News from the IGS

The contemporary witness

Posted on27 Jun 2020
What actually is a contemporary witness?  It’s a person who experienced something long ago that no longer exists today and can tell us or write about it. Contemporary witnesses are particularly important for understanding history. IGS students interviewed a teacher, a contemporary witness, who was in the same year group 60 years ago as they are now. How many...
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Theater + art

Posted on19 Jun 2020
In our ‘Ku-mu’ (Art & Music) lessons Klasse 2 & 3 have been working hard on learning new songs and creating fantastic fairy tale masks for our end of year ceremony. Good job goblins, animals, dragons and fairies!

FRaft construction at the swimming pool

Posted on19 Jun 2020
In the last swimming lesson of the year, teamwork was required in class 5. The task was to build a raft that could hold up the teacher and could transport him across the pool. All teams accomplished the task with flying colors and great solutions were found.

Herz- und Nieren Präparation im Biologieunterricht

Posted on19 Jun 2020
Die Schülerinnen und Schüler der Jahrgangsstufe 8 hatten diese Woche im Biologieunterricht die Möglichkeit ein Schweineherz und eine Schweineniere zu sezieren. Zunächst wurden die anatomischen Strukturen sowie die Funktion des menschlichen Herzens und der menschlichen Niere an Modellen und mit Hilfe von Mitschülern Präsentationen erlernt. Bei der anschließenden Präparation mit Skalpell konnte dann das theoretische Wissen in der Praxis...
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Reading pass for 1st class

Posted on19 Jun 2020
At the beginning of the second half of the year, also during the time of school closure and Skype lessons, the first graders dutifully fulfilled their reading tasks. During the weekend they had time to practice a text from the learning material and to deliver it on Monday morning. Most of them succeeded remarkably well, so that now, at...
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