News from the IGS

Lantern handicrafts for the U6 paren

Posted on06 Nov 2020
A beautiful tradition in the U6 area has become the fathers’ annual lantern handicrafts before St. Martin’s festival. For this reason, many fathers – and some mothers – met on Monday evening to design a lantern for their children. With bratwurst and a cool drink there was of course time for a chat. At the end of the evening,...
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A letter travels the world

Posted on06 Nov 2020
Class 4 was allowed to test how a letter can travel around the world. The pen friends project was started with the primary school Markt Wald in Germany. The students of grade 4 opened the long-awaited letters eagerly. When answering, care was taken to apply the newly-learned criteria for a personal letter and of course to report on Vietnamese...
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Healthy lunch with grade 11

Posted on06 Nov 2020
Of course there were some difficulties, e.g. when buying ripe avocados or finding kitchen utensils. Since we were in a kitchen we were unfamiliar with, we didn’t know where all the utensils were. It took us a lot of time to find them ;). After an hour of preparation everything was ready. The food was nicely arranged on the...
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Posted on31 Oct 2020
Ghosts, monsters, witches and many, many more exotic creatures came to celebrate Halloween in the U6 area today. Children showed off their costumes at a small “fashion show”. Exciting games and activities such as can throwing or balloon dancing ensured a good mood throughout the day, and the winners also had a delicious surprise waiting for them afterwards.We are...
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Evacuation drill

Posted on30 Oct 2020
Also in this school year a fire drill was carried out at the IGS. On Wednesday in the third lesson the alarm sounded and all students, teachers and employees quickly gathered at the two designated assembly points. This time the exercise could be completed efficiently in less than three minutes. Then the local fire brigade moved in with heavy...
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