News from the IGS

Water fun and holiday atmosphere

Posted on25 Jun 2024
In both houses in the U6 area, the topic this week is saying goodbye. While in House G, the children are still busy experimenting, in House D the “Fun Week” is in full swing. Here they bake, celebrate, do crafts and even go to the cinema.  The highlight of the week is the big water fight, for which all...
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Tinker Adventure Park

Posted on25 Jun 2024
On Friday, the school year ended for the children in the school entry program with a final trip to Tinker Adventure Park. All the children arrived at school on time and well prepared, and were of course very excited. After a long bus ride to D7, the children were amazed when they entered the park. After we had gotten...
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Visit to the orphanage

Posted on22 Jun 2024
Last week Saturday some of the Class 10 and 11 students left bright and early to visit the orphanage on the bus laden with many donations of clothing, toys and some non-perishable foods from IGS community and the French community. We arrived to see the excited group of girls aged from around 3 years to 17 years old waving...
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Last Parent Play Date of the Year

Posted on22 Jun 2024
This school year, several special playdates took place. For the end of the year, the parents from the U6 area wanted to get involved and organized an afternoon of play. In addition to physical and board games, a basketball hoop was even set up. With great dedication from the parent representatives, a colorful afternoon was created where both young...
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Music concert

Posted on14 Jun 2024
Concert at IGS After many months of preparation, the final day of the double-feature concerts broke upon the singers, musicians and dancers of the combined IGS Community Choir. Some Schubert, various folk songs, an evensong from Africa and the wonderfully performable “In a Persian Market” by Alfred Ketèlbey were performance ready. What was left was the unbearable unknown factor...
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