News from the IGS

Breakdance Workshop U6

Posted on24 Oct 2020
On Friday morning the well-known and successful breakdancer Khánh visited us in Saigon. The children of the flower group and the preschool received their first insights into the technique of breakdancing at a workshop. In addition to two basic steps, we also learned a “power move” and the “baby freeze” and were then able to try them out with...
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Library sign

Posted on23 Oct 2020
We are delighted to announce the completion of our new primary library sign! It’s a long-running project that started with Ms. Rieß, our intern who helped during igs_online last year. The logo was made through combining a variety of student designs. The sign itself was decorated by classes 2 & 3 over the last few months. A big thank...
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Coffee with us U6

Posted on23 Oct 2020
Why do children play? Which games encourage children to speak in particular? These questions occupied the guests of the first “Coffee with us”, to which the team from the U6 area had been invited. Many families take time to play board games together or look for specific opportunities to provide their children with a stimulating home environment. In conversation...
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Book Party

Posted on10 Oct 2020
On October 7, 2020 Grades 1to 6 participated in a book party event in the primary library. The students had a chance to look at and peruse the new books that the library had added earlier this year. Apart from reading the new collections, every grade performed specific tasks: Grade 1 watched interactive stories, Grade 2 sequenced two stories...
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Interview with contemporary witnesses

Posted on10 Oct 2020
Last Saturday marked the thirtieth anniversary of German Unity Day. On October 3, 1990, the unification treaty between the FRG and the GDR came into force.  On this occasion, discussions with contemporary witnesses took place at the IGS. In addition to a recorded interview with Mr. Ressler, who witnessed the fall of the Berlin Wall near East Berlin, a...
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