News from the IGS

Concentric Circles Christmas Trees

Posted on18 Dec 2020
This week, students of Grades 6 and 7 were involved in making hands-on Christmas trees out of cardboard as part of their scheduled activities for the season. The students learnt about mathematics, design and symmetry in creative ways. The students also took great pains to create unique designs.

Rudolph the reindeer

Posted on18 Dec 2020
For a week, students of class 3 worked enthusiastically with Legos in Sachunterricht (Science and Culture). The children first recreated simple snails, followed by fans and research probes, which were programmed afterward. In keeping with the Christmas season, the children then built and programmed Santa Claus with Rudolph the reindeer using fairly complex instructions. After some minor failures in...
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Christmas Bakery

Posted on12 Dec 2020
The class six students surprised the class twos with a magical time baking Christmas cookies and class 4 surprised class one. There was a lot of measuring, sifting, whisking and rolling out of dough. The little ones were in awe of their elder school mates, and wore wide smiles throughout. An IGS Bakery it sure was.      


Posted on12 Dec 2020
On Monday, 7 December the miraculous occurred – Nicholaus came to visit the IGS. Bearing bags of goodies and handing them out to all the good children, he wandered about the school campus looking for classes to visit. He wore his famous red cloak over a white surcoat with gold trimmings. Around his waist he wore a gold belt....
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Section of a heart in grade 8

Posted on11 Dec 2020
Medical students who have studied the structure and function of the heart in the anatomy atlas or on a model, often experience it as a great challenge to recognize what they have previously learned in their preparation. In order to get a realistic idea of the structure and function of the heart, Class 8 dissected the heart of a...
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