News from the IGS

school yearbook 2019/2020

Posted on16 Aug 2020
For the yearbook, please click here Due to the current situation, we are making the yearbook available to you as an online edition It is important to many families to remember their experiences and school friends later on. We have therefore recorded the highlights of the 2019/2020 school year for you and your friends and family. Have fun while reading.

Last day of school

Posted on04 Jul 2020
“Music at stations” was the motif of the last day of school before the summer vacation (Clip). Spread across the entire school campus, pupils from all classes and teachers played together and said goodbye to school and hello to the summer holidays with a successful IGS choreography as a cherry on top. We wish all IGS students happy and...
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School trip to Vung Tau

Posted on04 Jul 2020
Most students in Germany can hardly imagine spending a day at the beach. For our pupils from classes 1 to 10, however, this was a highlight of this year’s IGS campaign week. After almost two hours on the bus, we went to the fine sandy beach with sun hats and sun cream and into the refreshing water. In addition...
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Sports days

Posted on04 Jul 2020
With the final reports just around the corner, the IGS held its annual sports day once again. Over two days the primary and secondary students ran, sweated and laughed. While the primary students could prove themselves playing ‚Völkerball‘, ‚Brennball‘ as well as football and playing with various sets of equipment, the secondary students showed their skills in basketball, volleyball,...
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Internship class 9/10

Posted on04 Jul 2020
In the last school week the internships for individual students in classes 9 and 10 took place for the second time. The students applied to an institution or company of their choice. One chose sound design in a recording studio, one worked in a law firm, one in marketing and some in more technical professions. Others chose practical activities...
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