spielen, basteln, entdecken und sich natürlich auf den Übergang in die erste Klasse vorbereiten. Ein maßgeschneiderter Vorschulkurs wird den Kindern in den nächsten Wochen helfen, die notwendigen Kompetenzen für den Schulanfang zu erwerben. Alle waren am Montag sichtlich froh, wieder da zu sein. Als erstes wurde das Spielzeug...
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