News from the IGS

tet Prep

Posted on23 Jan 2021
If anyone was walking across campus this week they would have been able to see lions dancing on the sports field to the beats of boisterous drum rolls by the pupils of grade 7 and 8. They are rehearsing the traditional lion dance for this year’s Tet Festival under the direction of Matthias Mayr. Besides that, “Tết Tết Tết...
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Saigon String Quartett

Posted on24 Dec 2020
Dear friends of the IGS, dear colleagues, Over the past few months, teachers around the world have taught and tried to maintain standards at schools under challenging conditions. Schools have shared the special pressure of adapting to the situation under which many institutions and companies suffer. What sets schools apart is that they have a lasting impact on future...
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Christmas concert on the last day of school

Posted on18 Dec 2020
This year’s IGS Christmas program ended today. There was an Advent plate with special Advent goodies in all school classes this morning. Then everyone met in the forum for the Christmas Concert. After a brief opening by our school principal, the program started with the very little ones who sang two traditional German Christmas carols, one of which was...
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Advent at the IGS

Posted on18 Dec 2020
“I didn’t even know that the teachers could sing so beautifully,” whispered a little penguin from the 1st grade as the teachers’ choir sang for the students as an Advent surprise. The Advent door in front of Villa B had wonderful surprises ready for the 2nd week of Advent. There were waffles for everyone, a carousel for the little...
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DSD II Oral Exam

Posted on18 Dec 2020
On Monday, December 14th, the 11th grade students faced the final part of the German Language Diploma, Level 2 (DSD II): the oral exam. The DSD II is an official language certificate from the Conference of Ministers of Education and Cultural Affairs and is accepted in Germany as proof of language proficiency at levels B2 / C1 for university...
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